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Athena's Pov:

I woke up a little later than usual this morning with my arm throbbing. Groaning I make my way to the kitchen to take some pain killers and then go start my day.

I shower and do all the good things then head back to my room to make my bed. I don't have much in this apartment. I sold most of the valuable things for cash to pay the debt. So when you walk into the apartment to the left you have the living area that has a couch and a paining on the wall since I sold the TV.

To the right is the kitchen that has no table or chairs since again, I sold them. I don't have much money left over after pay rent, bills and the debts so the fridge is usually pretty empty. I keep juice boxes just in case for my diabetes, along with some other bits.

If you walk back a little more there are three doors, one is the bathroom and one is my room. The other room was my foster parents. I just use it as storage, not that I have much to store.

My room is quite bare, there is a mattress on the floor with a few blankets and my duvet, with my one pillow and this stuffed animal I've had for a really long time. I also have a closet that is built into the wall. It contain my five different outfits and two pairs of shoes.

I go to my bag that is sitting on the kitchen counter and take out my glucose monitor, then prick my finger and test the blood. My doctor keeps telling me to get this new device called a Dexcom it is much more efficient in managing diabetes but I can't afford that thing.

Once making sure that mine fine and within a good limit I head to my room and change into an outfit for the day, as I do I admire the tattoo on my back.

Then I do my hair. I just brush it out and braid two of these pretty chains into it.

I was just about to go eat something what my phone buzzed

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I was just about to go eat something what my phone buzzed. I look at the caller ID it was the clinic I was at last night.

"Hello?" I answer. "Hello! Is this Athena Cullens I am speaking to?" The women on the other line asks.

"Yes this is she what can I help you with?" I ask her as I dig through the fridge. "I just wanted to confirm your appointment for 10am to get a brace for you wrist." She asks.

10am?! WTF

I look at the time to see its 9am right now.

"Uhh yeah... 10am is fine I'll see you then." I tell her and we say our goodbyes.

Well great now I don't have time for breakfast. I look up the way to the clinic from here and see I can catch a bus if I leave now. I grab my things and lock the door behind me.

It's a chilly morning. I am so glad I wore my thermal tights. I swear these were like the best purchase I ever made. The ground I covered in brown sludge where the snow has melted. There was a snow storm the past week so it's been extra miserable.

I finally make it to the bus stop and wait. It shows up about 15 minutes later. I get on and pay before taking my seat. I am sitting for about five minutes when my phone start to ring.

I look to see it's Atlas calling me. "Hey lova boy." I tease him. Can practically hear his eyes roll through the phone. "Hey thena, I wanna ask you something. Do you think you can do a race tonight? I know it's last minute but I hired new staff for the club and Jack says they are down a racer. If you win you can keep all the earnings. PLEASE say yes, because I already told them you would do it." I sit there and listen to him.

"You bitch! How dare you say yes on my behalf.. but yes I'll do it." I sigh knowing I need the money.

"Fuck yeah! Thanks so much sugar plum." I groan at the nickname.

I finally reach my stop and say goodbye to Atlas and make my way into the clinic. After greeting the receptionist who told me to take a seat I look around the clinic for a while. It is a very nice clinic one of the better ones I've been to.

I am called back by a doctor who put a blue cast on my arm. Apparently the fracture was a little worst than they thought and to be safe instead of a brace they went with a cast but true to the mans word it didn't cost me cent. The doctor said that the cost was already covered.

About an hour later I walk out of the clinic and head to Atlas' house that he shares with is younger sister who is ten. I hung out there for the rest of the day until the babysitter for Clara came and Atlas and I left.

He dropped me to garage so I can collect my car. I fucking love my baby. I pull up to the race course and enter my name 'White dahlia'. I am pretty good at what I do so quite a lot of people know my name.

"Alright races! On my count. 3..2..1..GO!" With that we are off. I am pulling third through lap one, gaining speed and over take for second place. The guy in first is really good, We are neck in neck but I pull forward just enough to take first place as we cross the finish line.

The crowd cheers as I step out of the car to take my money. The guy who comes in second steps out and we make eye contact and both freeze. It was one of the boys from table 16. 

We both snap out of our staring contest as sirens are heard. People are running trying to get away, the boy takes my hand and we run too. I guess we weren't fast enough as we were both tackled to the floor causing me to let out a whimper when I fall on my wrist.

"Get off of her! You're hurting her!" The boy yell at the police. All they do is tell him to shut up as they twist my wrist more to prove a point. I let out a scream as the man twists it. A few tears leave my eye as I am hauled to a car and sat in the back seat.

The boy is sat in another car beside the one I am in. He kept looking at me until the cars started to move at take us to the station.

I am fucked.

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