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Athena's Pov:

"And what pray tell are you both up to?"

My head whips around faster than Gordon Ramsey whips his eggs. Two men stand by the kitchen door, both wearing amused looks on their faces. I run with the orange juice still in hand over to Gabriel and hide behind him.

I don't know why but sometimes I get shy for no reason. It is actually really annoying but I can't control it. When I peak around Gabriel the two men's faces have softened as they approach the two of us.

"Sorry princess, we didn't mean to frighten you." One of the men says. "It's okay." I mumble, but it's seems they heard me since they both smile. "So you both wanna tell us what you're doing up at the ass crack of dawn?" Let's call him muscle man says.

"We were making breakfast, were we not allowed?" My question seems to have both the men stiffen before the other man, who we shall call Sweaty Betty speaks. Both men look like they just got in from the gym or something. They are all sweaty and gross.

"Honey, you can make food whenever you want at anytime. I didn't mean for you to think you weren't allowed." With a nod of my head I take Gabriel's hand and haul him to the table where our food is going cold.

The two men get into the kitchen and start taking things out. Probably making their own breakfasts. Me and Gabriel eat in silence as the two men cook up some omelettes for themselves.

"Sooooo.....What's your guys names? Or should I stick to the nicknames I've given you already?" I say as I take another bite of my food. The two men and Gabriel all look amused at me. "Nicknames huh? Well let's hear them." Sweaty Betty says to me smugly.

"Well, You are Muscle man, you know...for obvious reasons. And you, you are Sweaty Betty, which is also very self explanatory." I tell them waving my fork around. Gabriel tried not to choke on his food as the two men looked at me in disbelief.

"Okay...rude. My name is Michael, so no more Sweaty whatever you said." Michael points at me with a fake stern look. "I don't know man, I quite like my nickname. I mean look at me, she's not wrong." Muscle man starts to flex his arms to show off.

"Great now look what you've done. His ego was big enough before, I'm pretty sure it just grew ten times bigger." Michael groaned out as I along with Gabriel staggered a laugh. "Oh I'm Sergio by the way. We are both twenty two. Also your cousins." Oh wow cousins.

I was about to take another bite of my pancakes what yelling could be heard from upstairs. The boys acted like it was nothing new so I ignored it too and just kept eating. The yelling grew louder and louder, I got a little worried but we all remained silent.

A moment later the door to the kitchen burst open making both Gabriel and I flinch and jump in our seats. The boy who looked like Kaden scanned the room and when his eyes found mine they widened.

He ran back out of the kitchen and started yelling again. The next time he appeared he was with a lot of other men and boys. I was slightly uncomfortable being around so many males but I kept my mouth shut and just continued to eat.

Some of the men got busy in the kitchen as the others sat at the larger table chatting to each other. I think Gabriel sensed I was uncomfortable so once we were both finished our food he took both our dished to the sink and then took my hand to lead us out of the kitchen.

"Hey not so fast, come back over here you two." The man, my brother Elijah said to Gabriel and I. We turned around to find everyone staring at us. "Athena, you need to check your sugar Angel." He has my Glucose Kit in his hand to show me.

I really hate this diabetes shit.

I make my way over to him ready to take the kit but he doesn't let me. He gestures to me, asking permission to lift me. With confusion I give him a small nod and he lifts me onto the counter. The men have all mostly stopped their conversations now to watch us.

Elijah opens the kit and take out all the bits needed. I wonder how he knows all this. He next takes one the antiseptic wipes and swipes it against my finger. Next he takes my finger pricker and holds it to my finger.

I close my eyes and turn my face away from him. Under his breath he counts to three and pokes my finger. My body jumps a little as it always does when I have to do this. "Hey, all done now. Good job princess." Elijah says to me as he looks at the monitor.

His smile immediately turns into a frown when he reads the screen. "What's it say?" I grab the monitor from him and groan when I read the screen. "Stupid mother fucker." I mumble at the maching.

"Watch the language princess." One of the men tells me sternly. I look at him unbothered right now. Elijah takes out one of the small bottles of insulin and a needle. I immediately look away. "Hey it's okay, just a small poke and all done. Okay?" Sergio or muscle man tells me as he comes up beside me.

I lean into him when I feel the antiseptic wipe on my arm. "Alright princess, ready, 1,2,3..." I tense when I feel the needle go into my skin and a whimper leaves me lips. Sergio's arms wrap around me as he holds me in place.

"Shh it's okay sweetie. All done now. It's all done." Elijah whispers into my ear as he takes me into his arms. I bury my head into his neck. Why am I so scared of needles, you may be asking yourself. Well, so am I. I have no idea why I am so scared of them they have just always terrified me.

When I calm down I wiggle to be let down and Elijah does so, I walk up to Gabriel and take his hand again and then we leave the room. We walk back to my room and I sit on the bed. "You okay." He asks me standing by the door. I give him a small nod still a bit shaky.

He nods more so to himself before he leaves the room only to return a few moments later with a t-shirt, sweat pants and some socks. "Take a shower, you should find everything you need in the bathroom. I'll come back in an hour and we can watch a movie." Gabriel points over to a door to where I assume there is a bathroom within.

When he leaves again I got into the bathroom and sure enough, just like Gabriel has said everything I could need is in there. Hair brush, lip balm, Shampoo, face masks, everything. I hop in the shower and get washing in the hot water.

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