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Athena's Pov:

Following the other students into the classroom I take a seat in the second last row by the windows. Light chatter is heard from the other students while I focus on taking out my iPad and notebook as well as my pencil case. Once I'm settled in I finally look around the classroom.

There are a few Italian verb posters or random words in Italian on the walls. The teacher is not here yet but most of the chairs are filled. In the back corner in the last two rows sit a group of two girls and two boys. 

I can see them looking my way. You know when you just know that people are talking about you but if you were to say anything you would look crazy? yeah, that is how I feel right about now. They keep whispering and then looking at me. 

Deciding not to focus on them I turn my head back to the top of the classroom as the door opens again. A teacher walks in, a women whole looks young enough smiles brightly at us. "Good morning students. It's lovely to see you all back. I trust you all has a great break. Now we-" 

She is cut off as the door to the room opens again. This time a boy walks in. The teacher raises an eyebrow at the student and speaks. "Class has started you are late." She speaks. 

The who previously wore a stone look on his face greets her with a charming smile. "Very sorry. It's my first day. I got turned around. I hope you can understand." The teachers face now has that big smile back on it.

"Oh well of course. I know this won't happen again since you have now found the class. Si?" The boy nods his head and looks to the class of students before walking. My eyes widen as I realise he is coming nearer and nearer to me. 

This also happens to be when I realise the only empty seat left is the one beside me. Crap. He's like really fucking hot and now he is going to be sitting beside me. Oh shit.

The boy plops down in the chair and takes out a laptop and notebook and then looks at me. "Hi, I'm sorry to ask but would you have a pen to spare? It seems I forgot to pack my pencil case this morning." His voice is deep and smooth and makes my inside feel all tingly.

Christ on a cracker. 

I nod my head and grab a black pen for him. "Thank you... Athena." He says reading my name off the engraved pen. Fuck does having my name engraved on my stationary make me look pretentious?


I give him a small smile and look back at the teacher when she starts speaking again. "Sorry class as I was saying. We have two new comers this morning. Athena and Miles welcome." Miles looks at me with a small smile as the teacher continues to talk. 

She is having people stand and talk about with they did over the break. I listen and clap when they finish with the rest of the class. But unlike them I never raise my hand to speak. Yeahhh not sure I'll be speaking today.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as Miles pushes his notebook over to me. At the top of the page he wrote.

Where did you move from?  


Cool. I moved here with my older sister a couple weeks ago. 

She has live here a while but I moved here from Norway.

Your name isn't Norwegian.

Dads American. Moms Norwegian. 

My sister moved here for work and now I've decided to join her here 

What about you?

Moved here to be with family.

I look up from my writing as a girl throws some papers on our desk. Looks like work sheets. I take three and hand three to Miles. "Thanks love." I get to work on them forgetting about the notebook and the fact that I'm all flustered because the cute boy sitting next to me just called me love. 

All too soon class is over and I'm packing all my things up. "So what class do you have next?" Miles asks as I zip my bag up. I give him my schedule and he looks it over. "Cool we have math together." I give him a look because I know I'm in advanced placement for most of my subjects. 

"They put me in in this class to help with my Italian but I'm actually supposed to be a senior this year." I give him a nod and we start walking to our math class. As we walk down the corridors it doesn't go unnoticed that people are looking at us.

I'm going to have to look this guy up later.

Once we reach our class it seems the teacher is already in there a middle aged bald guy. The class seems full so when we walk in most people look up. I give an uneasy look around the class trying to find Kaden finally I spot him in the back and give him a smile. One which he returns with a small nod. 

"Oh! Our two new students. Why don't you both introduce yourselves to the class." The teacher seems nice enough but there is no way I'm doing that. "I um think we are okay if you don't mind. I think we would both like to take out seats." 

Miles says to the teacher who give him a nod and says "Of course. I think there are two desks back there. Why don't you both go sit." With a nod Miles guides me with his hand on my back to out desks. He lets me go in first so that I am by the windows and he is sitting at the desk nearest the isle.

Kaden and another boy are sat behind us. I focus on the lesson writing in my notebook so that I'm not thinking about the muscular thigh that is pressed up against the side of my own. All too soon the class is over and I see Kaden who is looking at Miles with a stone look. 

For the love of all thing holy.

Kaden please don't punch him.

Or kill him.

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