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Athena's Pov:

The rest of the day I spent by myself working up the courage to call Atlas. I pace back and forth in the room waiting for his call. He had text earlier that he had some information for me and would call at six.





*Ring ring*

I grab the phone from the bed and continue pacing back and forth. "Atlas?" I answer as he greets me. "What's wrong? I can tell just from the tone of your voice something is wrong. Did they hurt you? You better tell me right now Athena before I go other there and bring you home with me."

That's one of the reasons he is my best friend for all time. I believe every word, he has done just as he has threatened before.

"No, no. Nothing like that happened. But, but I do have to tell you something. I really don't want to go and leave you behind. My d- Silas told me that we are going back to their actual house in a few days. It's in Italy, they live in Italy and I have to go there too." I whine down the phone not liking the fact the we will be even further away from each other.

Atlas is the only family I have ever known, he is my brother not by blood obviously, but always in my heart.

"It'll all be okay kid, I knew when I looked into the location you gave me. I was actually calling to tell you that they actually lived in Italy. I'll make sure to go out and visit as much as I can. You can get that rich Daddy of yours to pay tho." I laugh at his attempt at a joke.

We chat a few moments more when Atlas get serious again.

"Love, there is something I wanted to bring up with you though. When I was looking into you biologicals there is some stuff that isn't adding up. And, I don't mean to alarm you but I do want you to be an guard just in case but, I think that they have some ties to the Italian Mafia. I'm still looking into the information and trying to get more. Please just tell me you will do what you can to stay safe?"

I freeze when he tells me that little nugget of information. They have ties to the Italian Mafia. Holy fucking shizzles.

"I had a feeling they were involved in something, but not this. Like Kaden at the underground race. But this.... Fuck."

The door to my room opens and Gabriel stands there looking at me. Probably questioning who I'm on the phone with. "Hey Atlas, I've gotta go, love ya."

"You too babes."

I hang up the phone and turn my attentions to Gabriel who doesn't look to happy.

"You good?" I ask, crossing my feet over as I lean my top half against the head board of my bed. He nods his head before telling me it's time for dinner so I get off the bed and walk behind him still texting Atlas meme's.

I snicker at one he send back to me as I sit in my chair at the dining table. I finally put my phone down when the maids bring the food in. It is chicken, mash potatoes and vegetables. My phone vibrates a few time through dinner catching the attention of some of the people at the table.

I don't look or ignoring it since I don't want to be disrespectful. I see Gabriel lean over to Kaden and whisper something in his ear and then Kaden's eyes lock wit mine. His eye gesture to my phone and then he mouths 'Boyfriend?'

I shake my head 'no' and he lets out a sigh and relaxes, so does Gabriel. Would it be so bad if I did have a boyfriend? "So, we are heading back to Italy tomorrow." I whip my head to Silas as he talks.

"Tomorrow?" I voice quiet and sad. Everyone looks at me shocked and frozen by the sadness in my voice. "Yes bambina, tomorrow. I'm sorry I told you a few days but things came up at work that need my attention." I deflate into my chair.

"Will I be able to say goodbye to Atlas before we go?" I question to which everyone who doesn't know about him looks either ready to murder or plan a fricken wedding.

"I'm sorry I don't have ti-" Silas is cut off by Luna. "I can take to say goodbye to him in the morning. That okay with you baby?" I nod, grateful and say a thank you.

"Can we back up a little. Who's this little shit?" One of the cousins say with a snarl. I flinch back at his tone, Silas steps in his voice booming. "How dare you speak to you sister that way, the boy is none of anyone's business. Apologise Tomas."

He indeed does apologise while reluctantly and then topic is dropped. I excuse myself from the table and let Atlas know I'm going to swing around tomorrow morning. I spend the next hour packing all my things into my bags and stashing them by the door.

When that is finished I got and shower taking my time. When I'm all finished and re-dressed and head back into the room only to find Gabriel, Finn and Kaden lounging in the room. Kaden is laying in the bed, Finn in the chair and Gabe by the door, looking uncomfortable.

"What's going on?" I ask taking a seat on the bed, beckoning Gabe to the bed also. He sits so that I'm in between him and Kaden. Finn frowns at being left out and lays at our feet on the bed too. "We wanted to make sure you were okay." Finn tells me as he pulls a blanket over himself and our feet.

"I'm fine. Just a little sad I guess." I shrug my shoulders to show I'm not much bothered but I don't think they believe me fully. "We're sorry about Tomas. He has a temper. But he really is harmless. Big talk is all."

I nod in understanding and then we all turn our attention to the TV, watching what ever garbage Finn had turned on. I rest my head on Gabriel and soon Finn retreats from the end of the bed and under the covers with the rest of us.

Silence takes over and after a while I look around noting that they are all asleep. Finn is cuddled into Kaden, Kaden is holding my left and and Gabriel has a hand wrapped around my waist. I turn the TV down so it's barely audible, I check the door is open and then turn off one of the lamps.

I then lay my head back this time onto Gabe's chest as he pulls my closer to him. My eyes flutter closed and I let a dreamless sleep take over me.

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