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Luna's Pov:

"Thank you so much for holding this for me." When I received a message from Alice I knew Athena would just love this bag. Big enough for her to use for school. It really is darling.

"Oh no, it's my pleasure. I knew it was exactly what you were looking for when you contacted me. Enjoy." I leave the store and walk back the way my babies are when Ellen stops me.

Ellen Bianchi, an English heiress married to an Italian business man. She will never be on my level, which is probably why she sneers whenever she is near me. "Oh Ellen, how nice to see you."

"Luna. How lovely to see you. Back already from your little trip?" She should really take that sneer off her face before it becomes permanent. "Oh yes. A lovely time was had but now trying to get ready for the kids to go back to school. Some last minute shopping and what not."

I gesture to some of the bags I'm holding. With a judgemental laugh she opens her fake lips again. "A lot of women's clothing and accessories for school shopping don't you think?" So that is what this is about, Athena.

Instead of indulging in her run around games I go to tell her off for sicking her nose where is doesn't belong, I glance down at my phone quick when is rings. My eyes going wide as I read the message from Gabe.

'Security taking Athena, Help.'

"I have to go." I brush past Ellen and head over to the security hut who point me in the direction of customer services.

"Does someone want to tell me where the fuck my children are." My voice booming above the noise of a crying girl and people chatting around.

"Mrs. D'Angelo, you son is fine and you're free to take him. But he refuses to leave his girlfriend alone. Ms. Bianchi has made it clear there might be some sort of manipulation going on. She describes that she and her friends were worried as you know you son can't speak for himself. And when they tried to intervene the girl got violent."

Every word make the anger in me burn hotter and hotter as he continues. "We restrained her and brought them back here, we recommend you speak to your son and press charges along with Ms. Bianchi to keep the girl away." The officer actually look smug as her speak to me.

"Where. Are. They?"

The rage is feel is barely being contained right now. As the officer opens the door to the back room I see both my kids chatting to one another with out a care in the world. Good. I drop the bags to the side and approach them both.

"Hello my children. Care to explain why you were taken by mall security?" My voice sweet. Gabe knows me to well to see all the anger under the surface. Athena is too new still but is picking up in the vibes.

"Mama it's not Athena's fault. Honest." Gabe speaks up. The guard jerks back in surprise. I remain where I am, an eyebrow lifted. "That girl was being rude and started to touch Gabe." Athena mumbles eye trained in the ground.

After some more back and forth I get a picture of what happened. "This is the truth?" I look to them both. Each nodding frantically. "I see. Get you're things together I'll be back momentarily."

I stroll out of the back room, the officer trailing after me. There sitting in the corner chair with a bloody nose is Ellen's spawn Rebecca. Ellen of course is babying her. "Ellen, Rebecca. Care to explain why my son and daughter say you Rebecca, where causing trouble?"

My voice portrays no emotion, only authority and they both shrink back. "D-daughter? I-I didn't know. I thought she was taking advantage of poor Gabe. You know with his disability it would be easy for her to do so."

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