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"Do you think your Daddy wants scrambled or fried eggs this morning?"

I laughed as I looked down at Duke, he was tucked into my side as I cooked breakfast with one hand. Duke just stared back at me, his tongue reaching up to lick his nose which only resulted in more laughter. He'd been kept at a sitter during tour and Cal had picked him up a few days ago. The dog and I have spent those days bonding. If I plan on being around for a while it makes sense.

"Well, since he's not awake yet he doesn't get to choose... so scrambled today." Once again, Duke just stared.

I cracked a couple of eggs into a bowl and started finishing making breakfast. I liked how this felt. Being all domestic and shit.

Somewhere, deep down, it has always been a dream of mine to get up early on a Saturday morning to make breakfast for my significant other to wake up to. And maybe Calum could be that person.

Music was blaring as I cooked, I'm honestly surprised that he hasn't woken up yet. He'd come out here eventually and join mine and Duke's dance party. Unironically, when I hit shuffle, 5 seconds of summer started playing. I was about to change it, but when Duke perked up when he heard Calum's voice, I couldn't follow through.

The clearing of a throat clued me into the fact I wasn't alone anymore, I turned around quickly, right after taking the eggs off the stove. "Mornin', Pretty Boy." I'm pretty sure I had the biggest smile on my face.

"Mornin', Sul." he sent back a sleepy smile.

"I made breakfast!" I giggled, holding my free hand up in a triumphant pose.

He just keeps smiling, his eyes glued on me. I can't help but grow nervous and I'm not sure why. The way he's looking at me, his eyes were full of adoration. My heart was so full.

"Why're you looking at me like that?" My question was quiet.

Calum shuffles over to me, "I'll be right back." A kiss to my cheek.

"But breakfast!"

He mumbled something about how he wouldn't be gone long and continued to run off. I just shrugged and sat Duke on the floor, turning back to the food to put it on plates. I'd only made eggs and bacon, but I cooked and it made me happy.

I hummed to myself, it was the boys' song "Bleach" the one, apparently, Cal had written for me. It was the perfect song, I teared up almost every time I listened to it.

I could hear Calum's feet pad back into the room not too long later, "Did you forget something upstairs?" I questioned, getting a headstart on cleaning the mess I'd made it the kitchen.

"Sort of."

My eyebrows furrowed, "What's that supposed to mean?" He didn't clarify, which only made me even more confused.

Why was he taking so long, my stomach's been growling the entire time I was making breakfast, so his stalling wasn't helping. I laughed at my confusion and spun around. This fucker needs to get it together so I can eat before our food gets too cold.

"Calum?" I gasped.

He was down on one knee.

Holy fuck.

He's holding a ring.


A huge ring.

His face held the biggest smile I'd ever seen on him. "This ring has been in my bedside drawer for years now and I've been waiting for the perfect time to give it to you."

Tears were streaming down my cheeks, I probably looked so bad right now.

"But this morning, seeing you in the kitchen with Duke and making breakfast, just simple things, made me realize how much I want this to be a forever thing."


That sounded like Heaven.

Ever since we were young I'd wanted a forever with Calum and it's finally happening.

"So, Sullivan Fisher, what do you say? Will you marry me?"

My eyes focused in on Calum's, his eyes were welled with tears which only made me cry harder. I quickly closed the gap between us, falling to my knees in front of him. I took his face in my hands, pulling him in for a tear-filled kiss.

This was everything I ever dreamed of.

I pulled away from the kiss, leaning my forehead against his. The two of us crying and smiling more than we ever have.

"A thousand times yes."

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Liked by lukehemmings, mackfish, and others sullihome with my boys(:

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Liked by lukehemmings, mackfish, and others
home with my boys(:

tagged: calumhood

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sierradeaton duke is so iconic !!

mackfish my nephew!!!!!
sulli he misses u
mackfish omg

kinsleyp i'm obsessed with this

calumhood happy to be home with my girl (and duke)
sulli love you forever, pretty boy (:
calumhood forever and ever, my love

user1 they're so sweet i'm gonna throw up

crystalleigh this post is so cute i might cry
michaelclifford @sulli fuck you for making my wife cry

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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