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The skort and lace corset top I had on felt perfect for tonight.

Late last night, I received a call from Luke. I quickly picked up, excited to receive a call from my old friend.

After the album release party, everyone kept up communication with me, aside from Calum, despite our separation. Even when I'd released my album, an unconfirmed Calum Hood disstrack, they all called or texted to congratulate me.

Hell, even Mali Koa, Calum's sister, had celebrated my new music.

When Luke called, he sounded desperate. He was rambling on and on about their opener and how she'd broken her foot. Eventually, I got him to tell me the reason behind his call.

They wanted me to be the replacement.

I think I cursed in shock.

He did, however, admit that Calum was unaware of this request. I hated to admit to my long time friend, but i'd been wanting to go on tour, but just hadn't thought anyone would be tickets to see just me. So, this offer was perfect.

I quickly agreed and thanked myself that I had taken a trip to New York, meaning that I was already far closer to Toronto than I would've been if i'd been in LA. So, this morning, I got my hair done bright and early before catching a flight to Toronto with my boy toy of the week.

So, now, here I am. Standing behind my ex boyfriend in the green room of the venue here in Toronto.

"Meet the replacement." Ashton smiled as he saw me in the doorway.

Calum turned around slowly, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. His face then promptly drops when he sees me.

"You picked Sulli?"

I laughed, his lack of enthusiasm seemingly hilarious instead of hurtful. I'm glad i've moved past his words having an impact on me.

"Luke even told me I was their first choice, Pretty Boy." I smirked, knowing what the nickname did to him.

He quickly turned back to his bandmates. "Seriously?"

"What? She makes good music."

"About me!"

I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter. This shouldn't be that funny.

"Exactly, she makes good music." Luke reiterated his previous statement.

Calum groaned, "What the fuck?"

I wanted to say more, but couldn't because an assistant showed up at the door to call me to the stage. Everyone, aside from Calum, wished me luck. I gave them cheesy thumbs up and ran off with the assistant.

My converse clad feet slapped against the ground as we ran together, I was thankful that I already had my in-ears on and only needed to be handed a microphone. Somehow, my band i'd recorded with had all managed to make it here to Toronto before the concert.

When I called to let them know, they all happily agreed, saying that they were more than happy to go on tour. It only meant more publicity for them.

I took a deep breath once I was handed a microphone. I'm really doing this.

I'd never performed live before, so this was a whole new experience.

Holy shit.

I wish Mack and Dad were here. They'd be mega proud of me. But looking back at how rough this past year had been, I can't blame them for not flying all the way here.

Right after my album release, Mum had gotten sick. It was out of nowhere. When Dad told us the sickness had put her in the hospital, Mack and I immediately flew home to Australia — something we hadn't done in a while. Mum and Dad loved visiting us in America, so Mack and I never really ventured home. But the phone call from Dad, one a child never wants to here, brought us home immediately.

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