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"Cal, that concert was amazing!"

I was jumping up and down as the boys all walked off the stage. Calum's arms hooked around my waist as he spun me around, both of us with wide smiles. My hand held the back of his head, my own head leaning against his as I enjoyed the moment.

"You were amazing." He kissed me deeply as he sat me back down on my feet.

I cupped his cheeks, still smiling at him.  I could stay like this forever.

"How about," He paused, leaning in to kiss me again, "we go for another late-night walk in Paris? Like the last time we were here."

I'm not even sure it was possible for me to smile more, but I did. I quickly nodded, "I'd love that actually." My hands slid from his face and down to hold his own.

"Good. Change into comfy clothes and then we'll leave from here? Should hopefully give the crowd enough time to fan out."

I nodded again, kissing him briefly before running off toward my dressing room. I'd worn a pair of leggings and a hoodie to the venue today, so I took off my stage outfit to put those back on. Thankfully, the temperature at night here in Paris was just cool enough for me to be comfortable.

I'd also gone as far as to take off my makeup and start to French braid my hair. "I like your hair like that." Apparently, I was taking longer than I thought I was because Calum was now in here with me.

"Why thank you." I giggled, leaning my head back to look up at him. He leaned down to kiss me, just like I had wanted him to.

It only took me a couple more minutes to finish my hair, and once I did, I collected my personal belongings and followed my boyfriend out the door. His hand ran down my arm to connect with our hands. This felt so right.

"Eiffel Tower?" Calum raised an eyebrow as we exited the venue.

"You mean the place that's an hour or so walk from here?" I raised an eyebrow in return.

He laughed, "Ok, so I call an uber to get us closer to the Eiffel Tower and then we walk?"

I nodded, "Better plan." I pointed at him as I laughed.

"It feels like we're reminiscing." I mused, spinning around in a circle, taking in the scene around me.

It was just last year that we were finally reconnecting again. Sure, we fell apart right after Paris, but we reconnected. Even if only for a moment.

And now, here we are again, in Paris.

"I like this time better." Calum mumbled from behind me. "Crepes on the way back tonight?"

"Of course!" Calum knew the way to my heart. And that was crepes sold from a stand on the side of the street in Paris after midnight. Somehow, they were far better than crepes from anywhere else.

We finally reached the Eiffel Tower, it was dark due to the time, but still as beautiful as ever.

It was breathtaking, I still can't believe this is my life. Traveling the world, visiting new cities, and singing in front of thousands of people. It was crazy.


I hummed as I turned around, Calum had gotten quiet. "Yeah, Cal?"

"It's you, ya know?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, unsure of what he meant. He stepped closer, taking my hands in his, and locking his eyes with mine. A soft laugh fell from his lips, almost as if he couldn't believe what he was saying.

"I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you, all those years ago. Everything about you, Sulli." He smiled brightly, "I love you."

Tears stung at my eyes, "I remember when we were younger, it was the day you asked me to be your best friend, I knew. I just knew that it was going to be so much more." Now, when I looked at Calum, his eyes were welling with tears as well, "Or the times we'd run to the beach, hand-in-hand, I would think about how there was no one else I'd rather do that with."

He let go of my hands, reaching up to cup my cheeks. "You, Sullivan. When I looked into your eyes for the first time, I knew I never wanted to stop. Oh, and your laugh? Fuck, I never want that to stop. And when I felt your love... I knew I wanted to feel it for as long as I live. And, even though we broke up and were apart for years, I never stopped loving you." His thumbs caressed my cheeks, brushing fallen tears away.

I dropped my head on his chest.

He'd told me he never stopped loving me before, but everything he's said, about our past and about how he felt, all hit me so hard. This was real.

"Fuck, Calum." I laughed, tears rolling down my cheeks. "I love you so much." I kissed him sloppily, as I attempted to wipe away my tears. "And I'm not just saying that, I truly do. I've just not got it all thought out like you."

He kissed me again.

"Good, 'cause otherwise, this would've been really awkward."

And now we were laughing, because it was impossible for us to stay serious. But that's what I loved about us. We'd known each other the majority of our lives and could be this comfortable around each other. Even if it meant laughing about love confessions, after midnight, in Paris.

I think that's what makes us great

for kiki0626

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