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mackfish posted a story!

mackfish posted a story!

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"Holy fuck, i'm already mega tipsy." I giggled as we all climbed out of the uber.

Mack tightened the grip on her arm, "Well, act sober so they actually let you into the club." She didn't even try to go slow as she pulled me toward the line to get in.

Crystal giggled, already having a little alcohol in her, "At least our mission to get Sulli drunk won't take that long."

"Totally worth skipping the concert for." Sierra shrugged, linking arms with Crystal as they trailed behind us.

By the time we reached the bouncers, i'd once again mastered my 'act sober' persona. I've had to do this once or twice. That was probably why Mack didn't worry about asking me to do so.

"Enjoy your night, ladies." the man mumbled, ushering the 4 of us in so he could get to the next in line.

Mack immediately led us to the bar, ordering 4 shots to 'keep the party going' which totally made sense for her. I'd talked to Mack's school friends that were still in town while I was crashing with her and they all told me that my little sister was the party queen.

Go her, honestly.

"3, 2, 1." Sierra counted us down to take the shots.

I only gagged a little bit.

I don't think i'll ever get used to the taste.

"Dance?" Sierra asked after a few more shots.

I nodded before I downed the rest of the cocktail in front of me, enjoying the buzz I felt flowing through my body. Sierra reached a hand out to me and lead me to the dance floor, which was packed.

For the life of me, I hope no one recognizes us tonight. It always complicates things. I'm not technically famous, but i've been associated with a world famous band for over a decade now, so sometimes people like to treat me like a celebrity. I wanted to be anonymous tonight, someone who blended into the crowd.

I wanted tonight to just be me and the girls, no needed.

My ex boyfriend had broken my heart yet again, and i'd really like to forget it. And him.

Sierra and I had only been on the dance floor for maybe 10 minutes before Mack and Crystal joined. Which only made it better. Dancing with my girls.

I don't know I looked toward the door, but I did. And sure enough, in walked Luke, Ashton, Michael, Calum, and the girl.... Kinsley? My smile faltered, and of course Mack noticed.

"What happened?" she questioned, tapping my cheek with her manicured finger.

I pitifully laughed, "The boys and the new girl walked in, who knew they'd choose this club for post-concert?"

Mack reached down and grabbed my hand, squeezing it. "Forget them! We're here to get drunk and forget that asshole."

She was right.

I started dancing again, not letting the thought of him and his new girl ruin my night. Alcohol was still coursing through my veins, so it only took mere seconds for me to stop caring about him. It was great.

A soft squeeze to my hip caught my attention, I turned quickly to have my eyes fall on the curly hair of my best friend. "Ash!" I smiled, throwing myself into a hug.

His arms looped around my hips, "Missed you, Sul."

There goes my smile again, but it wasn't his fault. He didn't know that that was the nickname he always called me.

"Drink this." he handed me his drink. "Didn't know you'd be here, otherwise I would've taken them somewhere else."

He knew what I needed.

So I did what he said and downed the drink, wincing at how strong it was. But the alcohol truly helped.

Ashton kissed my temple and walked away, knowing that the boys would come looking if he was gone for too long.

Shortly after he left my side, I felt strong hands on my hips. Peeking behind me, I saw it was some random guy, he just wanted to dance. So, I gave into it, might as well have a good time while i'm trying to forget the guy that's broken my heart more than once.

He pulled me closer, the two of us grinding against each other, not that I cared. He was at least somewhat attractive.

I looked up again, a dumb decision honestly. I don't know why I keep doing this, but I made eye contact with Calum upon doing so.

His arm was wrapped around that Kinsley girl's waist, a drink in his hand. Random guy behind me had his hands exploring my body.

Both Calum and I were torturing the other, it was fine. But if he wanted to go out and get himself a girlfriend then he has no right in saying who I can spend my time with.

The more I looked at my ex boyfriend, through my drunken haze, I could've sworn his knuckles were turning white with how tight he was squeezing the glass. Not that I cared. He's a big boy and can make his own decisions and one of those decisions was getting a girlfriend out of nowhere.

And i'm a big girl who can make her own decisions and my decision is that i'm going to do what and who I want, when I want.

just gotta get the ball rolling

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