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The back of the tour bus had a sort of extra room with a semi-circle couch and a collapsable table. We often used this room for song writing or whenever we needed a moment alone.

I'm not totally sure as to why I'm back here right now.

I mean, I'm working on new music, but I think I'm also hiding from Calum? We'd talked through things last night, agreeing that maybe we should get back together, but he was still with Kinsley. And until he decided to do something about their relationship, I had told myself I was going to give him space.


I looked up at who had called my name, my heart clenching at the sight of Kinsley. She looked sad and I knew that Calum had probably talked to her this morning before we got on the bus.

I hated the timing here, we were stuck on this bus for nearly two days since we were going to stay at a hotel about halfway between Florida and Texas.

"Come sit." I patted the only clear section of the couch. I had notebooks to my left and everyone else had left other junk on it that I'd pushed to the side when I claimed the back room for myself this morning.

Kinsley let out a shaky breath as she sat down. "He broke up with me this morning."

I tried to ignore the fact that my hands were shaking, "Did you he tell you why?" I'm not sure if I'm going to lose a friend over this.

My heart hurt when I saw the tears welling up in her eyes as she nodded, a few falling. I reached over and was quick to wipe them away, feeling somewhat responsible for her sadness.

A sad laugh fell from Kinsley's lips, "It's not like I didn't think this wouldn't eventually happen."


"What do you mean?" Now I'm confused.

"Sulli," Kinsley laughed again, only making my confusion worse. "He's head over heels for you! It was obvious from the start, but I convinced myself it was fine because I didn't think you'd ever come back around since he cut you out of his life like he did."

"But I did."

She nodded, her hands reaching out for mine, "Yeah, and the past couple of weeks he's been pulling away."

"I swear I didn't join the tour just to steal your boyfriend, Kinny." Tears were stinging at my eyes.

Again, she laughed. "I know, Sulli! Cal even told me you wouldn't let him kiss you again until he ended things with me. You're one of my best friends now, I know you'd never purposely hurt me."

She was right.

I never thought Kinsley would end up as one of my favorite people, but she had. She was one of the kindest and most genuine people I have ever met.

"Are you ok?" I broke one of my hands free from her grasp, reaching up to hold her cheek.

She just shrugged, and I can't blame her. "I will be. I'm sad because he's such a sweetheart... oh, and the sex was great, I'll miss that, but I'll be okay."

We both burst into laughter. Only Kinsley would be that casual talking about her sex life.

I can't blame her though. Sex with Calum was always on a totally different level than sex with anyone else. There was just something about him.

We fell into a bout of silence, Kinsley perfectly fine playing on her phone next to me while I continued in writing my song. Right now, the song seemed kind of funny to me, but I was pouring my heart out. I loved being able to write from experience, it just made singing the song all the more fun.

An idea popped into my head randomly, a memory from days prior. "Have you ever thought about the possibility of dating Ashton?"

I looked over to Kinsley and saw her cheeks flushed a deep red color.

Holy fuck. "Maybe."

I gasped, slapping the girl's arm. "You're kidding!" I was truly shocked.

"Well," Kinsely started, dropping her voice so that no one could hear what we were talking about, "When Calum started to pull away, Ash and I got closer. Nothing ever happened, but he's such a great guy and I think I started to fall for him? I felt guilty at first because I was still in a relationship, but when I realized I was basically just waiting for Calum to end things... I let myself fall."

I couldn't help the excited shriek that left my mouth, slapping my hands over it as I attempted to muffle the noise.

Ashton and Kinsley had great chemistry that was for sure. I knew that Ashton had to feel something for the brunette seeing as I had caught him staring longingly at her time and time again. I think it'd be cute.

"So, you're not mad at me?" I asked randomly, the crushing feeling of guilt looming.

Kinsley shook her head, dropping it on my shoulder, "Nope. Little upset that I have to go through the beginning stages of a relationship again, but I could never be made at you, Sulli."

"Okay, good. I don't know what I'd do if you were."

"Probably cry."

idk it's short
but i love their friendship sm

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