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The concert had finished an hour or so ago, and here I am. Or shall I say, here we are.

Calum had basically dragged me back to his hotel room, claiming that he hadn't had enough time with me that afternoon. Which made sense, since and hour after I left the picnic with the girls they'd called me and said they were coming to check on me since i'd say I wasn't feeling well.

I had cursed upon ending the call, scrambling out of bed with Calum to pull my clothes back on and run to my own hotel room. Calum cursed as well.

He texted me later saying he despised the fact that Crystal and Sierra had "cockblocked" him.

My eyes were struggling to stay open, it had been a long day, but I wasn't complaining. And my head on Calum's bare chest, listening to his steady heartbeat wasn't helping. His fingers were lightly running up and down my arm, tracing patterns as we laid in silence.

I could get use to this.

Wait, no. We're only hooking up.

That's it.


I hummed in response, too tired to form any words.

Calum chuckled, hearing my tiredness. "Up for a walk, like old times?"

A late night walk does seem like fun. "To where?"

"Eiffel Tower." he squeezed my arm. "You love it there and it's late, so it'll just be us."

I propped myself up, turning to face the boy. I didn't even care that the comforter covering me had slipped, Calum's eyes were locked on mine.

"I'd like that."

He smiled softly at me, his hand reaching up to cup my cheek. "Let's get dressed then, can't go out like this." I tried not to react when his thumb brushed across my cheekbone.

I leaned into his hand, softly smiling back before pushing myself off of the bed.

I'd changed into sweats and a tshirt before coming over tonight, so I was thankful I didn't have to put on the outfit i'd worn to the concert. Jeans and a corset top were not my sort of "late night walk" type of outfit.

Hands around my waist and Calum's body against mine clued me into the fact that he was also now ready to go. His head tucked into my neck, tightening his grip around my waist.

"Ready?" he mumbled, pressing a kiss to my neck.

I chuckled, reaching up to run my fingers through his hair. "Sure am, Pretty Boy."

He let go and I fought my want to whimper at his body's absence from my own. I watched as he slid his room key and phone into his pockets, reaching a hand out for mine, before taking hold of it and walking out of the room. It was well after midnight, so we didn't worry about running into the others.

"You know the trains aren't running anymore, right?" I broke the silence as we walked out of the hotel.

Calum paused for a second, "Uh, extra long walk?" He seemed a tad flustered.

I laughed, tucking myself into his side. "I like walks."

We linked arms and started the journey to the Eiffel Tower. For the most part, we walked in silence, just comfortable be in each other's presence. Going on walks was one of my favorite things to do, especially in big cities.

Occasionally, Calum would tug me in a direction, I didn't question it, just followed. I always felt safe with him. It didn't matter where we were or what was going on, as long as Calum was by my side I was okay.

"Look." Calum spoke softly.

I looked to where he was pointing, seeing the Eiffel Tower coming into view. Had we really been walking for that long already?

"It's beautiful." Every time I saw the tower it felt like the first time.

Calum took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers, and took off running. A loud laugh burst from my mouth as I ran with him, the action reminding me of when we were kids.

I remember when we were back in Sydney, our Mums would drop us off a kilometer or so from the beach, per our request. We'd race, wanting to beat the other to our destination. Competition was something engrained into me and Calum.

We kept running, both definitely out of breath when we reached the tower, but it didn't matter. This night was perfect.

"I'll never get over this view."

Calum chuckled, "Neither will I."

I could feel Calum's eyes on me, but I chose to ignore it. Because, for some reason, he was making me nervous.

I felt like I had before we started dating nearly 7 years ago now. We'd been best friends for years, but once i'd caught feelings, every time he'd look in my direction i'd get nervous. It was like the world would just stop whenever we'd make eye contact.

And I kind of hate that i'm feeling that way now. 

I went to turn around, to actually face him, knowing that his eyes were on me. Bracing myself so to say.

But then I felt it.


And not just like one or two, no it started pouring. So, when I turned to face the boy his face was not one I expected, but more so one of shock.

"Holy shit." he laughed, rain soaking both of us to the core.

He then reached for me, taking both of my hands in his. I was confused as to why, until he started spinning. He wanted to dance in the rain.

I quickly hopped on board, this was so cliche, but I loved it. When we were little, we'd dance in the living room together. I'm pretty sure one of our mums has a video of it somewhere.

This went on for a while, dancing under the moon light, the Eiffel Tower in the background. It was beautiful.

Then I got a chill. I stopped Calum, hands holding tight to his biceps, "We should probably get back to the hotel and out of these wet clothes before we get sick."

He shrugged, agreeing with me. "Take a hot shower with me?"

Calum would be the one to suggest that.

"Of course."

y'all think this story is
going in one direction and it's
truly going in another lol

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