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"So, have you two hooked up yet?"

I choked on my water as I walked through the backstage of the venue in Amsterdam. We'd been on tour for 2 weeks now and Mack had been calling me nearly every day now.

"Mack, what the fuck?" I regained my composure. "Me and Cal? Absolutely not."

She scoffed, I stopped trying to figure out what time it was where Mack was living. The 21 year old moved from place to place fairly often. I couldn't keep track.

"You haven't even thought of it? I feel like that's a lie."

"Mack, we're exes. Ok? Yeah i'm flirty with him for fun, but we're exes for a reason. I don't need to go back to him."

I could feel my sister judging me through the phone.

"Yeah, ok. I've seen your instagram posts."

Crystal stood at the stage door, looking to me. It was time for us to get to our places for the concert.

"Whatever you say, Mack. I've gotta go, the boys are about to go on."

"I still think you should fuck your ex, he's hot."

"Oh my god."

I ended the call and shoved my phone in the back pocket of my jeans, running to join Crystal. She grasped my hand and pulled me out the door with her. Apparently, Sierra was already waiting for us.


I nodded, Crystal started expecting my sister being the one who I was always on the phone with. She also knew that the conversations were always rather unhinged.

Mack was supposedly a senior in university. And supposedly out in LA. It's all supposed because the moment my little sister had adult money, she never stayed in one spot for very long. I'm not sure how she hasn't gotten kicked out of uni yet, but here we are.

The crowd started screaming and the boys came out on stage, and a smile stretched across my face. I loved seeing them do this every night.

My eyes always drifted back to Calum. The way he sang so passionately and the way his fingers moved across his bass really got to me. He always put his all into whatever he was doing.

I missed that.

Wait, no. He's my ex.

I can't let myself fall back into him again. We broke up for a reason. Yeah sure, we've known each other for over a decade, but our time as love interests is over.

But the longer I watched Calum up on stage, the more I realized that maybe Mack was right.

I'd been antsy since the show ended.

The boys all were hanging around in the green room, chatting. Us girls were there too, but all I wanted was to get Calum alone.

But he wouldn't get up off the damn couch.

I sat down on the arm of it, directly next to the boy. He glanced up at me, a curious look on his face. I'd been flirty off and on and every time I had, Calum looked curious as to what my motives were.

To be honest, I had no clue what my motives were with all of this. Calum had to invite me to go on tour with them for a reason, right?

Calum continued to talk with the others, content with his fingers just fiddling with the hem of my shirt. He always had been a physical touch person with me. The boy didn't even flinch when I dropped one of my hands onto his shoulder and absentmindedly rubbed a finger across the skin of his neck.

Eventually, the conversation died down and all of the boys agreed to go to their respective dressing rooms to get changed and ready to head back to the hotel. We had a few days before the next show so tomorrow was a "touristy" day which meant we all got to sleep in. They'd also agreed to find their own transportation to the hotel, meaning everyone could take as long as they liked.

I was content that my plan to sneak to Calum's dressing rooms was going to work when I saw Sierra and Crystal go off with their significant others. So, I waited a couple of minutes and then hopped off the couch to make my way back there.

Calum had squeezed my thigh as he walked past earlier, so i'm hoping that means he's not going to totally reject what i'm about to do.

After nearly running down the hall, I found his dressing room, knocking quietly as to not alert anyone else of my presence. It took a couple of seconds, but he opened the door with a questioning look, confused as to who would be knocking.

"May I help you?" he was shirtless.

I think I choked on my saliva.

I quickly recovered and just stared at him. Taking in the sight of him, the boy that used to be mine.

"Fuck it." I breathed out after a few seconds, my hands cupping his face and lips smashing into his in a matter of seconds.

It was obvious Calum was shocked at my action, but he quickly accepted it, pulling me inside and letting the door shut. His hands gripped my waist as he leaned into the kiss.

A few seconds passed and he pulled back for air, the most sickeningly sweet smile on his lips as he stared back down at me.

"Just this once."

so many exciting plans
for this story !!!

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