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"You think we've got enough supplies?"

Crystal laughed at the bags upon bags of party supplies hanging from mine and Kinsley's arms. "More than enough, what're we going to do with it all?"

Kinsley shrugged, "This took us hours to come by, but it's the last show of tour! We've gotta make it special for our boys." She excitedly held up her bags.

Our boys.

I never would've thought tour would've ended this way. Each of us girls in a relationship with one of the boys. I never thought Calum and I would've ended up together again, but we are and i'm in love.. again. It's a great feeling.

"Well, then we better get started decorating before the boys spoil it." Sierra smiled brightly, her and Crystal walking over to us and helping take the bags.

Kinny wasn't lying when she said this took us hours.

We left the hotel at 8am and searched the city of Prague for party supplies. Oddly hard to come by if you don't know where you're supposed to shop for them. But the four of us girls had agreed last night that there needed to be a celebration for the end of tour.

"Did you grab any food or drinks?" Crystal questioned as we unpacked the bags.

I laughed, "No, we got too many party supplies and didn't have enough arms."

Sierra nodded, "Me and Crys can run out a little later and grab stuff, don't worry." She reached her hand into one of our larger bags and pulled a face.

She pulled out a piñata. Kinsley's idea.


I would die for this girl.

Walking off of the stage for the last time during tour was bittersweet.

I'd enjoyed every moment of being the opener for the tour. So, seeing it end was sad. But i'd also done it! I'd gone on tour when I never thought I would.

The past hour or so had been a mixture of us girls putting the finishing touches of our surprise "end of tour party" for the boys and watching the boys sing their hearts out for the last time.

"I might cry." Crystal laughed, a hand rubbing her pregnant belly.

I laughed alongside her, the boys were on their last song. "Me too." We hooked arms, holding each other close.

Kinsley and Sierra were standing right beside us. The four of us usually stuck together.

"I didn't think I was gonna cry." Kinsley pouted.

Sierra pulled into a hug, tears welling in her eyes. "I knew I was."

Now I was crying.

The boys played the final notes of Youngblood before beginning to bow and wave goodbye. I let out an excited scream, tugging on Crystal's arm.

"It's time!" We had to get ready to surprise the boys.

The four of us ran off, definitely earning strange looks from the fans that could see us. We were laughing the whole time. We were let backstage and we ran the rest of the way to the room we'd decorated.

"Crys, you wanna go get them?" Sierra asked, looking up from the food table where she was rearranging things last second.

Crystal nodded, walking off down the hall. Ugh, she was the cutest pregnant lady.

"Do you think they'll love it or hate it?" Kinsley laughed, messing with the piñata.

I shrugged, "Dunno, Kinny, i'm interested to find out."

A couple minutes later, I could hear Crystal talking loudly in the hallway. This was her way to notify us that they were nearing the room. The three of us girls gathered in the middle of the room, struggling to contain our excitement.

"And, in you go!" Crystal announced.

"SURPRISE!" us girls all shouted. I had the biggest smile on my face, I couldn't hide my excitement.

The boys all looked shocked. Rightly so, a seemingly normal room had been transformed in the biggest party i'd seen in a while.

"What is this?" Michael laughed.

Crystal tucked herself into his side, "An end of tour party!"

"We spent way too much money." Kinsley giggled, hopping over to Ashton.

Luke and Calum stared at the piñata hanging from the ceiling, both looking equally confused. I couldn't help but laugh.

The blond shook his head, laughter pouring from his lips as he made his way to his wife. Calum laughed, walking to me. His lips captured mine in the sweetest of kisses.

"Why is there a piñata?" he mumbled against my lips.

I giggled, "Piñatas are great."

He burst into a fit of laughter, having to step away from me to compose himself.

A few minutes later, Kinsley yelled for the boys to gather so they could start hitting the piñata. It was chaotic and everything I ever wanted. The boys were going at it.

Kinsley even made them take turns.  It was so funny I started crying from laughter.

"Fuck yeah!" Calum yelled when his second hit put a hole in the piñata.

Everyone cheered and my boyfriend ran over to me, his arms looping around my waist as he spun me around. I hooked my arms around his neck, tucking my face there.

This tour was definitely going to be a core memory for me.

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