54: Fight

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Harken's P.O.V.

When I first arrived in this town, I thought I wouldn't miss it.

I was wrong. It may have not been the town. It may have been the person. He may have been the whole town to me, and I knew deep down that I was going to miss it, or him. It didn't matter.

It still didn't feel like home, but leaving him felt like leaving home for one last time.

Thinking about it, I had a chance at having a home in this town and I lost it without trying. It was never my decision to make in the first place.

I didn't have a car. I refused one. I had always preferred my legs, anyway. But I had a heavy backpack on my shoulders with some clothes. Thomas insisted I at least keep enough clothes with me to cover me up. He gave me some money, too.

I walked my way to a familiar house. My heart was beating faster with every step I took.

I wondered again if the lights would be on or off. I wondered if he was home or out.

Was he going to be happier now?

I was right all along: nothing could repair the damage I had caused.

I didn't go up the steps to the familiar red door. I didn't have any words left to say. I didn't think he had anything else to say either.

I went to his living room window, the one where the curtain was slightly ajar. I stood there, like a creep. I could see Aiden there in the living room light. He looked weak. Like he was tired and weary from the past few days. We all were.

I had gone and said goodbye to Jamie. Thanked him for all he had done. He told me to take care of Aiden for him. Little did he know that he kicked me out of the whole town. There was nowhere left for me to stay. But I was there anyway, at his window on a really dark night, right as I was about to leave.

Was I letting him damage me with all he had gone through? Or was I damaging him with what I had gone through? I didn't know exactly, but we were both hurting, that was for sure.

I wished he'd come to this window, open the curtains so I could see his face properly. I just wanted a good look at him before I left. He was surrounded by boxes and bags. He really was moving to the Manor with Ruby and Tatiana. I stepped away from the window for a second when I thought he looked my way.

It probably was his anxiety. He really didn't know what he wanted. He didn't know what he needed. He just had to put himself together so I could love him better. I could love him nearer. But for now, I'd just love him from afar.

Eventually, I let go. I stepped back, for good. I turned around and walked away.

Ten steps, then twenty, then forty, then I heard the door open.

Then my name was being called. Was it that easy?

Was I that attached to his magnetic field?

"Harken," He called again. I stopped walking but I didn't turn back to face him. I knew if I did, I'd ditch all of my plans and run back to him.

I heard his footsteps, running. He ran to me then shoved me from behind. I didn't fall, but I lost my balance a little. I turned around then, angry.

"I'm leaving the town like you said, what do you want?"

"For you to fight for me!" He cried. "For you to say for once that you'll stay. That you won't leave at first chance,"

"You don't get it, do you?" I asked impatiently.

"Get what, exactly?"

"That I'm only here in the first place because of you. I only came back for you, and I'm only leaving for you. I just want you to be happy," A tear trickled down my cheek, but he couldn't see it in the darkness.

"Do I look or sound happy to you?"

I didn't answer.

"Do I?" He screamed and I was worried he'd wake people up.

"No," I sighed. "You don't"

He turned to leave, but I grabbed his arm. "Let go," he ordered.

"No," I refused.

"Harken, let go,"

"Aiden," I turned him around and pushed my lips to his. Slowly and gently, we kissed under the soft streetlight.

"Don't go," He whimpered. "Don't ever leave me,"

I put my arms around him and hugged him tight.

"I need you," He added. "I need you now more than ever. You can't leave me alone like before. It's not the same without you,"

"For you Aiden, anything,"



A/N: I'm not sure how many chapters are left. I think one or two at most.

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More soon x.

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