31: Mannerisms

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Thomas's P.O.V.

We were sitting in the kitchen on a cold Friday morning. Raiken was excited for the weekend, and so was I, honestly. I wasn't the type to worry unnecessarily, but these days I saw myself being anxious over everything.

I liked it when my son was near me at all times.

In time, I'd realise that my worry was in its place.

The smell of toast replaced the smell of my coffee momentarily as Raiken's bread heated up. He liked to eat it with cheese before school with a glass of milk. I took a sip of my coffee and ate another bite of my croissant. Magdalena's husband brought them fresh from the bakery every morning.

He finished eating and wiped his mouth like the gentleman he was. But he did it on his sleeve.

"And what is the napkin next your plate for?" I chided. He shrugged.

"Easy on him, Tommy," Magdalena said, "he'll learn mannerisms in time,"

"Come on, let's get you to school," He hopped off his chair and grabbed his backpack. It wasn't heavy or else I would've carried it for him. I wasn't that cruel of a parent. Raiden was more lenient, but Raiden had a busy morning so I was driving our child to school.

I dragged his tiny ass to my car and drove in calm silence. Raiken wasn't by any means a quiet kid, but he wasn't as active in the morning. He was a sleepy little child.

The tall building appeared before us. Other kids were arriving, too, so we weren't as early as usual.

It was just a normal morning like any weekday. Or so I thought.

What I didn't know was that I was being watched from a distance. I had no idea that there were pictures being taken of my child.

Across the field from where my car was parked, Ruby, Aiden's daughter was also being watched. Pictures were being taken of her, too.

None of us were aware of the surveillance that was trained on us. I waved goodbye to Raiken and headed to the café. I liked being around my husband as much as he liked to busy himself with work.

And I understood why he did it. But sadly, I wasn't aware of how badly it was going to turn around for him. I didn't know, I swear. If I had known what was going to happen, I would've done everything I could to stop it. I would've spilled my own blood to protect a single hair on Raiden's head.

It was a good distraction to see him with his brother, that was a sure thing. They were sitting at a table drinking tea. It was so weird seeing them together after so long, especially with them being so identical. A third person was sitting with them whom I didn't recognize at first sight.

Raiden's eyes lit up when he saw me. It was like he was seeing me for the first time whenever I approached him. For a moment, the café blurred, and the tables shifted from round to square, with Raiden sitting at mine, watching me as I read my book. I wasn't interested in eating, but I was interested in him. I noticed how he was watching me read, observing me like I was a Greek God, which was flattering, to be honest. He thought I couldn't see him, which made me want to smile. I didn't, however. I held it back so I wouldn't embarrass him.

Eventually, I couldn't help it anymore. I looked away from my book and held his gaze. He was too stunned to look away. He was melting like the chocolate from my morning croissant. A little smile danced on my lips until it reached the corners of my eyes. He averted his gaze suddenly, heat rushing into his face as he did so.

The café emerged again in a cloud of smoke as I took a seat next to my husband, giving him a forehead kiss. The Mug Drug's Friday mornings were so minimal compared to its nights due to the music segment that happened weekly.

One thing we didn't know about was that we were all under surveillance here too.

Later I'd know from dad that our pictures were taken here too. I'd see them, too. A picture of all of us, sitting at this very table. Then a candid of me alone, and a similar for each of Raiden, Aiden, and who I'd later learn to be Jamie Martin.

The news would tell all of our names at its evening broadcast a few weeks later.

A/N: First chapter of February, there should be one or two more this month I just hope I don't forget to upload them like I did with this one!

Being an ambassador is taking a toll but it's so much fun.

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More soon x.

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