47: Revelations

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Harken's P.O.V.

“How could this happen?” I screamed in the middle of the yard, where the disaster of a party was held. It looked exactly like what one would think happened: A party turned into a battlefield. Bullet holes drew constellations on table surfaces, which were all flipped to their sides for protection. There were many in the walls of the mansion that I was sure workers would start working on fixing right away.

Where was I supposed to begin? I was close to losing my head. They had Raiden now. Our bargaining chip was taken from us so easily. They barely had any resistance from us.

“Calm down, Harken,” Dad said, appearing from behind two of his men who were as tall as pillars. He looked as calm and collected as ever. How was he able to keep himself together with this loss. Did he not see what happened? They took Raiden from his own house- Dad lost his last battle.

And Scarlet helped them. I never should have trusted her with someone as important to us as raiden. She was with them all along and we gave her our winning card. I had a feeling she was helping them, but I never acted on it. I fell to my knees and cried. Right then, the gun felt hot in my hand.

Then a hotter thought came to me.

I could do it if I were quick enough, no one would manage to catch me.

I could just end what I started when I came to this town that I hated with the people that I hated. Just one click of a trigger and it would give me the release I craved all this time. I cried. I didn’t care who saw and I didn’t care what dad thought of me that moment. I didn’t care about anyone. All I thought of was the Haile twins, Scarlet, Blake, our loss, my fucked up life, my scalding tears, and the warm click of a gun.

I lifted the gun up with a shaky hand, but it got immediately taken out of my grip. It was quicker than I had anticipated, then I was being hauled from the ground and up on my feet. “You’re okay,” He said. It was Jamie. The irony of it all. To be helped by Aiden’s boyfriend. "You're okay. Doesn't have to end this way," he tried calming me down. "We'll figure something out,"

He kept his arm around my torso, his hand stroking my back calmly. I didn’t know where he got the courage from, but I was lacking in energy. “You’ll be okay,” He whispered in my ear. Dad was looking at us weirdly. I didn’t blame him.

I was a little calmer, sadly. My gun was still with Jamie. I wiped my eyes with the soles of my hands. “What do we do now? We lost Aiden. We lost Thomas. We lost the kids. And we lost Raiden,” I scanned the yard for Major Alder until I found him lounging a little farther away.

“What kind of police force do you run, Alder?” I yelled at him, which was a bad thing to do. He came forward, only to be stopped by dad.

Then I noticed something. There wasn’t anyone around us. It was only dad, Alder, Jamie, and me in the yard.

“Let’s all calm down, alright?” Dad said with a finality. I hated when he did that. It was like he was playing the last card. The checkmate. But this time we were losing. “Any word from your team?” He addressed Alder. I was confused.

“Not yet,”

“Scarlet should speak to me any second now,” He added.

“What does Scarlet have to do with this? She fucking betrayed us,” I yelled again in case he didn’t hear me the first time. She went with Blake’s crew so she wasn't on our side anymore.

“She betrayed them,” Dad corrected me. "It's them who are being screwed by Scarlet. Don't you see? Stop being blinded by rage and. Focus for a minute," Dad yelled, “Did you really think Scarlet would disobey me?” He fumed. I figured Scarlet would treat dad like I would treat Amanda. But then I recalled Scarlet calling dad “dad”, too, despite him not being her actual father. I didn't call Amanda mom.

“So, you guys let her-”

“We put on a fight for show,” Alder explained. “Did you really think this is all my manpower?”

I was fooled by them.

“Scarlet is leading us to Blake’s hideout. Our men and Alder’s are following from a distance,”

I laughed like a maniac. There was hope, still. “Once Scarlet makes sure the kids are safe with her, we go in” Dad reassured me. “Get ready. We’re leaving in ten,”

“Are you okay?" Jamie asked after dad had turned away from us. I was still leaning on him, so I repositioned myself. I was aware of his hand resting against my back. “I’m sorry if I over stepped my boundaries, but I thought you were going to lose it for a second there,” he nodded towards the center of the garden where I nearly shot myself.

“I almost did,”

“You almost did,” he echoed me. “You can’t do that again if you love him as much as you claim to,”

He had a point. I nodded. “I’ll take it from here,”

“Come back alive, both of you,” Jamie called out after me.

Scarlet’s text reached dad: The kids are safe with me.

We were off to get the boys back.

A/N: Early update this month. Please leave your opinions and don't forget to vote!

More soon x.

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