15: Crimson Red

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Trigger warning for steamy scenes.

Aiden's POV:

I was drenched in vanilla milkshake.

In my rush to get away from the kitchen, I ran into a party goer drinking a milkshake.

Who even drinks milkshakes at a party?

I went back to the kitchen to get some paper towels and assess the damage.

Harken was still there, and upon seeing the state I was in he rushed towards me.

“Who did this to you?” He asked defensively. His tone suggested that it was done to me on purpose, which I dismissed. “Let me help,” He added.

“I’m fine,” I muttered through gritted teeth. I wasn’t fine at all. I was sticky and I smelled like strawberry vanilla.

“Let’s get you cleaned up in the bathroom, come.” He lead us to the living room then down the hall to a set of stairs which went up to the second storey. The house itself wasn’t much but it was neat from what I could see and make up.

The music was much less loud upstairs, which I didn’t mind. There was a party downstairs, after all.
We slid into the bathroom, which was a little small. There was a stand-in shower to make use of what space it had.

Harken closed the door behind us and locked it. “I’m not in the mood for someone to find us in a closed space,”

"Yeah, good thinking," I said. The last thing I needed was for someone to walk in on us. Not that we'd be doing anything wrong of sorts. I mean...

I took off my shirt to wash it in the sink. Harken just stood there, his eyes going over my body.

Then he closed his eyes. "You smell so good," he said, which I thought was creepy. But then I felt like teasing him, so I got my shirt purposefully near his face as I dunked it in the sink.

He squeezed next to me to reach the towel which hung next to the sink.

He got it damp and started passing it over my torso from behind me. Then his breath was right behind my ear. I felt myself getting chills.

With every pass across my body, I got a little weaker. I wanted the towel to be his hand. Or his mouth.

It felt surreal. I was never touched before. It was usually me who did all the touching, never the other way. It was like he was doing it on purpose, and it excited me even more.

"I really wanna taste that vanilla," he whispered in my ear, and it was like a switch turned inside me. Suddenly, I wanted him to taste all of me, not just the vanilla.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked. In the bathroom mirror, I could see his eyes meeting mine. He didn't need me to say anything more. He turned me around to face him, then with his hands at my hips, he lifted me up and seated me atop the sink.

His lips were on mine in seconds, with his hands holding my neck in place. Every touch of his fingers felt like it was burning into my skin. He was slowly building up a fire inside me, and I was impatiently waiting to get burned.

Coldness replaced the heat as he pulled away, taking a deep breath, then tracing a path from my neck to my throat. He lingered a little there, knowing exactly what to do.

I had never felt this way before, even with Scarlet. I pushed her out of my mind as my focus was on a different shade of red.

A darker one.

Harken took a step back and just looked at me, the shirtless writhing mess he left sitting coldly on the sink. His eyes were of admiration and lust. A combination I never thought I'd see. He grabbed my hand, interlocked our fingers, and led me outside the bathroom into a very dark bedroom two doors down. I could barely see anything, which made everything all the more exciting.

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