44: Treachery

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Aiden's Pov:

I wasn’t scared for myself this time. I was scared for my daughter and my nephew, though. I was furious, too. He couldn’t keep getting away with doing shit like this to us.

I tried reaching my cellphone, but one of his minions picked up on my movements and kicked me in the shins, making me drop to the ground, despite being tied to a wooden chair. I couldn't move my limbs. The most I could do is crane my neck. The dumbfuck didn’t take the cellphone.

We weren’t kept in the same place as before though. I still remember the warehouse we were kept in the last time I was kidnapped by Blake. It was just Raiden and me, and I was scared shitless not knowing if anyone would ever save us. This time around, there's much more at stake, because they learned from their mistakes.

“Are you alright?” Thomas asked after we were left alone. While I took a few good punches and kicks, Thomas was unharmed. They were too scared of him to even dare lay a finger on him. They knew what he would do to them if he got free. Thomas has unleashed chaos on them before, and he would definitely do it again.

“I will break his fucking jaw if I ever get out of this chair,” I screamed, to which Thomas gave me a dry look.

“You’re tied up to a chair and both you and the chair are on the floor. Calm down,”

“Can you see them?” I asked. My face was planted against the hardboard floor. We were in a suburban house. Ruby and Raiken where being kept in a separate room.

“They’re okay,” Thomas said calmly, “I can see Ruby. She’s no longer crying,” He craned his neck as much as he could, “It’s Raiken whom I’m worried about,”

“He’ll be okay,” I tried to calm Thomas down, but he needed none. He was tranquil and collected, like he had been in this situation a million times before. I, on the other hand, was losing my patience.

Suddenly, someone walks into the room. I heard his laughter before his footsteps. He was enjoying this situation, so it had to be him. Blake Red. “Little Tommy,” he mocked.

Thomas snarled. I could tell he was trying to keep himself together, but he wanted to tear Blake apart with his teeth. He wasn’t fond of the nickname, either. Thomas was a lot of things, but he wasn't someone you mess with.

“I can’t feel my face,” I said to no one in particular, in the hopes that someone would lift me up or straighten my chair. But alas.

“It’s so nice seeing you here, Tommy,” Blake added. His tone was sarcastic, and the more he spoke, the more time he spent in the room, the more it smelled of an uncomfortable stench. Not like a farm odor, but like alcohol and sweat.

“This time, I’m not gonna make sure your sentence is a life one before I leave court,” Thomas said. Blake laughed. "Because this time, mark my words, your sentence is 'bullet in the head',"

"You're too small for such big words aren't you?" Blake joked.

“You have us, leave the kids alone,” Thomas ignored his sarcasm and went straight to the main topic.

“I won’t stop,” Blake screamed loudly. Like, really loudly. In a crazy manner. He looked like Thomas's words pulled a trigger in his brain. “I won’t stop until I have everyone he loves between my fingers,” He was starting to sound more psychopathic with every word he said. He definitely lost his mind during his years in prison. His facial features, accompanied with his tonality, lacked any signs of sanity.

“You’re fucked in the head, do you know that?” I said, but no one was listening to me.

“You took everything from me,” Blake said through gritted teeth, “You even went low enough to take away my boyfrie-”

“The boyfriend you were going to rape and torture?” Thomas bit back, to which I winced. It was my brother they were talking about and it wasn’t easy to hear the past being discussed again in the present. Blake was going to destroy Raiden in the dark Devil's Alley with his friends in their sick ways, and Thomas saved him at the last minute.

“I do whatever the fuck I want with whoever the fuck I want,” Blake barked. “It’s not your job to teach me how to deal with-”

“Human beings? Did you forget that he’s a human being and not one of your hamsters,”

“Silence him!” He screamed at someone whom I didn’t see at first, because half my face was against the floor. Then, and hesitantly, someone approached Thomas and applied a thick layer of tape to his mouth.
A phone ringing electrified the room with its tune. It was Blake’s phone, judging by the fact that he was the one who answered.

“Yes, Scarlet,” He said, then laughed out loud. “A masquerade you say? This should be fun,” his voice trailed as he left the room, leaving me plastered to the floor, with my only companion silenced, and the mother of my daughter an accomplice with the enemy.

A/N: late update but there will be more soon. What do you guys think?

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