34: Chocolate Cake

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Aiden's P.O.V.

“We learned a lot about numbers today, daddy!” Ruby said.

“She did and she outsmarted everyone in class, didn’t you?” Tatiana held her up and sat her atop the kitchen counter.

“I did!” Ruby raised a celebratory arm in the air. Her happiness was contagious. I couldn’t put it into words how much love I had for my daughter. I tried to be in her life as much as I could to make up for the lack of her mom’s absence. Tatiana helped a lot in that department. She was god-sent.

Jamie watched us from the living room as we rustled around in the kitchen.

“Miss Cresta gave me a golden star!” we all cheered her on. I felt my heart swell with joy. She was my favourite person in the world. I felt a little content being at home right then. I was with Jamie, Ruby, and Tatiana.

It was a new chapter in my life, with nothing keeping me attached to my past weighing me down.

Then why did I feel like I was anchored to a sinking ship called Harken?

His name still hung between Jamie and me. I never told him who he was, but I promised him we’d talk about it.

I left Ruby and Tatiana in the kitchen and went to the living area. They wanted to start baking a chocolate cake. Jamie was looking at the pictures on the wall. I had a few of my family, a couple of me when I was younger, and one of me and Ruby.

He looked lost in a huge palace when my house was as small as they get.

“Penny for your thoughts?” I said when he didn’t notice me behind him. He turned around and took my hand in his, kissing my knuckles softly as he did so. 

“It’s just the fact that I haven’t known you for long, and I’m wondering if I’ll ever end up in a picture on these walls or if I’ll be a memory like the ones before,”

My shoulders went slack, suddenly sullen with sadness. “I take the penny back,” I didn’t think that much into my future with Jamie. I barely had my present with him.

“Hey, don’t be sad,” He brought his thumb under my chin and lifted my head up, “I just meant that I wanted to be permanent,”

And he wanted to know about Harken. How was I to explain that Harken wasn’t past yet. I’ve been trying for days to think of a way to tell him that a guy that I shared deep fucked up history with was still in my life.

Where was he now?

Maybe he wasn’t with me now, but what was going to happen when Harken got released from the psych ward in a few weeks or months. Then what? Yes, I was moving on to better things, but Harken was a weak spot. He was my first love. He was my first crush.

Whenever I thought of the things he went through to protect me I fell in love with him all over again. The drugs, the abuse, the trauma. Hiding behind makeup and school walls. Taking beatings and suffering with Blake. He went through it all to keep something innocent from breaking between us. He loved me wholeheartedly and purely.

Was it fair what I was doing to him now?

Was it fair what he was doing to me?

“Harken again?” Jamie asked. I nodded bashfully.

“Can we go out? I wanna tell you everything,” I sighed, “You deserve to know the whole story,”

“Alright, let me grab my keys and we can go to Betsy’s.” Jamie said, hunting for his stuff.

I went back to the kitchen. “We’ll be back to try the amazing chocolate cake you’re making, okay?”

“Yes, daddy,” Ruby clapped. She was such a happy child. I hoped she’d remain this happy well into her adulthood.

Little did I know the chocolate cake wouldn’t be finished.

I climbed into Jamie’s car. He twisted the keys, roaring the engine to life. It wasn’t a long drive to Betsy’s. ten minutes tops.

“Where’s Remi?” I asked about his driver. Jamie’s driving worried me, and he didn’t let me drive his precious Chevrolet.

“I figured since it’s just us I’d give him the day off,” he replied and looked in the rear-view mirror. A couple minutes later he did it again. Suddenly, he took a right.

“Uh, Jamie…” I muttered. Betsy’s was the other way. No later than a few meters he took another right. Then another. And another. “Jamie, you went around-”

“Exactly,” He spoke with a dangerous tone. “The car that was behind us is still behind us. We’re being followed. Hold on,” He said, pressing hard on the gas. The engine revved and the car flew forwards like it was driving on the wind. Just like Jamie suspected, the car behind us followed. It was a black Jeep, and it was gaining tract on us.

With Jamie’s driving capabilities, we were screwed. I held on tight to my seatbelt, trying to keep the bile in my stomach.

My mind was going faster than the cars. I was thinking of Ruby first. Raiden second. Jamie third. Myself last. What if anything happened to any of them? I wanted to believe that Ruby was safe with Tatiana, baking their little chocolate cake in the confines of the kitchen of my house.

How wrong I was.

The Jeep that was behind us wasn’t the only one. Later I’d know that there was another waiting by my house. They’d wait for us to leave to break into the house.

Tatiana’s phone call broke my reverie. It only added to my anxiety.

“Aiden!” She screamed with so much panic in her voice that it made me shiver. Ruby. Something happened to Ruby. I just knew it. “They took Ruby. I don’t know who they are,” she spoke so fast I could barely decipher what she was telling me. “They were dressed in all black and they had guns. I couldn’t do anything, I’m sorry. I should’ve stopped them but they had a gun pointed at me-”

I couldn’t say anything. Words didn’t leave my mouth. My phone fell from my hand with Tatiana’s voice still blaring out of it.

They took Ruby. They had my daughter.

Then suddenly, the black Jeep caught up with us. With one swift maneuver and with the help of an empty street, it blocked our way.

Four burly guys stepped out of the car and approached us with viciousness. Jamie looked as helpless as I felt. He hasn’t spoken a word since he found out we were being followed. At gunpoint, they opened both of our doors. Jamie got out of the car with his hands in the air.

They were all wearing masks so we couldn’t tell who they were.

The one by my door shoved his gun against my back and made me get down. I didn’t know what they wanted from me. I barely had any money and I didn’t deal with drugs or anything illegal.

But as they held Jamie at gunpoint, they made me walk to their car.

And just like that, during midday, I was taken away in the middle of the street with my boyfriend left behind.

A/N: Ramadan Mubarak for my readers who follow ♥ don't forget to comment and vote!

More soon x.

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