50: Maroon

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Aiden's P.O.V.

Raiden appeared in the hallway of the operations room. He was half leaning on Thomas. I didn’t have the strength to get up from my chair. Harken was using the wall next to me for strength. None of us had any energy left. It was a miracle we were still awake or even able to remain conscious.

“Did they tell you anything?” Raiden asked. He took a seat next to me and held my hand. He gave Harken a pitiful glance which didn’t go unnoticed by me. It would bother Harken. Harken didn't like sympathy. He didn't like to be helped up when he fell down.

“No, they didn’t” I said, “and stop looking at Harken like that. He doesn’t like it,” I added. Raiden was taken back by remark.

Suddenly I remembered one of the school football games. I was benched and one of the opposing team members tackled Harken so hard he couldn't stand up immediately. Thinking he's injured, he tried to help him up, but Harken started screaming that he could get up just fine on his own.

Yet he was indeed injured, and he still got up on his own, on his injured leg, and limped towards the bench. He sat right next to me, and I didn't notice it then, but I did now. He kept moving his foot until it was touching mine. I didn't move mine, but I didn't notice the gesture. He was trying to get my attention. I was too focused on the game since we were losing, but Harken was focused on me. I wished I had known, and I wished I had tangled my leg with his and showed him that I wanted him too. But I was stupid.

“What?” I asked, “Did you think I’m not aware of Harken’s feelings for me?” I asked a little too loud for a hospital setting. “Did you think I feel great knowing my boyfriend is between life and death defending the person who I had been struggling with my whole life?” I stood up because I couldn’t take it anymore. “I can’t do this any longer. I can’t keep seeing the people I love hurt and suffer,” I cried. “I can’t do this anymore.” I said lastly as I fell to my knees.

Harken was by my side first. If my words meant anything to him, he didn’t show it. I didn’t realise I was screaming in the white lobby. I was shaking altogether and I thought I was spiraling into a panic attack. I realized I hadn't taken my meds. I couldn't take things anymore. I just wanted to rest.

Harken picked me up with the help of a bunch of nurses, then I was slowly losing consciousness. I didn't know if I was crashing or if a nurse administered something to calm me down.

When I woke up, I was in an uncomfortable bed. My eyes opened but not enough to see who was there. I wasn’t conscious enough to think of the time or what was happening.

“You’re okay,” I thought I heard someone say, but I couldn't pinpoint whose voice it was. “Go back to sleep,” I was more than happy to oblige. I almost immediately closed my eyes and crashed.

When I came to again, Raiden was in my room. I must’ve been given a sedative. There was no one else with us, and I was glad for that. I needed the space. “Water,” I managed to squeak out. Raiden had a cup ready by my side.

“Thomas told me you haven’t drank water properly in a few hours,”

I thanked him, but we both knew I didn’t need to.

“Did they catch him?” I asked, not wanting to say his name. It felt like his name brought a curse upon us. I didn’t want to say it anymore.

“Better,” he said, “Thomas finished him off with a bullet to the head,” I wasn’t one to support murder, but this time I was going to give it a pass. “Major Alder said he did it so Thomas wouldn’t be dragged to court,” I was happy that he was out of our hair forever. “One more secret to add to our family,” Raiden said solemnly.

Then I remembered Jamie and felt a pang of panic shoot through me.

“Calm down,” Raiden said, “Jamie is okay. He’s in the ICU, but his condition is stable. They got the bullet out. Harken’s with him even though no one is allowed there," Raiden let out a small laugh, "they're probably too afraid of him,"

I still couldn’t understand how Harken could be there for me and for Jamie knowing very well what Harken felt for me. I knew what Harken had for me ran deeper than blood. And I stepped on it by choosing a future away from him and the Reds.

Yet it all went back to them in the end. No matter the colour I chose, it always turns red. It was scarlet at first. Then it was harkin, the irish colour of dark red. And I was caught in vermillion scars and maroon bruises.

“The press is starting to gather at the hospital entrance. News about the famous CEO getting shot circled around the hospital. It travels fast.”

“Can you call for Harken?” I asked Raiden. He nodded and went to get him. I didn’t know what I was going to say. I didn’t have anything planned, that was for sure. I was just going to say what my mind came up with and let out everything that I needed to for him to get the closure he needed.

But when Harken came to my room, I was sound asleep.

A/N: As promised here's another early update of Let Go, with yet another one coming in a few days. It's actually a new chapter that I only wrote a couple days ago. I'm tweaking the ending to be more fulfilling.

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