37: Marcus

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Harken's P.O.V.

I was let out of my session with professor Linda abruptly. She wouldn't tell me what she meant by her words. What the fuck was I supposed to make out of what she said? Why couldn't I see Thomas?

They couldn't just imprison me here.

I couldn't fathom why, but despite my physical state being better now, my mental state was much worse than it was before. Back when I was at the House of Solace Sanitarium I could think better. I could plan better. I planned and executed a whole escape strategy. But this time I wasn't even able to think outside my room's door.

I felt so chained up to this place.

Why hasn't Thomas showed up yet? He wasn't supposed to leave me alone for this long. He knew better than to leave me for long periods of time with my thoughts being unattended. Thomas was in trouble. I just knew it. He wasn't okay.

I needed to make sure of it.

Najib came in with the medication. He was wary of me. Last time's ordeal earned him an accidental punch in the shoulder. It still hurt him. He saw me lash out on multiple people in a wildly aggressive manner. I wouldn't blame him.

"He- Here's your medication," He said without his usual pleasantries. He was scared.

"Najib," I pleaded, "listen to me. I need to leave this place. My brother needs me outside."

"You can't leave here unless the person who checked you in checks you out," Najib said.

I didn't even know who checked me in. It never occurred to me to ask, but then again, I wasn't talking to anyone.

"Who checked me in?" Please don't be Thomas. Please don't be Thomas.
"Dr. Grayson," Shit. I needed to convince his wife that I was fit to leave. I was fucked.

I took my medication without water, which earned me a look of horror from Najib. "When can I see Linda again?"

"She won't be coming until your next session Monday morning,"

"Fuck," I cussed out loud. I needed to leave as soon as possible. Then it came to me: Dinah knows how to get us out. She took us onto the rooftop, then she could take us down.

At dinnertime, I headed straight for Dinah's table. "Dinah," I whispered, if not a little louder than I intended. "I need you to do me a huge favour,"

Dinah was all ears. She stopped eating mid bite, tucked her hair behind her ear and listened.

"I need you to get me out of here. Something isn't right with my brother and I need to get out of here as soon as tonight,"

Dinah shushed me and told me to sit down then pretended to get back to eating. She glanced at Marcus, the loud mouth who wanted special treatment, then back to her plate. She ate a spoonful of peas.

"Meet me here after night rounds," Dinah whispered after she swallowed, "I can get you out of the ward, but I can't get you past the security outside,"

"It's fine, just get me out of here and I'll handle myself,"

"Alright then we'll meet back after a couple hours,"

I thought we were out of earshot, but then I'd learn that Marcus overheard our conversation.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this short chapter and I'll be updating another one soon!

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