36: Submission

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Thomas's P.O.V.

The day started off rocky. I was going to see Harken, even if they didn’t let me again. I didn’t use force last time, but this time I was going to be a little more persuasive.

Harken needed attention. He needed help and care, not to be left alone somewhere to be treated like a patient. True, he was a patient, there was no denying that. But he needed extra attention from someone who understood him. He needed to be loved along with his treatment.

He needed love.

I wasn’t going to be able to see Harken that day. Not because of any hospital regulations or because he didn’t allow guests.

It was the day I’d get in trouble with Raiden’s past.

I dropped Raiken at his school like every other morning. He hugged me goodbye and ran inside. He didn’t take the bus to school nor back home. I made sure I was there at both times of the day. Usually, I’d see Tatiana dropping Ruby off, too. This morning they weren’t there, but I didn’t think too much of it. They could’ve been running a little late or had come a little early.

Not everyone was as punctual as I was.

I debated whether or not to pass by the Mug Drug. Then I decided I’d stop there after I was done with some important errands that I had to run.

Then my phone rang, and it was Raiden. I was nearing the corner of the street that hosted the café so I rejected his call. I was a couple minutes away, anyway. I parked my car and went inside.

The Mug Drug was peaceful when I walked in, and Raiden was as usual sitting at his regular table having his coffee. It worried me how much coffee he drank, but I was grateful it was caffeine he was addicted to and not something else. I didn’t think I could handle another Harken case.

He was sitting alone with Jamie Martin, which at first glance had me wondering where Aiden was. I pulled out a chair, and, allured by the smell of the morning muffins, ordered one.

“Morning, love,” I kissed Raiden and placed my phone and keys on the table. I noticed that they were shaking lightly. It didn’t take me long to realize it was Jamie’s leg that was causing it. His hand was covering his lips. I thought he was biting his nails, but I couldn’t see.

“What’s wrong?” I could read the room. It was full of anxiety.

Raiden shook his head.

“They had guns,” Jamie whispered, like they were going to jump from behind the counter and get him. Then I noticed that Jamie had bodyguards spread around the café. “I tried to help him but it was so covert and silent. They had guns to our heads,”

I sneaked my phone under the table as Jamie spoke of the incident. I opened dad’s chat with one hand and started typing:

They got Aiden. Check whereabouts.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Raiden said, concerned for his brother, “Thomas please tell me it’s not who I think it is,”

“Let’s stay calm. We don’t know anything. This could be a mishap,” I held Raiden’s hand and squeezed it tight. He was sweating lightly, nervous and worried. I blew what could’ve qualified as steam out of my mouth. I was losing patience quickly.

If it were Blake, I was going to finish him off myself.

“What kind of mishap would lead my brother to be fucking kidnapped midday at gunpoint,” I knew he was right; I wasn’t stupid. I was just trying to diffuse his anger. I didn’t need him worked up.

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