25: Iced Coffee

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Aiden's Pov:

I didn’t know where we stood. I haven’t talked to my brother in years. This was the first time we actually did a thing together that remotely resembles any civil signs between us. I knew what I did was bad. I was sleeping with, and consequently conceived from Scarlet, who was Blake’s sister. Blake was Raiden’s abusive ex. He tried to rape him and he physically tortured him, and then forced Harken to torture me.

But I was regretful, and I wanted Raiden to know it. I wanted to repent, I really did. It was just that Raiden never gave me the chance to.

Until tonight.

I know I forced myself into helping him. It was the only way he’d let me in. Raiden had become a workaholic, and the one way into his life was through his work.

“Oh my God. There are two Raidens,” the cashier said when she saw us step outside of the kitchen together.  She looked like she was going to faint. “To think this night couldn’t get any weirder,” she shook her head.

Anxiety settled in when I faced the busy café. I couldn’t hold a drink with steady hands, let alone a tray. I tried to feign confidence. I couldn’t let Raiden down or mess this up. It was my only chance and I wasn't going to blow it.

We started taking orders. We being me and the other employees. It wasn’t as bad as I expected. I tried to avoid delivering drinks as much as I could, leaving it to Spencer. Whenever there was a tray involved, I pretended that I didn't see it, or busied myself with a different order.

It went well for the most part. I didn't cause any unwanted accidents. But the café kept going. People kept coming in for some reason. It was just not stopping. I loved that for Raiden, but it was starting to get messy. Sooner or later, something bad was going to happen. My anxiety kept telling me that, and as much as I tried not to believe it, the nagging feeling was there.

“Excuse me, handsome,” It took me a second to register that it was me being called. I mean, I wasn’t ugly per se, but I wasn’t used to being called handsome by strangers. Especially not attractive people in neat suits and pretty ties. My mind immediately started comparing the differences between us. His blonde hair against my black one. His green eyes contrasting my brown ones. Total opposites. “Sir?” He added. I was totally staring at him like an idiot.

“Yes, yes. How may I help you?” I looked around for Spencer or the other waiter whose name I didn’t even learn. To my luck I couldn’t find any of them around. So I was stuck servicing the one guy Raiden warned me not to serve. Where was Raiden, anyway? Dammit.

“I’d like another Match yato please, a water, and your phone number please,” He said, hiding a giggle. Two of his friends were laughing, too. I was tired and my feet were killing me. Playing games with this rich idiot wasn’t on my list of tasks for the night. Also, he didn’t know how to say Macchiato.

“My number is not on the menu,” I said dryly, “you said ‘please’ twice,” I added, “and, you mispronounced Macchiato,” I could see the blush traveling up his face.

I low-key felt bad about it. The giggling duo from before were now booing into their hands like children. I made a motion to leave their table, but his hand reached out and held me right above my elbow.

“Do you know who I am?” He asked, towering over me, making a show of his at least six-foot figure.

I didn’t struggle much to free my arm. His grip wasn’t too tight which made it clear that it was all for show. He just wanted to show his friends or employees or whatever that he was capable.

“I don’t know who you are but my brother owns this place and I’m pretty sure harassing an employee can get you sacked out,” I pointed a thumb at the door.

He sat back down in shame and loosened his tie a little. It was comical in all honesty. I shook my head and smiled as I made my way back to get him his Match-yato, as he said it.

By the time his coffee was ready, a few people had left, and no more people were coming in. The café was slowly resembling a regular café and less of a birthday party. It was nearing nine p.m. and the only busy table was sharp-suit’s and a few others.

When things calmed down, I went inside to find Raiden. He was helping the kitchen crew clean up. I stood in the doorway and watched. I didn’t know if I should interrupt or wait. I didn’t even know why I was intimidated by Raiden. It was usually the other way around. It was life’s way of switching things up for us, I guess.

I decided to call out Raiden’s name after collecting myself. “Rai-”

“Do you know who I am?” Someone screamed from the outside. I didn’t have to guess who. Raiden immediately turned and shook his head. We exchanged knowing looks and rushed out to see Mr. Suit soaked in coffee, which I really hoped was iced.

A/N: don't forget to vote and comment what you think!

More soon x.

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