45: Masquerades

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Harken's P.o.v.

I was nervous with anxiety. I paced around the manor as they finished the last of the preparations. Elliott Alder, the town's florist, was touching things up here and there. He did a wonderful job decorating the massive front yard of the manor to look like a party ground.

It was bittersweet knowing that he worked on Dad's first masquerade here in this very garden. Back then it was a fundraiser, and Raiden got kidnapped by Blake to finish his ill intents. He has surely come a long way with his work because it looked ten times better than it did a few years ago.

But everything was different now. We were waiting for him. We were expecting him.

Raiden was in dad's office. He was unarmed, sitting alone, like a proper bait. He was the perfect hunt for Blake to capture. Blake was a shark, and Raiden was a bleeding prey. The bloodlust in Blake was going to be uncontrollable, and we were counting on that. I did not wanna think of what would happen if the snare didn't click. That was going to be catastrophic, and way more casualties were to be lost.

I strolled to the kitchen, where the smell of freshly baked bread filled it. The housekeeper, Magdalena, offered me some. She was nice but she was wary of me. She didn't show it, but I felt it in her body language. She wasn't scared of me. She was scared over everyone else from me.

I would be wary of me too if I knew me or knew things about me. However, the housekeeper reached for one of the drawers and pulled out a bottle of pills and proceeded to take one. It reminded me that I should take my own one since Najib was no longer there to shove it down my throat.

I had to admit: I was going to miss Najib. He grew on me.

I went up to my room and took my pill. I didn't do it for myself. I still didn't care about myself. I did it for him. I cared about him. I loved him. I wanted to be better for him and only him.

On my way down, I stumbled upon Scarlet, who was on her phone. She immediately hung up and looked a little flustered. If only I were a bit more skeptical of her. I should've been less trustful. Had I confronted her then and there, I would've gotten everything out of her and exposed her to everyone.

But I didn't.

The moment passed, and Scarlet went on her way, and so did I.

I was back in the yard, the masquerade starting with the attendees arriving mainly in twos. Dad was greeting the guests, who were oblivious to the pair of guns attached to his body underneath his suit jacket.

Dad and I were the only two without a mask, since we were the hosts of this elaborate party. Our masks were dangling from our necks.

Another person greeting the oncoming guests was Major Alder, the chief of Rivertown's police department. He was dressed sharply in a black suit and his face was decorated with grim features behind a blue mask.

If you look around the large yard, behind each of Elliott's flowers, you'd find a police officer dressed to party with a gun fixed to their waist.

Demetri was by dad's car, ready to drive anywhere in a snap. In fact, multiple of dad's cars were ready with drivers behind the wheels.

I let the late afternoon breeze wash over my face. The smell of the yard was as vibrant as it was busy with people. My eyes kept going over everything and everyone. Vigilant. We didn't know if they'd actually come. We were working purely on intuition and hope.

Suddenly, a tall figure walked into the masquerade, dressed properly for one. He looked a little suspicious as he seemed to scan the yard for someone specific. My gun felt hot against my waist. I kept calm, even as he approached me. I was standing by the door to the Manor, a little away from the party, so he had no reason to come my way.

But he did, anyway.

He reached me and stood before me, took off his mask, revealing a handsome face. Soft skin and sharp features. He cleared his throat.

"Can you help me?" He asked. He must've apprehended me because I wasn't wearing my mask. "I asked Mr. Red and he told me I'd find him inside. I'm looking for Harken Red,"

I was taken back by the mention of my name. I wasn't popular around town, nor did I have friends who'd come asking about me.

"You found him," I replied dryly. I didn't like strangers not one bit.

"Oh," he seemed just as surprised. He studied me for a moment, which made me a little annoyed. "You might not know me. My name is Jamie, Jamie Martin,"

"I know you," I said, fuming. So, this was him. Aiden was dating this tall, handsome, man. He put me and my looks to shame. I tried not to let my insecurities win, but they didn't stand a chance against this Greek God.

Then unexpectedly, he took my hand in his and held it with both of his hands. "Please, tell me you'll save him?" he squeezed my hand tight, clearly fighting back tears. I didn't know what to say. The whole situation was new to me.

"I, Uhm," I tried shaking away my hand, but he wouldn't let go.

"I know how much you mean to him. I don't know if I should say this but," he released my hand and loosened his tie. "Walk with me?"

I gave the entrance of the yard one more glance and decided that dad was doing fine with Alder. I walked side by side with Jamie.

"He wanted to tell me the whole story. He wanted to tell me all about you," Jamie said, and I was all ears. I didn't know much about Aiden's thoughts of me. No one told me these things. My ears perked at the mention of me on Aiden's tongue. "He didn't know this but, he kept confessing his love for you in his sleep. He says he loves you every time he's dreaming. I'm only telling you this because I know you can bring him back," Aiden loved me. Me. Harken Red. I couldn't believe what he was saying.

But if he loved me, why was he dating someone else?

"I don't know what went wrong between you two, and I don't know what this means for him and I, but I beg you, get him safe and I'll stay out of your way. I'll let you have him. Just make sure he's safe and sound," I couldn't believe what he was saying, but I didn't have much time to dwell on it.
They caught my attention as they arrived.
They strutted down the marble stairs,
lights and stars were one that night.
The sound of heels danced atop the music.
Even the breeze seemed to be enthralled by what it witnessed.
Red dresses against black suits.
Crimson scarves and scarlet ties.
Ruby rings and vermilion eyes.
Devious grins and sly smiles.
Crystal glasses glistened across,
tabletops woven of silk and bronze.
One by one they caught the attention of everyone.
The trees surrounding the estate seemed to tremble.
With flower corsets and bows so humble.
Angels of the evening stood and watched,
As devils of the night took control,
Of what was once a dance floor,
In grass and brass and intricate patterns,
With lace, cashmere, and touches of heaven.
Breaking through the solace might,
take triple the effort and twice the might,
That took Hades the power to light
His steps into Olympus' hall.
Side by side with the grand wall,
The windswept hair on their shoulders fall,
As couple by couple they stood tall,
To reign the hearts that were afraid,
With the last moments of the masquerade.

The red devils have arrived to take Raiden, and we were waiting for this moment all night.

A/N: I'm back with a little lengthy chapter. Another one will follow soon. I'm just taking some time to rewrite these last chapter to give the story a better ending. An ending it deserves. Also in case you didn't see my announcement:

This story is a Watty contender! Please show support by voting and commenting. It means a lot 💙

More soon x.

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