All Aboard Fat Taxi (Maddie)

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You blink several times. This can't be happening. It just can't. Your year-long crush is asking you out. His face is bright red, he can't look you in the eyes, and he holds out his palm from which a rose grew out of. How is this even possible? Does he really like you? And did he eat a rose for it to grow out of his hand? Should you be concerned?
You don't know how to respond. What could sound cool? You have a reputation around the school as the girl who can never get flustered by a guy, and as far as everyone knows, you don't like anyone. Of course, it's because you try to hide your crush on this blue-haired elf boy.
"I- it's o-okay if you r- reject me." He stutters out. "I-I wouldn't blame you.. didn't-I didn't even wanna d- do this to b-begin with. M- M- Mirio set me up a- again because h- he knows l- I like you." You clear your throat.
"Why do you like me?"
"Because you're r- really pretty, you're smart, you're funny, you're really sweet-"
"Sweet? I'm never sweet at school." He looks sheepish.
"I-I see how you are with your friends. You're so- you're so kind to them, and you t-treat them really well."
"That's how I should be to my friends. I'd do anything for my loved ones." He nods.
"I know that. I- I think y- you're perfect L/n."
"I'm not perfect. I'm quite flawed, actually."
"Not to me."
"And you're sure you want to go out with me? I'm not exactly fun to be around. I'm quite boring company."
"N-not at all. I think you're wonderful." You sigh.
"When and where?"
"W- what?"
"When and where are we going out? I need to know when to be ready and how to dress."
"I don't know...I didn't think I'd make it this far." You smack your forehead in aggravation.
"How are you gonna ask me out without a plan?" He winces.
"S-sorry." You sigh.
"Alright. This Saturday, pick me up at 3:00, and take me to the.. aquarium. Sound good to you?" He nods.
"Y- yeah. It-it's a good p-p-plan."
"Okay. That works."
"Th-thank you."
"For what?"
"Agreeing to go out with me." You turn around to hide your blush.
"Yeah well I'm sure l enjoy myself quite a lot. You're not half bad."
With that, you run in the direction of home, flustered beyond measure. He stands there with a bright red face, though smiling anyway. You agreed. You're going on a date together. All this time he spend admiring you, and you're really willing to go out with him. He almost can't believe all of this.
Saturday comes, and you're getting dressed. What you end up wearing is a black, a-line dress with white accessories. Of course, you just wear sneakers to be comfortable. To finish the look, you throw your hair up into a high ponytail and put a white scrunchie around the hair-tie. It's cute, and when you look in the mirror, you just nod at yourself.
Not long after you get ready to leave, there's a knock on the door. Before opening it, you try to calm your excitement.
This is all so exciting and unexpected. You're going on a date with the guy you like. After taking a deep breath, you open the door. Amajiki stands there, blushing.
"H-hi." He says. "I uh...I'm here to- to pick you up for our d-d-date." In the background, the pro hero Fatgum stands there. He's actually your favorite pro.
"I figured." You say casually. "But... why is Fatgum here?"
"Heyyyyy!" He calls before walking over. "You get to ride in Fat Taxi!"
"Oh my gosh seriously?" You can't contain yourself anymore.
"H- he insisted." Amajiki explains.
"I can't believe this." You say. 

"I am literally the biggest Fatgum fan." You say.
"You are?" Both men ask.
"Of course!" You exclaim. "Fatgum is literally the coolest! Chubby society looks up to him like crazy."
"See?" Fatgum says. "I told you this is a good idea. Fat Taxi is an experience."
"I'm so excited." You say. "Amajiki Senpai, you are the coolest. You're taking me on a date in Fat Taxi." Amajiki's face turns bright red.
"I- I'm happy y- you're excited."
"I am!" You're smiling now, and he finds it adorable. You're only ever like this with your friends, and now you're being adorable and happy with him. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" You just hug him, and he glitches.
"Y- you're welcome." He doesn't want to say that it wasn't his idea, and Fatgum isn't going to say it either: he'll give Amajiki this moment.
You two get into his fat, then ride to the aquarium like that. It's amazing. The whole ride, you're gushing about how much you admire Fatgum, and Amajiki listens silently, having never known about that.
At the aquarium, it's fun and very relaxed. You're practically acting like a child, fawning over the different fish. Amajiki watches you, smiling slightly. You're adorable: just like how he thought you are. He was right. You really are the cutest.
He also buys you food, to which you're excited over. Then, you two sit on a bench and eat ice cream. The whole time you're grinning, and he just watches you happily.
"I take it you're enjoying yourself?" He asks.
"Of course I am. This was my idea, you know." He nods.
"Right." He falls silent.
"Do you think we'll go out again?' You ask finally, wanting to know what to expect.
"Do you want to?"
"Of course I do. This was amazing. Also why wouldn't I wanna keep going out with my crush?"
"Wait, what? Y- you have a- a-a crush on m- m- me?"
"Yeah of course. You couldn't tell?" He shakes his head.
"No. Not at all." You lean up and kiss his cheek.
"Well I do. Let's go out more, and if you're okay with it, let me be your girlfriend." His face is bright red.
"I-I-I-like that i- i- idea."
"Great. I'm your girlfriend now then. No take backsies." He nods.
"O- okay."
"Also, I'm cool with riding in Fat Taxi for our dates." He nods.
"I-I'!I pick y- you up in F- Fat Taxi if th-that's what you w-w-want."
"Yes!" You throw your arms around him, and he's thoroughly flustered.

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