Oxygen (Maddie)

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You open your front door after you heard someone knocking on it. As soon as you see the person standing in front of you, you engulf them into a hug. Their arms wrap around you and kiss your head.
"Hey." Your boyfriend greets you. His teal eyes scan the area.
"Hey." He pushes you away from him. It's been a couple weeks since you last saw each other. He said he's been busy. Because of that, he stares at you for a moment.
"I've missed your pretty little face." You giggle.
"I've missed yours."
"You think this face is pretty?" He points to the burnt skin all down his neck, and taking up over half of his face. To this, you nod with a smile.
"Of course I do." He smiles a bit. "Come inside! You must be hungry, right? I mean, it's so late. Let's have dinner."
"Sounds good to me."
You take him by the hand, and bring him inside. He's smiling. He's just so happy to see you. He really does hate not being able to see you for even a moment, but he had a lot to do. There are many things you don't know about him, one of those being why he's so busy all of the time. He isn't seeing anyone else, but this secret is almost just as bad. But he won't ever let you know the truth. He won't have you cowering away from him in fear.
"I cook something for you." You tell him. "Wait here."
"No." He declines. "Let me help."
"I can't ask you-"
"I'm serious. I'll help you out."
You both go into the kitchen, and begin to cook. You joke around, and have lighthearted conversation. That is, until you see how he's favoring his left arm. You take a look at it, and find a harsh wound. A gasp escapes your lips.
"Oh my gosh, what happened?" You ask him. "Was there a villain attack?"
"Come on. I'll get that cleaned up for you."
"You're ditching dinner to help a small wound?"
"Does this look small to you? It's over half your forearm!"
"It's fine-"
"Living room. Now."
He grumbles but makes his way into the living room anyway. Begrudgingly, he takes a seat on the couch and waits for you to come back. When you return, you're carrying a small medical kit. You take a seat beside him, and start applying medicine to his wound, then bandage it. He hisses in pain when you touch it.
"See?" You say. "It hurts. You should've said something sooner. What happened? Which villain was it?" He shrugs. It was one of those hypocritical heroes.
"Can't remember. I got outta there safely, so it's whatever."
"It is not! You need to take care of yourself! Do I have to examine you every time I see you?"
"I mean, it's a good way to get attention from you." You sigh.
"Don't leave me worrying about you."
"Don't bother. I'm really okay."
"Whatever. I'll always take care of you when you need it. You kiss his cheek as you finish up." "Now let's go continue making dinner."
You both go back into the kitchen, and resume your cooking. After eating, you just curl up together onto the couch and watch a couple movies until you fall asleep together.
In the morning, you wake up to him not being there. Sadly, you go to make breakfast, and find a note on the fridge.
There's something I have to do, so I left earlier this morning. I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer, but I'll come back whenever I have time. Love you.
You smile sadly, then make breakfast before going to work.
"Where were you?" Shigaraki asks Dabi.
"Went to visit someone." He says.
"All night?" Twice asks.
"Was it a girlfriend??" Toga asks him.
"So what?"
"You have a girlfriend?" Twice asks. "When can we meet her? Ew, who'd wanna meet his girlfriend? I do!" His dual personality starts coming out.
"You're not going to." Dabi tells them. "She doesn't know I'm in the League, and I'm keeping it that way."
"Oh my gosh!" Toga explains. "A forbidden romance! So cute!" Dabi growls.
"Cut it out. I keep her in the dark as long as I can. I don't need her running from me."
"As if your face isn't enough reason to run." Twice's ruder personality says. "That's not very nice! I don't really care. Well you should! Dabis in love! Ew, gross." Dabi just rolls his eyes before leaving the room.
After a couple of days, he's back at your house, and you're extremely happy to see him. It's around 3:00 in the afternoon, so you sit on the couch to talk.
"How have you been?" You ask him.
"Fine. My arm is feeling better."
"Good. No other injuries?" He laughs a bit.
"No. No other injuries.
"Can you at least remember the villains quirk?"
"Even if I did, you probably wouldn't know which villain it is. I swear you no nothing about anything that goes on these days." You laugh.
"I don't watch the media. Over half of it is either lies or over-dramatized for attention. I know a little here and there from my co-workers though."
"Oh really? Like what?"
"Something about this little club thing? League of Villains, I think? I only know, like, one member's name."
"And who is that?"
"Himiko Toga. She was a freshman in high school when I was a senior. I'd talk to her occasionally, and she was really sweet. A good friend, to be honest. Then, I heard about her incidents with drinking a classmates blood, and when I tried contacting her to see if if s she was okay, I didn't get a response." Of course. A freak like Toga couldn't even scare her.
"I see. The news is overrated. Not as exciting as they make it out to be." You nod.
"That's why I ignore it for the most part. Besides, as long as they leave me alone, I don't care about the villain stuff going on. That's the heroes' job." He nods at you.
"Keep thinking like that. It's safer if you do."
"I don't need to fear villains. They should fear me. I'd bite their heads off." You chomp your teeth, and he laughs.
"Not to mention your super cool boyfriend." He produces fire from his hand.
"Yes. My super cool boyfriend who'll protect me."
You spend the rest of the day together, and it couldn't make you happier. You love him so much, and you're so happy to have him in your life, even though he keeps so many secrets from you. There's no way he's not loyal, and it's obvious he's gone through a lot. You remember the day you first met him.
You've been receiving love letters for a long time now, though you don't know where they came from. You pray to meet whoever this is, wanting to just talk it all out. One day, you catch the very man leaving it on your doorstep. A look of pure horror spreads onto his face, and he doesn't know what to do now.
"Hi." You say. "Are you the one who's been leaving me love letters all this time? He nods.
"Would you like to come in? I've been wanting to meet you awhile now."
"You're not scared?"
"Why would I be afraid of someone I've never met before?"
"Look at me. I don't look very appealing." 

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