Green Bean (Ghost)

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You are the granddaughter of Sorahiko Torino, aka Gran Torino. Your parents are sending you to stay with him for a while. They thought a fresh start would be good since you were terribly bullied. Once you got to your grandfather's house, he set you up in the spare bedroom and registered you into UA. You would be in general studies and that was fine with you.

You were constantly bullied because you were short and chubby. The bullying wasn't just verbal but also physical. You would come home crying with bruises all over your body. Your parents were at their wits end on what to do, so this was their solution.

Your quick was healing. You could heal small wounds. It was nothing as impressive as Recovery Girl, who is one of your favorite heroes. You wish your healing quirk was stronger like hers, but you grew to be okay with what you had.

On your first day of school, you got yourself ready and went down to have breakfast with your grandfather. Sitting at the table with him was a cute boy with a mop of green hair. You found out his name is Izuku Midoriya, and he goes to UA as well. He was in 1-A, which is the hero course. Your grandfather asked him to walk you to school since you were new, and he accepted.

You two were very awkward at first, but as you got to know each other on the walk, the conversation started flowing. When you arrive at school, he gives you a small tour to help you out. He was so nice to you. It made you blush. You didn't really have people you treated so nicely before.

As he was showing you to your classroom, you guys bumped into some of his classmates, and they were so nice as well. Everyone introduced themselves and walked along with Izuku and you. One was obviously a flirt, but you still blushed.

Kaminari smiles, "Come on, pretty lady. Let's show you to your class."

He moved to sling his arm around your shoulder, but Izuku got in between before he could. You thought that was weird but just giggled. After dropping you off, they all went to their class.

The day passed by quickly, and you were meeting so many people. They were so much nicer than you're the people at your old school. For the first time in a long time, you were happy. After classes let out, Izuku came to walk you home.

You look at him, "You don't have to walk me home if you don't want to. I don't want to be a bother."

Izuku stuttered, "I-I-I don't mind. I like w-w-walking with you."

You gave him a bright smile, which made him blush. You thought he was so cute. Months have passed, and you have felt more and more welcomed here. It was a normal now for Izuku to walk you to and from school. You had become part of his group of friends and hung out with them sometimes.

One day, while walking home, you came to the realization you had a small crush on the adorable green bean. But you will keep that to yourself because you knew the feelings wouldn't be mutual. I mean, he was cute but hot and so sweet. There was no way. He should definitely be with someone like Ochaco. She was so pretty.

One day, Izuku showed up to your house and asked to talk. Your mind went wild. What if he didn't want to be your friend anymore? What if he tells you he tells you he knows about your crush and thinks it's gross? You just had so many negative thoughts running through your head.

Your grandfather was out on patrol when Izuku arrived, so you have the house to yourselves. You two sat down on the couch, and there was an awkward silence. You waited for him to say what he came to, but his anxiety is running high.

Izuku pulls something out a small box and walks up to you. He extends his hand, holding the box out towards you.

Izuku clears his throat and begins, "Y/N, W-w-we've only known each other for a short time b-b-but I really l-l-like you no l-l-love you. Will you accept my f-f-feelings?"

You open your eyes wide, "W-w-what?"

He stutters some more, "I-I-I love you. I have since the first day we met. If you don't like me back, I understand."

He starts lowering his hand with the extended gift. You jump up and hug him with tears streaming down your face. He wraps his arms around you as you bury your face into his chest. He was a lot taller than you.

You say into his chest, "I love you too. I accept you, my green bean."

He laughs, "You are now my puppy forever."

Izuku pulls back and plants a kiss on your forehead before handing you the box. You open to find a silver necklace with a small stone that is the color of his eyes.

You smile up at him, "It's beautiful. Can you put it on me?"

He blushes, "Y-y-yeah."

You turn around, and he puts the necklace on you. From that day forward, you two were the dream couple.

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