Unresolved Problems (Maddie)

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You're sitting in class, between two of your best friends: Izuku Midoriya (though you just call him "Deku") and Ejiro Kirishima (you ve gotten into the habit of just calling him "Ejiro"). You used to have a different best friend, but you grew out of it, though not in the typical moving on from a person. You two fell in love, and are now dating.
Your families were always close with one another, so you two met when he was two, and you were just a newborn. Because of that, you were close from the start, and became good friends as you got older. Then, earlier this semester, you confessed your feelings to him, expecting him to reject you, saying that you're just his good friend; you still took the chance, not wanting to keep any secrets in your friendship. Yet, you weren't rejected, actually, he said that he liked you as well. That was surprising, but you went with it, and now you're dating.
In walks three seniors (you're just a freshman) and they're introduced as the Big Three. Your teacher tells Tamaki Amajiki to introduce himself first. You blush, and inwardly giggle. That's your boyfriend. The amazing Suneater. Midoriya and Kirishima look over at you, wondering why your blushing so hard.
"Y/n?" Kirishima whispers. "Are you okay? You're blushing." You shake your head.
"Im fine."
"You sure?" Midoriya asks.
Amajiki is glaring right at the three of you. You'd been close with those two since you started out at UA. As a matter of fact, you talk about them all of the time: both when you and Amajiki were still friends, and now, when you're a couple. He isn't too fond of that, but what irritates him most is how you're close with them. With Midoriya, you're on a nickname base, and Kirishima, you're on a first name base. But Amajiki? You still call him "Amajiki Senpai, as if it's a way to distance
yourself. In terms of culture, yes, that's most appropriate, but he doesn't care. He doesn't want to see you closer with other guys than him. It just doesn't sound right.
The whole class sees his expression at you and your friends, and turn their eyes to you guys. You're laughing with them, getting distracted. You knew that Amajiki would take a few moments to talk, and even when he does get ready, he'll fumble around nervously, and you just hate watching that. So, you're just giggling around until he's ready. The other two, you don't
care too much about. Hado and Togata are nice, but you've never been close with them. You respect them as your boyfriend's friends, and can carry a light conversation, too, it's just that they're occasionally too nosey about you and Amajiki, which you find slightly annoying.
When you, Midoriya, and Kirishima notice you're being watched, you realize that you're in trouble. You laugh nervously.
"Shall we continue with the class," Aizawa, your teacher starts. "Or should we call it a day so you can talk with your friend, L/n?" You shake your head.
"S- sorry." You say. " I got a little distracted." You sit up straight. "You have my full attention, Amajiki Senpai!"
He cringes. i should've had your full attention to begin with. I'm your boyfriend, not them. He starts to try and mumble out his name, but he gets nervous. You knew this was going to happen, and you hate watching it. Inwardly, you sigh. I hate watching you be so nervous. I hate seeing you anxious. Amajiki Senpai, why can't you act the way you do around me? You get an idea. You start staring at him, and when he notices your gaze, you give him a really big smile. His face turns red, and he just turns to the wall.
"I wanna go home!" He says, shaking. "I don't wanna do this! I don't like it in here!" You frown.
Hado introduces him instead, and the rest of the class goes on like that. You feel bad that he's always so anxious. Under your desk, you're fidgeting with your fingers, not able to focus again. What should I do? He doesn't deserve to always be this afraid. He's amazing. He's beautiful and talented, and wonderful, and the best person I've ever met. I hate how he's always so afraid of being himself in front of people. I wish I could do something about it, but I've never been able to talk sense into him. He just doesn't listen. He's such a pessimist.
At lunch, you sit with your class, in between Midoriya and Kirishima. You talk with them, but you're still absent-minded.
"Y/n," Midoriya says. "Ever since the Big Three showed up, you haven't been yourself." You sigh.
"Amajiki Senpai and I are really close, and I feel bad. I wish I could help him out, but he just doesn't listen. He's a total pessimist, you know?"
"I didn't know you had a connection with him." Kirishima interjects. You shrug.
"He's really shy, and isn't into PDA, and if I'm being honest, neither am I. It's weird and gross"
"Wait, PDA?" Midoriya asks.
"Are you two a couple?" Kirishima finishes the unspoken question. You nod.
"Of course we are. Why do you think I was blushing when he walked in?" You sigh. "He's literally my entire world, and I just hate seeing him so afraid. All throughout class I  just wanted to go hug him. That's why I wasn't paying attention. I knew I couldn't handle watching that."
"Oh." Midoriya says. "Maybe you two can talk about it after school?" You shake your head
"I doubt it's a problem. He's understanding."
Meanwhile, Amajiki is telling Togata and Hado about how you've been spending time with Kirishima and Midoriya, how you're always talking about them, and that even when he's in the room, you're still giggling around with them. He doesn't want to admit he's jealous. He refuses to accept it.
"Tamaki," Togata says. "Just say it. You're jealous."
"I-I am not." He argues. "W- why w-w-would I be j-jealous?"
"Because," Hado says. "She talks to them all the time, she talks about them all the time, she's always giggling when she's with them, oh, and not to mention she overall just seems so happy when she's with them." Amajiki groans
"Why'd you have to say it like that?"
"What did I do wrong?" Togata sighs.
"Just invite her to sit with us today. The two of you are dating and don't even sit together at lunch."
"I don't wanna separate her from her class." Amajikj says. "And she's allowed to have other friends. I- I don't think that it's right for me t- t-t to try and take her away from them a- all the time. We're together after school, a- and that's enough, I guess."
"She won't see anything's wrong with it if you don't tell her."
"That's it." Togata stands up. "If you wont do anything, I will"
He marches off, and Amajiki is shaking. What will his best friend do now? Probably something to humiliate him. That's always how it goes. Togata stands in front of you, and you smile
"Hey, Togata Senpai!" You greet him, "What brings you here?"
"Well," he starts off. "Amajiki really wants to invite you to sit with us, but is too shy to do it himself."
"Why?" You ask, standing up. "I'd love to sit with him."
"I tried telling him that, but you know how he is." You shrug>
"Whatever. I know he's always anxious, so I'm used to it, I guess." You stare at the ground sadly. "But I wish he was more comfortable around me. It looks like he's more willing to tell you and Hado things than me."

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