My Opposite PT1 (Maddie)

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Today is your first day at UA High. It's time to get ready, and you eye the school uniform. I hate this. It's so.. blah. You smirk as you get a crazy idea. Let's add some extra elements to it. You put on a skull t-shirt and put the white button-up shirt over it. With the red tie, you put it on loosely under the button-up but put pins and chains on it to make it extra. When you look at the skirt, you just shake your head.  I'm not wearing a skirt. It's just a no. From your drawer, you pull out a pair of jeans and wear sneakers. As for your hair, you just leave it down. You then put on a long necklace with a couple of rings.
When you look in the mirror, you nod at yourself.
Your quirk is peculiar. It's called "gas," as cringe as that is. Your skin secretes several types of gases: one is poisonous, another causes paralysis, and the last one cures any type of wound or sickness entirely. For the harmful gasses, you are immune to them entirely, though you can use the curing one to rejuvenate your health fully. In order to use your quirk, you have to keep your skin moist, so you always keep some form of moisturizer with you. If you use your quirk too much, it begins relying on the gases in your lungs, causing shortness of breath, and at some point, all air within your lungs is depleted, and you die from lack of oxygen. Luckily, you have never had to use your quirk enough to deal with the more fatal drawback.
You enter into the classroom and see several kids just like you. They have special quirks, and for some people, it's both dangerous and useful. It makes you feel accepted. There's a boy with dark blue hair and glasses. He's tall and broad, too.
You notice engines on his legs. Does he have the same quirk as Ingenium? They must be related. You scoff inwardly. Looks like he's another wannabe hero because someone in their family is one, and they think that they can just follow in the footsteps as them. It's so childish.
So far, no one has noticed you entering since they're all too busy chattering. You go to the back of the class and sit on the desk, pulling out an apple from your bag to snack on.
"What do you think you're doing?!"

 You turn your head and find the blue-haired boy. As he speaks, he moves his arms in
a manner that suggests is trying to chop the air or something.
"Sitting and eating a snack? I didn't eat breakfast."
"Your uniform is a mess, you are sitting on the desk, and eating in a classroom? What kind of disrespect is this? You are attending the no. 1 high school for heroes in all of Japan, and you disregard basic appreciation for it?!" You roll your eyes.
"Listen here, four-eyes. I'm seriously not in the mood to listen to you lecturing me. I hate skirts because I can't move in them. I find formal wear dreadful, so I made it more comfortable for myself. I'm still wearing a button-up and tie. I'm sitting on the desk because these chairs suck and are extremely uncommon for me. I'm eating because I didn't have time for breakfast and not eating will make me sick. It's nothing against the school. It's just me being me."
"A skirt is not that bad. Formal wear should not bother you. You can survive an uncomfortable seat, and you could have woken up earlier to have time for breakfast!" He continues to chop at the air, and you just raise an eyebrow.
"I don't see how my actions are any of your concern. You behave as you like, and I will behave as I like."
"I want to see this class be a respectable part of UA High."
"I am respectable. If you don't respect me, you'll be finding my foot up your rear end, yourself lying on the ground incapable of moving or breathing your last breaths in agony. I don't see a problem here."
"You are training to become a hero, and you resort to violence for everything?"
"Yes. It's an easier way to handle things. Besides, if the villain society fears you, then they're more likely to stay in line. That sounds pretty awesome to me." You take another bite of your apple as you decide to hate this guy here.
"You have no hope here at UA High!"
'What's your name, Four-Eyes?"
"lida! Tenya lida of the lida family -"
"Relative of Ingenium, right? I noticed your legs." He stares in awe. "lida, listen, anyone can be a hero if they strive for it. The thing is, you can't just judge people by how they seem. You haven't even learned my quirk yet, but I promise, once you do, you'll see how awesome I am. See this and how I outshine this room full of losers."
"EXCUSE ME?!?!?!" Some blonde boy shouts:. Well, he's loud. "YOU EXTRAS ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO ME!!"
"Woah," you say. "Is that your quirk? Mind-reading? Because you just said what I was thinking."
"OH SHUT UP, YOU EXTRA!!" You shrug it off before looking at lida again.
"See? I'm not the only one here. Just see my performance before assuming you know my potential."
"Fine, but still, show some civilization."
"Would sitting like a lady with my legs closed make you feel better?"
"Yes. It would, actually. A lady should act like such!" You roll your eyes.
"Well, keep dreaming. I ain't no lady. I'm something you haven't seen yet." You smirk as he just walks to his seat.
The teacher shows up, and everyone goes outside. Basically, you have to prove your worth something with your quirk with a series of tests. Whoever scores the lowest is eliminated. Afterward, the green-haired boy who scored last was allowed to stay after all.
In hero training the next day, you're paired with a couple of people you don't really know and have to act as a villain. You give your partner a gas mask (which you always keep with you for the protection of others) before filling the entire building with paralysis gas. Since they're immobilized, you win instantly. As you pass Tenya lida, you smirk at him.
"See?" You sneer. "I'd say I ended things rather peacefully. Give it a couple of minutes, and it'l all be fine. And what about you? You couldn't do anything. Seems to me like you're the hopeless one."
"You're still a hooligan!" He chops at the air.
"Enough with the air chopping. You look like an idiot."
"Whatever. I'm gonna leave now. Catch ya later, four-eyes!"
A couple months past by, and you and lida constantly butt heads. Whenever he goes on a long lecture, you mimic him by moving your hand in an attempt to replicate speaking. It makes him mad, so he starts yelling at you. You swear he targets you, though. It doesn't matter what you do. He still lectures you. At lunch, he gave you a lecture on proper etiquette.
You just yell back at him, saying to let you just live your life. You've never been girly, and you never wanted to be. A rich kid like him wouldn't get it. You went to a small junior high, and most of the kids there were also troublemakers. The area you live in has a high crime rate, so that's all you've seen since childhood. But that's why you want to be a hero. So you can change all of that. So you can be a good example everyone needs in your little neighborhood.
Since childhood, you've learned how to be tough. It's either a strong predator of a weak prey. You've chosen predator, so that you won't have to suffer the life of a living target. lida just won't understand that, so you won't even bother explaining such a concept to him. He was born rich and pampered, so it's not like he's ever had to fear the life of a prey.
Instead, he's a consumer, so he doesn't hunt his own target but consumes without realizing it.
lida doesn't see anything wrong with his constant criticism of you. He doesn't even notice it. The thing is, everyone else does. They even call him out on it.
"So," Kirishima says. "What's up with you and L/n?"
"What do you mean?" lida asks.
"You treat her differently." Kaminari explains. "You never give the poor girl a break."
"I hardly see what you mean."
"It doesn't matter what she does," Midoriya says. "You constantly pester her over every little thing."
"What? I do not!"
"The girl paused chewing for a moment to answer an important question, and you gave her a long lecture."
"Talking with food in your mouth is extremely rude! A manner less swine is not accepted in the prestigious academy!"
"She was just trying to explain her quirk because you kept hounding her over her moisturizing too often!"
"It was unusual and is bad for your skin! I just want to see my classmates be respectable citizens as society and to be the proper hero I knows she wants to be! I'm trying to help her!"
"Oh." Kaminari says. "So you like her and think you know what's best for her?"
"Of course I like her! I like all of my classmates!"
"Not like that." Kirishima says. "Like you have a little crush on her."
" Do not!"
"Then why do you care about her so much?" Midoriya asks innocently.
"Because... because...I don't know! I just do!"
"YOU LIKE L/N!!!" Kaminari and Kirishima shouts.
"That's ridiculous!"
He gets up and leaves the classroom. As he's walking home, he spots you. He gets excited to see you. He gets disappointed when he sees you with several different guys. You're laughing and smiling with them, and their body language obviously suggests flirting. He approaches them.
"Who are you, and why are you talking to L/n?" He asks stiffly. You turn to him.
"These are my old classmates and friends." You tell him. "From junior high."
"They look like a bunch of thugs!"
"Really? You think anyone who isn't in some fancy school uniform is a thug. If you're just going to insult my friends, get lost you uptight nerd."
"Who is this?" One of the guys asks.
"New classmate." You say. "Super annoying and preppy."
"Ew." Another guy says.
"Are you just going to talk trash about me while I'm standing right here?!" He shouts
"Then leave." You snap.
"Argh! Fine! Whatever!"
He leaves, and you keep talking with your friends. You've always hung out with more guys. Girls are just too annoying in your opinion. lida, however, is as angry as can be. How could you say all of that? It was just rude.
When he gets home, he thinks of the words of his fellow classmates. Does he really like you? How can he? You're quite the slob. Though, he must admit, your eyes are beautiful, and your hair just looks so soft. When you smile, it's like seeing the sun itself shines. When you-
I really do like her.
The next day, at school, he waits until after class before stopping you. You were about to exit the classroom, but he must talk to you. He has to get these feelings out. He won't try and hide them. You roll your eyes but turn around to look at him. You just want to go home.
'What do you want?" You ask.
"Y/n L/n, I like you a lot. I find you very beautiful, and despite how it may seem, I enjoy your company. Whenever I think of you, I find myself smiling and getting genuinely happy. Please accept my heart, and allow me to be your boyfriend."
"Seriously?" You ask. "Just yesterday, you were criticizing me, and now you want to be my boyfriend? What kinda sick joke, is this?"
"It's not. Up until yesterday afternoon, I was blind to my own heart. Frankly speaking, someone else had to point it out for me. But, now that I fully recognize how I feel, I genuinely want to be with you."
"You're uptight, bossy, nerdy, rude, judgmental, weird, and if I'm being entirely honest, not my physical type at all. I have no desire to date an aspiring hero, nor a know-it-all."
"So, is this you rejecting me?"
"You didn't let me finish. Despite all of that, I think I'll give you a chance. I've never dated before, and I don't want to break anyone's heart. It's not my thing. I may not act like it, but I hate hurting people. Besides, I see that you've only acted this way because you think you're helping. This isn't me rejecting you, but instead, it's me accepting you. "
"Really?" His smile gets bigger than you've ever seen it before. "You- you mean it?"
"Would I lie to you?"
"Yes. You would, actually."
"Okay. Good point. But still, I mean it."
You lean up and kiss his pale cheek, putting a goofy grin on his face. You and lida come into the school, holding hands and screaming at each other over something stupid. Uraraka and
Midoriya, watch you two, sighing.
"They do this every day." She says, sad for the two of you. "They come in screaming at each other like the world is ending."
"And then," Midoriya says. "They go home giggling and laughing cutely, all in love again."
"They're ridiculous." They both say together.

My hero academia oneshots PT1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora