Debts (Maddie)

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You're staying with your uncle for awhile, since your parents haven't been doing much for you. Your uncle-Shota Aizawa- said he was willing so step in if needed, and you took him up on that offer since you don't know what else you can do. So, you're bringing your bags in, heaving tiredly. Why do I have so much crap?
"Do you need help?" You jump and scream. He startled you. "Or you can just scream. That's fine, too." You turn around, and see a boy with purple hair. He's handsome, but looks exhausted as well.
"Sorry. You startled me. But... who are you?"
"Hitoshi Shinsou. Your uncle is my mentor. He asked me to come here and help you while he's busy." You nod.
"l appreciate it. But I'm strong!" You try to lift the suitcase, but drop it on your foot. "Ouch.." you hold in a scream of pain.
"What the heck? Here, put it down and let me do it. Go to your room and wait for me to come up with your bags."
"No." You shake your head. "I can do it"
"As if. Ice your dang on foot, too."
"Don't tell me what to do." He rolls his eyes.
"If you don't cooperate, I'Il make you."
"Just try."
"PUT ME DOWN NOW!!!" He's thrown you over his shoulder, and is now carrying you upstairs.
"Just shut up already, will ya?'
He drops you onto your bed, then instructs you to stay there unless you want him to tie you down. At first, you were doubtful, but now you're starting to think that he's crazy enough to actually do that. He returns with an ice pack, then places it on your foot before telling you he's going to go bring your stuff up.
He comes in and out of the room with different bags in his hands, and you're suddenly embarrassed by how much stuff you actually have. When he's finally finished, he pants.
"Why do you have so much stuff." He mutters. Your face flushes.
"I'm not even gonna apologize. I never asked for your help."
"Whatever." He sits on the floor, and grabs a bottle of water.
"Are you okay? You look overheated."
"Well, I just carried several bags that weight at least 20 pounds each up the stairs, and did that, like, seven times."
"That's why I wanted to do it myself."
"Whatever. How's that foot of yours?"
"Well it hurts." He gets up, and approaches you.
"Here. Let me take a look at it." He takes off your shoe then sock, and sees that it's heavily bruised. "Be more careful. I'll  go get an ace bandage to wrap it up."
He walks out, then returns with an ace bandage, just like he says. After wrapping your foot in it, he scolds you, saying you have to be more careful. After that, he calls your uncle to tell him about your foot.
"Thanks kid, would you mind keeping an eye on her until I get back?"
"Yeah, I don't mind."
"Make her a snack as well. She get cranky when she's hungry, and it's in your best interest to feed her." He looks over at you, and can tell you're getting a little uncomfortable.
"Okay. I'Il feed her."
"Thank you. I appreciate it a lot."
"It isn't a problem."
Shinsou brings you snacks, and your face lights up. It seems like you'll be a patient for the day.
You go to school the next day at UA High, into the general studies course. You're surprised when you find Shinsou there.
"Shinsou?" You say.
"I didn't know you're in general studies. You seemed cool enough to be in the hero course." You sit in the chair beside him, though you're rather confused.
"I'm touched. Really." There's sarcasm in his voice.
"Can't you be nice for two minutes?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Seven times, I went up and down those stairs, carrying bags weighing at least twenty pounds. I took care of your foot of all things, and even fed you, too. If that isn't nice, I don't know what is. I'm pretty sure you owe me."
"Pfft. I owe you nothing. You chose to do all that. I never asked for anything."
"Oh? So this is how you thank someone? How polite."
"Fine. Thank you."
"You still owe me."
You watch as your uncle teaches Shinsou. It's clear that he's very attractive. There's sweat dripping down his face and neck, and his clothes and hair cling to his flesh. You blush a little, then look away. He sees you from the corner of his eye, and smirks inwardly.
As you learn more about Shinsou, you develop feelings for him. Also, you acknowledge he's had a rough childhood, and can understand why he isn't always so friendly. Still, he treats you so well. You don't know why, but you appreciate it.
Perhaps it's just to stay on Uncle Aizawa's good side. I mean, he must wanna look good in front of his mentor.
You're sitting beside Shinsou, waiting for Aizawa to show up for his training. You're carrying a light conversation, but it somehow escalates. Somehow, his childhood came up, and you're trying to be comforting without sounding like he's some pitiful creature. You're not very good with these things, so it's difficult. He just wants to shut you up at this point, so he kisses you. It's then that Aizawa shows up, and he watches the scene quietly. You let it happen, and when he pulls away from you, there's a petty smirk on his face. You're blushing madly, and just stand up and run. You don't know what to say. This is all too much.
"So," Aizawa says to Shinsou. "What prompted you to kiss my niece?" He shrugs.
"I felt like it, I guess."
'You like her?" Shinsou nods.
"Of course I do."
"Well, I'll just leave that to you. Just treat her well you hear?" Shinsou chuckles a bit.
"Couldn't dream of anything otherwise."
Since the time Shinsou kissed you, you've been avoiding him. You can't think of why he would do that, so you decide on believing it was a spur-of-the-moment type thing. What else could it be? There's no way he could like you. Not at all.
Meanwhile, Shinsou is getting tired of you avoiding him. He initially thought you needed some time to think before talking it out, but now it seems like you don't plan on ever talking to him again. This is really getting irritating.
When you're walking home one day, he runs up to you, not being able to stand this distance any longer.
"L/n." He calls out, and you stop.
"What's up?" You turn around, pretending like there's nothing wrong.
"Where have you been lately? You never talk to me anymore."
"Oh...I've been.... busy."
"Busy? Like at lunch when you make as many excuses as possible to sit as far from me as possible." 

Your face flushes, "They're not excuses. I-"
"Save it for somebody else. You've been acting like this since I kissed you." Now you're just blushing.
"W- what? Th- that's ridiculous. Why would- why would I avoid you o- over that?"
"Do you suddenly have a stuttering problem now?" He rolls his eyes. "Listen, I've seen the way you look at me. Be honest, do you like me?"
"I do not have a stuttering problem."
"You're avoiding the main question."
"You asked if I had a stuttering problem, and I answered it."
"I also asked if you liked me."
"I didn't know that was the main question."
"Well now you do, so answer it."
"I don't want to and you cant make me."
"Please? I need to know." The look in his eyes is unfamiliar to you.
"Why is it such a big deal? Are you so eager to get the chance to reject me? Break my heart?" He shakes his head.
"Not at all. I just need to know if you like me back. I didn't plan to kiss you that day, but I don't regret it. At least, not yet. I might if it causes you to never speak to me again." Your eyes get huge.
"Wait, what? You- you like me?"
"Of course I do. Why do you think I'm always taking care of you, and wanting to be around you? I don't do that for anyone else, you know." You look away.
"I thought you were just toying with me
"I would never. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't care enough to try toying with you."
"Oh... "
"Well? Just answer the question. Do you like me?"
"M- maybe just a little-"
"It's a yes or no question.
"Fine! Yes! I do! Gosh!"
He smiles a bit, and then pulls you into a hug. He kisses you, and you're blushing more than ever.
"You're still in debt, you know."
"Oh really? What do you want?" You're still sassy, even though you're more flustered than ever right now.
"Sh- shut up."
"Nope. You're mine now, Kitten."

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