The Healer (Ghost)

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You are walking home from work. You had just ended your shift at the hospital as a nurse. You had a healing power where you touch the wound, and you can heal it. There is a limit to the size of the wound you can heal. Also, if you haven't eaten the right amount of food, you can pass out.

While walking, you heard a commotion in a nearby alleyway. You didn't want to go near it, but you had a duty as a nurse to see if anyone was injured. When you look in the alley, you see someone on the ground. You approach and see it's a well-known villain, Dabi, and he was unconscious. He had wounds that were bleeding badly. You wanted to run, but you couldn't leave someone injured. Even if it was a villain.

You get right to healing him. It's a good thing you ate a big breakfast and lunch. You had enough energy to him. You even went as far as to help some of his scarred skin. You couldn't heal it all, but the stuff around his eyes and face came to a lightly scarred look. You had to stop, or you would pass out.

You wobbly stood up from him. He started waking up. You took off before he could fully awake. You didn't want to get caught up in anything. What you didn't know was he saw what you looked like as you turned the corner. He figured you worked at the hospital just by what you were wearing.

The next day after you got off, you started walking home as usual. You felt like you were being followed, but when you turned around, there was no one there. You shrugged it off and just kept on walking.

You made it home and let yourself in. After you locked the door, you went into your room and changed into something comfortable. When you came out, you went into the kitchen to start making dinner. As you were cooking, you started to hum to yourself.

You hear a deep voice, "That smells delicious."

You screamed and turned around. Sitting at your counter was Dabi with a smirk on his face. You held the spatula out as if it were a great weapon.

Dabi chuckled, "I'm so scared right now."

You glared at him, "What do you want? Why are you in my house?"

He gets up and walks towards you. You back away but got cornered between the counter and him. He puts his hands on either side of you, caging you in.

He smirks, "I wanted to thank you. Plus, you're kind of cute."

You blushed, "Ummmmm...It's my job."

"So little one, what's for dinner?"

You stuttered, "S-s-spaghetti."

"Sounds good. I think I'll join you."

From then on, he would visit you once a week. He would come for dinner, make you flustered, then leave. It was going on for months. Then, one week, he didn't show.

It has now been several months and no sign of Dabi. You actually missed his company. You also had a crush on him. You didn't care that he was a villain anymore. He never hurt you.

While walking, someone grabbed you and dragged you into the alley. You looked up to find a villain, and he was giving you an evil smile.

He growls, "Well aren't you a pretty little thing. I think I'll just keep you."

You scream, and that made him angry. He hit you, which caused you to fall.

You heard a familiar voice, "What do you think you are doing to my little one?"

The villain looks at him, "This doesn't concern you. Leave before I make you."

Dabi laughs, "I don't think so."

Dabi sets the villain on fire. He then goes up to you and picks you up. He carries you home while you cry into his chest. He doesn't like you upset like this. By the time you guys are inside, your cheek is healed. He sets you down and checks you all over.

You sniffle, "Thank you for saving me."

He smiles, "Of course, little one. I can't have you hurt now, can I."

You hug him, "I missed you."

He hugs you back, "I missed you too. I want you to be mine and come with me. What do you say?"

You nod, "Yes."

You pack a bag and leave with him. You didn't mind leaving your old life. After this scare, you knew you couldn't live without him. You will follow him anywhere.

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