My Best Friend (Maddie)

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You're sitting between two boys on the bus on your way to school. They both insisted on sitting beside you, so this is how you compromised. Both talk eagerly, both to you and to each other. Actually, they're both very good friends, so to you, this is just a sweet little friend group.
"Y/n!" Kirishima gets your attention. "Do you like noodles??"
"Yeah?" You laugh. He's always like this: saying the most random things to get your attention.
"We should all get noodles sometime." Kaminari pipes in. "Or if you wanna go with just one of us." You smack his arm.
"I'd prefer it to be all three of us. You both are my great friends!" You grab both of their arms, and they mildly side-eye one another, though you don't notice.
At school, they follow you a lot and talk to you as much as possible. You don't mind: you actually quite like it. They're sweet, and it makes you happy to see two people so friendly to you. It is always fun to have friends like them, and even though they sometimes get jealous when you're with only one of them, they're pretty chill for the most part.
Kaminari has proposed the idea or going out to get noodles, so all three of you go together. Both boys sit on one side of the table, and you on the other. It's the easiest way to keep the peace. The guys both split the bill, and even though you offered to pay for your own food, they don't let you.
"As if!" Kaminari yells.
"Do you know how unmanly it is to let a girl pay for her own food?!" Kirishima yells.
"This isn't a date or anything." You say. "What's the harm in me buying my own food?"
"Friend circle or not," Kaminari says. "We're still gentlemen. Gosh."
"What do you take us for? Slobs?"
"Bakugou?" Kaminari adds to the options, causing everyone to erupt in laughter.
"Oh my gosh!" You yell."This is why I love you two! Bakugou would be yelling. PAY YOUR OWN GOSH DARN BILL!! WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE TO YOU?!?! AN ATM?!?!?!" Everyone laughs again
"And the poor girl who was pulling out her wallet just says I was planning on it." Kaminari continues.
"Meanwhile", Kirishima says. "The whole restaurant looking at him like he's crazy."
"Isn't he crazy?" You say.
"He really is, tho... both boys say.
You love them both so much. They're honestly just precious and always have been. On the very first day of school, they greeted you, and were just the sweetest people on earth. You wouldn't trade them for anyone else in the world.
After lunch, you guys hang out some more by shopping and just looking around at weird places. What bothers you is that they appear to be hiding something. You don't ask, wanting to respect their privacy, but you hope they tell you on their own: you're curious.
A couple of days later, both Kirishima and Kaminari avoid you. It makes you really sad, and as you're walking out, they pop up in front of you, with awkward smiles.
"Hey there, strangers." You say. "You haven't talked to me all day."
"We have a reason for that." Kirishima says.
"We had to talk things out between ourselves." Kaminari further explains.
"We didn't mean to do this on the same day, " Kirishima starts. "It was by accident."
"You see", Kaminari continues. "We accidentally found out about the other when we got to school, and we both agreed it wouldn't be fair to make the other choose a different day.
In a way," Kirishima says. "We're rivals."
"But we're also best friends." Kaminari finishes.
"What are you two dummies trying to say?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.
"We like you!" Both boys say together, each holding out a bouquet for you, though you're not sure where they got them from. You don't even bother to ask, stunned by what they just said.
"You me?" You ask, shocked by the sudden confession.
"We have since we first met you." Kaminari tells you.
"But we were held back by the other."
"didn't wanna hurt Kirishima."
"And I didn't wanna hurt Kaminari."
"I don't even know what to say." You tell them.
"Don't rush!" Kaminari tells you. "Take your time! We can wait!"
"If you don't want either of us, that's okay. We can always stay friends if that's what you want. "And if you decide on one of us, don't worry about hurting the other. We're all friends here and will be happy for both you and the other."
"Yeah!" Kaminari nods. "We just want you to be happy with or without us." They're both so sweet.
"Would you mind me taking some time to think about it?" You ask. "This is still a lot to take in."
"Of course!" They say together. "Take as much time as you need!"
"Thank you." You hug them both.
You lie on your bed, staring at the ceiling. You're not focused on it but instead lost in your thoughts. My two best friends just confessed to me. I can't believe this. Who the heck am I supposed to choose? They said they don't mind being rejected but I can't hurt any of them. It's just not fair. Why did it have to be them? Why couldn't it have been one of them and Bakugou? I can reject the angry guy easily but not these two. I don't even know if I like either of them.
Every day, both boys keep the same behaviors as they always have. Now that you think of it, they've always acted in a similar way to that of a boyfriend. You were so oblivious that you never realized what they really wanted from you. Both are so sweet and so caring.
Kirishima is always working hard to be a man. He wants to be mature but goofy at the same time. His overall goal is to be a gentleman, and you know that he could treat a woman right. He has the sweetest smile and is also strong. He would naturally be a great choice.
Kaminari is rather gentle but isn't exactly the brightest. Every time he uses his quirk, it makes you laugh. He's always made you laugh. Your only critique on him is that he likes girls just a little too much; but you're also aware that if he had a girlfriend, he would always remain loyal.
The more you think about it, the more you realize that your heart has always belonged to one of them. You've always been impartial to him, and whenever you see him, it's a different type of happiness. You can see clearly now. You know who you want.
You've made your final decision.
You call both of them after school, saying to talk privately with you. You hate the idea of rejecting one, but you have to.
You can't choose both.
"Guys," you say. "I've made my choice. Please don't me mad."
"Of course not!" Kaminari says.
"We'll always support you!" Kirishima says.


"Kaminari," you start, getting his attention. "You are a wonderful guy. Any girl would be so lucky to have you. But just can't. I thought it over a lot, and you just don't have my heart. At least, not like that. But, regardless, you're still precious to me. I hope that we can still be friends."
"Of course," Kaminari says. "Thanks for even considering me." You turn to Kirishima.
"I thought about it, and I think I really like you, Kirishima." His eyes get big, and silently Kaminari leaves,
"Y- you can't be serious right now."
"I am. I wish I'd realized it sooner, but I don't think I ever really thought I could like either of you. But as I thought about it. I learned that you are truly precious to me."
He stands up, runs to you, and hugs you tightly. Nothing could make him happier right now. He loves you so much.
Even though Kaminari is heartbroken, you're still really good friends. You appreciate him being so understanding. Now, you know that he's your best friend, which is sometimes an even higher pedestal than boyfriend.
Kirishima sometimes gets jealous of you two, so you're constantly reassuring him that nothing is going on like that.
While he knows that, it's still hard to believe it sometimes. Yet, at the end of the day, they can still remain good friends.
You're so happy everything has worked out.


"Kirishima," you start, getting his attention. "You are a wonderful guy. Any girl would be so lucky to have you. But l just can't. I thought it over a lot, and you just don't have my heart. At least, not like that. But, regardless, you're still precious me. I hope that we can still be friends."
"Of course." Kirishima says. "Thanks for even considering me." You turn to Kaminari.
"I thought about it, and I think I really like you, Kaminari." His eyes get big, and silently Kirishima leaves."
"Y- you can't be serious right now."
"I am. I wish I'd realized it sooner, but I don't think ever really thought I could like either of you. But as I thought about it. I learned that you are truly precious to me."
He stands up, runs to you, and hugs you tightly. Nothing could make him happier right now. He loves you so much.
Even though Kirishima is heartbroken, you're still really good friends. You appreciate him being so understanding. Now, you know that he's your best friend, which is sometimes an even higher pedestal than boyfriend.
Kaminari sometimes gets jealous of you two, so you're constantly reassuring him that nothing is going on like that.
While he knows that, it's still hard to believe it sometimes. Yet, at the end of the day, they can still remain good friends.
You're so happy everything has worked out.

My hero academia oneshots PT1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin