My Potato PT2 (Maddie)

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You're near the end of the school year, and you find yourself a little sad. Amajiki Senpai is graduating soon. He will be
even busier with hero work, and I won't even see him here in the school. A sigh escapes your lips. Will he forget me? It's
likely since we won't be able to see each other often. Or would he find someone else?You think of all the beautiful,
female heroes he will encounter, and rest your head against the desk. It seems this is how my first relationship will end.
You start grabbing your clothes, then get dressed. When you're finished, you take a look in the mirror. I'm so fat. I hate
this. I wish l was prettier.
You skip breakfast, so you walk straight out of the door. When you walk out, you smile a bit. Your boyfriend, Amajiki, is
here to walk you to school. You don't know why he always does this. He lives at the dorms, so he goes all the way to your
house just to go right back where he came from.
"Good morning." You say to him, and that's when a smile spreads across his face.
"G-good morning. Did you sleep well last night?" You both begin walking.
"Yeah. I was a little on and off, but that's normal for me. What about you?"
"I s-slept fine."
"That's good." You've gotten used to his stuttering. It's just a part of him now. He's always nervous, regardless of who he's
with. Besides, you find it cute.
"|- I'm graduating soon.'" You sigh a bit.
"Yeah. I know."
"Are you not happy for me?" He looks slightly hurt, and your heart sinks.
"It's not that. I'm really proud of you. l'll just miss seeing you at school. Plus, you'll probably be really busy with hero work,
so I guess we won't have much time for each other. While I'm so happy that you're achieving your dream, I'm sad that I
won't be with you as often."
"I feel the same about it. But I'll work hard to see you as often as possible." I wish that was true. You'll just forget about
me. I'm not memorable in the slightest.
"Thank you."
"Here. I got you something."
He hands you a box. When you open it, you find a necklace with a planet on it. It's a silver chain, and the charm is the
same color as his eyes. It's beautiful. You smile at him.
"I love it. It's so pretty, and the color is amazing. It reminds me of you." His face turns bright red.
"You did that on purpose, didn't you? Are you scared I won't think about you after you graduate?" Now, you're slightly
concerned. You know that you'l spend every day thinking about him. The possible problem is him forgetting you.
"M- maybe just a little."
"I'll probably spend every day thinking about you. You're the only guy who's even distracted me from working on my
inventions. You're also the only guy that I think about on general. I doubt that'll change after you graduate."
"Th-thank you." His face is as red as a tomato.
"Here. Why don't you put it on for me?"
You stop walking, and so does he. He grabs the necklace from your hands, and you turn around so your I back faces him.
His hands are shaking as he puts it on you, and once they're on, you turn around to look at him with a big smile.
"How do I look?" His blush deepens.
"P- pretty. Very pretty." He trains his eyes on the ground, and there's a certain sadness welling up inside of you. That
wasn't very convincing.
You keep walking with him, and he's bashful the whole time. Inside of you, there's a type of grief. You wish you were
prettier, and that you could deserve him. After all, he's absolutely amazing, while you're just so plain, and that's on a good
day. Every time you look at him, you don't even know how he ended up accepting you. Did he maybe not know how to reject
you? That seems quite likely.
Today, you space out throughout all your classes, terrified that Amajiki really doesn't care for you. You know it's silly to
think that way, but at the same time, why would he ever actually like you? He couldn't even say any real words to you when
you confessed.
As he walks you home, he notices your silence. He isn't sure how to ask what's wrong, but he doesn't want you to be
sad, either.
"L-L- L/n?" He calls out, and you look over at him.
"Are you o- okay? You - you seem really-really q- quiet."
"Oh... there's just a lot on my mind right now. That's all."
"What's wrong?" He seems concerned.
"Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal."
"If you seem to be worrying about it, it's a big deal to me."
"Seriously. There's no reason to worry."
"Is it my fault? Did I do something? Or - or is there someone else?" He looks ready to cry.
"No. No! Not at all! There's no one else!"
"You didn't deny it being my fault."
"It's not your fault. Nothing is your fault. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Literally, you've been the best boyfriend ever."
"Then what is it?" You sigh.
"It's me. I'm the problem. I don't deserve you. You're graduating soon. You'll be surrounded by the most beautiful girls in
these tight outfits, and there's absolutely no way I'll even matter after that because I'm just a fat nobody. I'm scared, l'm
gonna lose you because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I could never ask for anything more, and if l
loose you I don't even know if I have anything because you're my everything, and I just -"
He hugs you and rests his head on your shoulder. Your shirt wets with his tears, and you feel awful. Now he's crying
And it's your fault. You hate yourself. You hate hurting him. You hate his tears. You hate everyone and everything except
him. He's the only thing that matters.
"You're so wrong." He mutters. "You're everything to me. The best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't care about
those girls in the tight outfits, or whether you're not right there with me. Whether I'm with you or not, I'm still thinking about
you. You're the only thing on my mind, so they won't even exist in front of me. You're the only one for me." He tightens his
grip, and you can't move . "l love you, L/n." You begin to cry as well.
"Why? What's so good about me? You're- Youre to good for me. I dont deserve you."
"That isn't true. You're beautiful, kind, smart, talented, sweet, precious, special, hardworking, generous, understanding,
strong, brave, and just wonderful all around."
"I don't - why-l can't even understand why you would think that."
"Because it's so true."
"But it isn't -"
"Stop insulting yourself. You're too wonderful to insult."
"Sh. Let's just stay this way for a while." Slowly, he lifts his head from your shoulder and rests it on your head. You bury
your face into his chest, and realize that you're only falling more and more in love with him.
"I love you, Amajiki."
"I love you, too, L/n. I hope that you can learn to love yourself as much as I love you."
"I'll try. But can you learn to love yourself, too? Maybe not as much as I love you, because then you'd be an annoying
narcissist." He laughs a bit.
"I don't want to be anything that's annoying to you."
"Neither do l. Thank you. For telling me everything that you did, that is. Because I really needed to hear that, I think."
"I should be thanking you. I didn't know you felt that way. I didn't think I was leaving you so insecure, and I thought that
you maybe liked me a little bit, but not that much. I was actually scared you'd be the one forgetting me after I graduate."
"Never. I could never forget you. You mean too much to me. you're the most precious person to me on earth."
"That's how I feel for you."
"It still feels unreal."
"Well, it is real, so please believe it."
"I will. l'll believe it because you're saying it, and you wouldn't lie to me."
"I wouldn't."
You pull away from each other, and he wipes away your tears. There's a smile on his face.
"You're so pretty." He tells you.
"Th- thank you. Y- you're really - you're really handsome, yourself."
"Am I really?" He doesn't seem to believe it.
"Of course you are. The most handsome guy l've seen. Actually, I've had a little thing for you since I first saw you."
"When was that?"
"My first day at UA. I saw you in passing in the hallway, and I thought you were really handsome. I also found your ears
super cute."
"M- my e- ears?"
"Yeah. Elf ears." You lean up and touch the pointy part of his ears, and he blushes deeply. "It's so cute."
"Oh. Th-thank you."
"I just... just thought you were cute in general."
"I'm fat, not cute you." You laugh out, but you only receive a glare.
"You're not fat. You're the perfect size. Nice to hug, and it's the cutest. You look squishy. And fun to - to cuddle."
"Do you want to cuddle?" He looks away.
"You're still so cute." You hug him again. "You're right, though. I fit in your arms perfectly."
"C-can I ask you something?" You nod
"Go ahead."
"C-can I- can I call you potato? W- when we first met, I said it by accident, but- but I-like the nickname."
"Well, if you wanna call me that, you're more than welcome to."
"Y- you sure?"
"Yeah." He holds you tighter.
"My potato."

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