Snowflake (Maddie)

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You're sitting in class, spaced out again. You never pay attention in class these days. Someone else is just too important. You stare at the back of his dual-colored hair, and smile. With notebook paper, you begin to sketch him. He's just too handsome not to.
You don't really talk to him that often, and that's because he's just not a talkative person. You don't mind though, since he appears really sweet anyway. Throughout the school year, he's shown more and more of his oblivious and weird personality, and you're beginning to love it.
At lunch, you sit beside him. He lets you, just like he does every day. A light conversation goes around the entire table.
It's nice, and you smile a lot.
"Todoroki," You say. "I'm struggling it math. Could you help me?" This is slightly petty, but at this point, you need something to bond over. Besides, lately math has been a struggle.
"Sure. We can study in the classroom after school."
"Thanks!" You smile
"I can help, too." Midoriya says. You go to reject him offer, but Todoroki speaks first.
"I can do it on my own. Tutoring is a one-man job. We appreciate the offer, though, right L/n?" You nod.
"Yeah. Thanks, Midoriya." The green-haired boy nods.
"It isn't a problem."
True to his word, Todoroki tutors you after school. As he goes over different formulas, you do your best to focus; but its hard when he's just so handsome. Gah... why did I ask him to tutor me? I can hardly focus.
"L/n?" He grabs your attention. "'Are you okay?" You nod.
"Yeah. I'm just having trouble focusing."
"That may be your problem in general. Is it maybe because of lack of sleep?" You shake your head.
"No. I sleep plenty."
"Hm..I'm sorry. I don't really know what to do about it besides try and teach it to you myself."
"I don't wanna be a burden."
"Nonsense. It's an excuse to not go back home. Your company is preferable to there." You blush a little.
"It is?" He nods,
"The atmosphere is never good there. It's more like a prison than home." That's not as flattering as I thought.
"I'm sorry. Thats gotta suck." He shrugs
"Whatever. Let's continue with the tutoring."
For the rest of the day, he tutors you. It goes by too quickly though, because before you know it, it's late and you have to go home. He tells you that he'll continue tutoring you until you're able to pick up on things by yourself. He's just too sweet.
You two continue the tutoring sessions for awhile, and it actually helps. Slowly your grades begin rising, and you're proud of yourself but more importantly, Todoroki is very proud of you. He's constantly telling you that you're doing great job, and it just makes you so happy.
One day, when you're ready to leave for home, he asks if he can have just a few more moments with you. He wants to talk. Smiling, you agree.
"What's up?" You ask.
"Will you be my snowflake?"
"Will you be my snowflake?" He repeats the question, assuming you didn't hear him.
"I heard what you said, I just don't understand what you meant." He tilts his head to the side.
"I don't see what's so hard to understand."
"What does being your snowflake mean?"
"You know how when two people hold hands a lot, and say things like they love each other, and they always going out together on dates?" Your eyes get wide.
"Oh. So like your girlfriend?"
"Yeah. That. I just forgot the word."
"Ah, okay."
"Well? Will you?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't."
"Because you don't like me that way?"
"Says who? I obviously do. That's why I asked you to tutor me. I could've asked Yaomomo, who's the top of the class."
"I'd love to be your snowflake, Todoroki." You smile, and so does he.
He likes to take you out to eat often, and buys you things all of the time. Any chance he gets, he spoils you. It's become his favorite thing to do. He's always calling you "Snowflake," too. It's really sweet, and you love it a lot.
On your birthday, you cuddle in your room. You've never done this before, so you're very awkward. Yet, it doesn't take too long before you're bundled up, and comfortable. You find him to be very warm, and he just thinks you're so huggable. You fall asleep quickly, and once you're passed out, he gives you your final gift.
He'd already bought you a teddy bear, a bag, a hoodie, and several of your favorite snacks. Yet, that just isn't all that he has: you deserve more than that at least, in his mind. You're fast asleep, so he grabs a box from his pocket, and out of it he grabs a necklace. It is a delicate silver chain, with a snowflake charm: it's little diamonds arranged into the shape of a snowflake. It's beautiful. He fastens it around your neck, but you're so deep in your slumber that it doesn't bother you.
In the morning, you wake up to his face beside yours. He's already awake, and has been staring at you all morning with a smile on his face. A small smile comes onto your face as well.
You don't notice the necklace until you're getting dressed for the day. You tilt your head to the side confusedly. When you're ready, you go down to Todoroki's dorm and knock on the door.
"Yes?" He answers while opening it.
"Did this necklace come from you?" He nods.
"Oh...thank you."
"D-do you like it?"
"Of course. This is the prettiest necklace ever."
"I'm happy." He smiles, and there's a slight blush on his face.
"Thank you." You hug him, and kiss him on the cheek. "It's the best present ever."
"That's good."
Slowly, he wraps his arms around you, and you stay just like that awhile.

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