You're Mine (Maddie)

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You're rolling your eyes for the tenth time this past hour. Shigaraki, your leader, has been talking nonstop. You're certain that he just like the sound of his own voice. I swear if this man-child doesn't shut his mouth, I will tear up his face so much he won't ever be able to open it again. You sigh after this thought. All for One may fire me for that.
"Why are you sighing?" He asks, scratching at his neck. He seems to always do that. "Are you even listening to me?"
"Should I be honest?"
"Would I ask a question just for you to lie to me?" Once again, you roll your eyes.
"I was not listening. I'm bored."
"Then scram!"
You scoff, but get up to leave. You'll never understand why he's like this. Spoiled brat. You think you can just get what you want all the time? Pfft. I'm not about to deal with a giant man-child. As you're walking towards your room, you see him.
You've had a little crush on him for quite awhile now. His hair is black, eyes are teal, skin charred in so many places. He's quiet, but talented. He's just perfect.
"Hi, Dabi." You greet.
"Sup." He says, though he keeps walking.
You sadly go into your room. If only he would talk to me instead of Shigaraki. That'd be better. What you don't know, is that Shigaraki was watching you greet Dabi so happily, and is now scratching at his flesh furiously.
Y/n, don't talk to him too much, or you may never see him again.
You've noticed that Dabi is always out on missions, and it makes you sad. Why does Shigaraki always do this? Why can't he ever let you have one thing you enjoy? ls spending time with the guy you like so much to ask for?
"Y/n." Shigaraki calls to you. You groan inwardly.
"Yes?" You respond, trying not to sound annoyed
"Come with me. Were going out for awhile." You frown.
"I want to go somewhere, and I've decided to take you with me. Let's go."
He grabs you by the hand, and starts dragging you. You walk wiling. but when you try and pull your arm from his grasp, you find his grip is too tight.
"I'm walking." You say. "You can let go of me now."
"Why not?"
"Just because. Now keep walking, or do I have to carry you like a child?"
"The only child here is you." You mutter under your breath.
"What did you just say?" Your stomach churns. Why did he have to hear that?
"Nothing at all." You say quickly.
"I heard you quite clearly." You freeze. This isn't going to end well. "Either you keep walking, or this will end badly."
You keep walking, but remain silent. This guy is insane, and his quirk is terrifying. One misstep and l don't even wanna think about it. It ends up with you finding out he wanted to get food. You're not sure why he dragged you out to go with him, but you've decided that showing any more attitude may not work in your favor.
"Order what you want." He says. "I don't care."
"It's not like you plan to pay anyway." You mutter.
"Why should I? What's the big deal of theft when I've killed countless in cold blood?"
"I get that. I wasn't saying there's anything wrong with it. Just stating a fact. Calm down."
You order noodles, and he gets the same thing as you. While you eat, he just talks endlessly. You've learned how to drown him out, so you eat peacefully while occasionally nodding your head, trying to make it seem as if you're actually listening. After awhile, he takes you back to the base.
When you get back, Dabi is there. A smile spreads across your face, and you wave at him. Shigaraki, once again, scratches at his neck.
"Dabi!" You call out. "You're back! How was your mission?"
"It was fine. I got a couple new recruits."
"That's great." You say. "You're amazing."
"Thanks." He looks over at Shigaraki. "I'm gonna go now." After Dabi leaves, you sulk a bit.
"Why are you upset over him leaving?" Shigaraki asks, getting irritated. You just shrug.
"I like his company."
"Why like his company when you're mine?" You furrow your brows.
"Excuse me?"
"You're mine, so stop paying attention to the likes of him."
"Wh- why are you calling me yours." He gets closer to you, and you back up. Eventually, he has you cornered.
"Because you are mine. Whatever I want is belongs to me, therefore you're mine."
"Y- you're b-bring creep- creepy.
"Do you suddenly have a stuttering problem now?" You shake your head. "Then cut it out."
"Don't tell me what to do." You swallow your fear. "You re being creepy, and you need to stop. Give me a proper explanation to all of this."
"I already did. I want you, hence you are mine."
"Your what?"
"I don't know. Just mine."
He leans down, and kisses you on the lips. This dude ever hear of chapstick before? You push him off of you.
"I think I understand now." You say. "My answer is 'no,' so leave me alone."
You slip past him and run to your room. You bump into Dabi, and your face is still red from the previous conversation with Shigaraki.
"You okay?" The older man asks, and you nod.
"Yeah. I just had the weirdest conversation of my life, though."
"What did the man-child do now?"
"I think he likes me, but doesn't really know what his feelings mean. He even kissed me." You gag remembering it. "I don't think he knows what chapstick is." Dabi chuckles a bit.
"Or moisturizer." You both laugh, not knowing a pair of red eyes are one the both of you. "Well? Did you accept him?"
"Of course not. He's a freak and is a total jerk."
"Then be careful. He's a brat, and when he doesn't get what he wants, it's dangerous."
With those last words, Dabi walks away, and a chilling feeling creeps up your spine. Shigaraki watches in anger. I see, Y/n, you're rejecting me for him. That's fine. I can always get rid of him.
One day, you walk into a random room, and find Shigaraki about to fully grab Dabi. You're aware that if all five of his fingers touch him, he'll die. Fear takes over your body. You grab Shigaraki pleadingly.
"Please don't." You say. "Why would you even try to harm him? He's valuable to the League."
"He's a threat."
"To what? He's one of the most loyal members out of all of us!"
"To us. I see the way you look at him." Does he know I like him?
"What is he talking about?" Dabi asks, restrained. "Get him off of me, you idiot! Don't just stand there!" You get an idea.
"Let him live, and I'll be yours. Forever. If it makes you feel better, I'll even stay away from Dabi. Just don't kill him. Please."
"Fine." He lets go of Dabi. "Get out of here." Dabi walks out, disgusted. "You'll have to stay true to your word if you want him to live."
"I'm aware of that."
From then on, you're technically "dating" Shigaraki, though he doesn't fully see it that way. In his mind, a relationship is more like an ownership, where you belong to him, and anyone threatening to change that should just die. You've grown used to having to calm him down. Typically you have to kiss him, or sometimes even put yourself into his arms, just to get
him to stop yelling'
He isn't very sweet or doting, but he does praise you. Somehow, though, it reflects back on him. He can't ever speak to you without the topic of how you're his comes up, but you just let it happen, knowing that a life is in danger. It's scary really knowing that one wrong move could mean someone you find precious will die.
Despite his aggressive tendencies, he also has a habit of spoiling. If you mention wanting something, it's yours. He'll just steal it for you, and then say nothing of it. If you dislike someone even a little, he'll just kill them, thinking that's what you want. In his mind, he's making you happy though, to you, you're just horrified by what you got yourself into.

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