american boy (_)

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american boy — colin hughes

american boy — colin hughesavailable

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TITLE. American Boy
SEASON. Two — Three*
OC NAME. Bobby Winstead
FACE CLAIM. Luke James


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i could tell he was a musician just by the way he played my heartstrings.


A part of Bobby always knew that he wanted to be a musician. His whole family was musical. His father a pianist, his mother in their church's choir. His oldest sister picked up instruments like a normal person picks up bad habits. His older brother could spot a bad note from miles away. And he... Bobby loved to sing.

So much so that he was doing it any chance he could get. Church, talent shows, fairs and other functions. If there was a song, Bobby was singing it. Which is what lead him to Los Angeles at fifteen years old. A promising beginning to a lengthy, tiresome career. Show business isn't all it's cracked out to be. Especially not for a young boy still trying to find himself.

It was a shock when Bobby up and moved to England. No warning, not even to the people closest to him. Most say it's to find new inspiration. It had been a year and a half since he released any music. Others say it's to escape the craziness of LA and stardom. If only they knew it was to live freely. To find a boy he'd been private messaging for the past year.

He was excited. This guy knew nothing about his stardom. About his music or the flashy things. But Bobby was in for another surprise. Because he isn't the only one hiding their fame and fortune. The boy he had been talking to... was none other than Colin Hughes, a player on an ex-Premier league football team.

luke jamesssssss <333

we need more colin fics people !!!

i thought this could be fun. a lil internet relationship moving irl and there's a twist (there's always a twist yk). and its them hiding from paps and colin introducing him as his best mate & isaac getting offended bc how did bobby steal that title from him ?? and an isaac / bobby bromance is mandatory !!

but yeah ! we need more colin fics. please.

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