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Legacy Kind...

It's been 2 weeks since everyone came back home from the trip and Legacy had to admit everything has been quiet.

Pooter been off the map for some reason which is very unusual for Pooter considering he considered Legacy his bestie and called her phone to aggravate her every 2 hours, but for some reason she hasn't been getting calls from him which was odd.

Jdot had recently left home to go "handle business" as he told Legacy, she didn't really mind until she got a call from him telling her to come downstairs which was suspicious.

"I'm not playing these angry bird games with him tonight." Legacy spoke to herself as she walked downstairs before opening the front door seeing Jdot SRT parked in the driveway which was still on which meant he was still in the car.

Legacy rolled her eyes before walking to the passenger seat of his car before she attempted to open his car door but it didn't open meaning it unlock.

Jdot unlocked his car before Legacy opened the car door and got inside the car seeing he had all black with an Black hoodie and a Ski, his car smelt like weed and cologne, his eyes was low, and smoke was everywhere.

"Ja'Antae why didn't you just come inside the house?" Legacy questioned as she closed the car door and sat in her seat comfortably.

"Cause I want to show you something, look at my hair." Jdot said as he pulled the hoodie and Ski off making Legacy analyze his hair closely before she noticed he kind of cut his wicks shorter.

"Baeeee, why did you cut them shorter?" Legacy asked while chuckling as she played with his wicks.

"Cause they was getting too long, it started getting ugly as hell when they got to my shoulders." Jdot told her.

"They're very pretty baby, I love you." Legacy reached over hugging Jdot.

"I love you too ma." Jdot said he held Legacy before she decided she wanted to sniff him.

"Why da hell are you sniffing me?" Jdot asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Because you smell so good, I love the weed and cologne smell." Legacy said while laughing.

"Come on and come inside cause it's cold out here." Legacy said as she got out of the car before Jdot turnt the car off and locked it before walking with Legacy inside of the house.

"Whea my baby at?" Jdot asked as he walked upstairs behind Legacy going into their bedroom.

"He's sleep in his room. Hey, do you know what's wrong with Pooter? He hasn't been returning my calls or texts lately I'm becoming worried." Legacy spoke seriously as she sat on their bed while watching Jdot walked into their closet.

Jdot didn't answer her though, instead he slipped his hoodie off his body and took his slides off, Legacy noticed his whole body demeanor changed making her nervous.

She knows what kind of life they lived which always made Legacy worry about them, she never started her day without praying that God watched over them.

"Ja'Antae answer me right now." Legacy spoke as she stood up.

Jdot cleared his throat before rubbing his hand over his face trying to think of way to tell Legacy what he was going to tell her.

"Um, last week me and gang was chillin round at the gas station befo a group of niggas started getting into with anotha group of niggas, shots started going off, Pooter somehow got hit." Jdot explained his voice cracked having to remember the exact scene.

Legacy whole heart dropped within a couple of seconds, she felt like her whole world had shattered, she was angry, sad, and most of all, angry, at Jdot most of all.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me?!" Legacy begin screaming as tears poured down her face.

"I-I didn't know how to." Jdot replied.

"You didn't know how to?! The fuck you mean! That's my fucking bestfriend! My fucking brother! The most brightest person I ever fucking had! The one person I could tell anything to without feeling judged!" Legacy screamed as she broke down.

"Legacy I didn't know what the fuck to say, I know he yo bestfriend and I ain't wanna see you break down like this, this shit cut deeper than when my fucking grandma died! You don't think I need time to grieve too?! That nigga was my fucking blood! Everything I did he was right beside no matter the terms we was on?! You don't think that shit cut me deep too?!" Jdot yelled as he had tears in his eyes.

"Where is he?" Legacy asked as she cried.

"...his funeral this weekend on Saturday." Jdot said before walking away.

Legacy fell to the ground as she screamed and cried out for her bestie, his death hurted her more than her mother death did.

"No, no, no, no, I need my bestie, fuck bro! Fuck!" Legacy cried as banged her head against a dresser.

"He's not gone Legacy, he's not gone." Legacy cried as she whispered to herself while balling herself in the corner.


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