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Legacy Kind...

Legacy threw up over the toilet as she held her hair, she was supposed to be waiting for Jdot down stairs but the baby had other plans.

Her phone begin ringing making her wait a bit before getting up from over the toilet and answering it.

"Hello." She spoke as she waited for whoever was on the phone to respond.

"I'm outside." Jdot said.

"I can't come, I'm having morning sickness." Legacy said as she rubbed her stomach.

Jdot mentally rolled his eyes, he forgot pregnant women have morning sickness, he called his mama and asked for all kinds of tips and he forgot the most important one.

"I'm coming up there, unlock da door." He hung the phone up before cutting his car off and getting out.

Legacy wiped her mouth off and then brushed her teeth, she flushed the toilet and then walked downstairs.

She unlocked the door before opening it and letting him inside the house, she closed it and then locked the door back.

"So what suppose to do when you have morning sickness?" Jdot asked, he asked his mom for tips, but he didn't remember some of them.

"I don't know, I guess I just continue throwing up." She shrugged her shoulders before walking into her kitchen.

"So how is it becoming a mom?" Jdot walked behind her, he wanted to start a conversation with her but he didn't know anything about her.

Legacy thought about it before responding, "I can say, being pregnant for the first week is horrible, I've been throwing up all week, but I think it will get better."

"That's wassup." He nodded his head before sitting on the counter and watch her make noodles.

"So how you feel about being a dad?" Legacy asked.

"Gotta a nigga stressin, I'm asking my momma for tips and shit about pregnant women, and whatchu posed to do when sumn wrong wit dem." He chuckled as he thought about him searching up stuff about pregnant women before asking his mom.

Legacy looked at him in 'awww' before Jdot looked up he seen her with tears in her eyes, "Oh damn, I fucked up said sumn wrong already?"

"No, it's just, that was so beautiful, you asked your mom questions about pregnant women, oh lord, these tears has to stop." She wiped her eyes but her tears continued.

"Um, my momma said comfort you, I guess that's what I pose to do." Jdot spoke to his self before getting off the counter.

He hugged her and she instantly wrapped her arms around his waist, Jdot hated physical touch with a passion but she could get a pass for these 9 months they have to spend together.

"I love hugs." She smiled as he begin rocking them back and forth, he looked at her to see she wasn't crying anymore, 'its either she bipolar, or her hormones is brazy' he thought.

The microwave beeped causing her to pull out of the hug and happily skip to the microwave, she poured the water out of her noodle and opened the seasoning packet, but then she scrunched her face at the smell.

She never had a problem with the need seasoning smell, but now it smells funny, it actually makes her stomach twist.

She then realized why it smelt funny, 'this baby stopping me from eating, now I have the appetite this seasoning smells disgusting' she thought.

"What's wrong?" Jdot asked once he seen her smiled went to a sour face.

"This stanks." She turned to him, he raised his eyebrows before walking over to her taking the packet of seasoning and smelling it himself.

"It smell like seasoning, da fuck wrong witcho nose?" He asked before handing the packet back to her.

"Nothings wrong with my nose, it's this child in my belly." She rolled her eyes and threw the packet in the garbage.

"I don't want this." She pouted as she looked at the dry noodle, her eyes filled with tears as she looked at her noodle sit there lifeless.

"Whatchu want then?" Jdot asked, as he watched her  eyes flood with tears.

"I don't know." She looked over at him.

"Then why the fuck you crying?" He asked, this was his first day on the job and he knew crying was apart of this but not this much crying.

"Because I'm hungry and this baby don't believe in eating good things." She cried as she slid on her Nike hoodie making Jdot look at her confused.

"Where the fuck you going?" He asked as he watched her switch from her white crocs to her black ones.

"I'm hungry so we're going food hunting until your baby knows what it wants." She said making Jdot scrunched his face up, 'when da fuck did I agree wit dis?'

"Come on, I'm not gone drive myself." She rolled her eyes as she walked out of the house.

"She got me fucked up." Jdot mumbled as he walked out of the house behind her, he unlocked the car door for her to get in.

He got inside the car and begin driving randomly until she found what she wanted to eat.

"What about Zaxbys?" She asked him, he shrugged his shoulders.

"You carrying the baby not me." He said as he pulled into zaxbys drive through.

"I want the chicken bacon ranch loaded fries, oh and pink lemonade no ice, and 3 macadamia nut cookies." She said making him nod.

He order her food and then she handed him 2 twenties, "Move that shit, I gotchu." He paid for her food.

"Awww thank you." She smiled at him before putting her money away, he nodded his head before grabbing her food and handing it to her.

"Your pretty." She randomly said as she stared at him, he looked at her confused cause what the fuck made her say that.

"Stop on that gay shit." He mugged her, making her bust out laughing.

"How is that gay if I'm a female." She smiled at him waiting for a explanation.

"Cause that shit is, you talm bout 'your pretty' no nigga I'm fine as fuck." He said making her laugh even more.

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