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Legacy Kind...
3 months  later...

Legacy yawned as she walked downstairs while holding her belly, she was now 7 months and her stomach hadn't growed.

Jdot randomly stopped talking to her, he would only call to check on the baby and then hang up on her.

At first she cried herself to sleep for the first week but eventually got over it, she realized not all friendships stay so she had to let him go.

"Yo stomach ain't getting bigger." Pooter said making everybody turn to see who he was talking to.

"Thanks a lot Poot." Legacy rolled her eyes at him as she wobbled into the kitchen.

"That's why yo ass wobbling!" Pooter yelled trying to mess with her.

"And is bitch! That's why yo bitch cheated!" She yelled back making everybody look at Pooter.

"That's why you out of breath!" He yelled back.

"That's why imma beat yo ass!" She yelled as she wobbled back into the livingroom and then seen Jdot sitting on the couch, she didn't even see him when she first walked in, not only that he had a girl on his lap, Legacy snapped out of thoughts and threw a shoe at Pooter.

"Don't throw shit at me!" Pooter yelled after he ducked the shoe.

"Don't talk shit." She replied back before the house door opened.

"Babymama!" Channing yelled making Legacy smiled as she hugged her.

"Hi Channing." She smiled.

"She notcho babymama, that's his babymama." Pooter mugged as he pointed at Jdot.

"You never told me you had a baby on the way?" His girlfriend tried getting attention from everyone making Jdot mug.

"Yea you did, you the reason why Jdot barely talk to Legacy cause you told him you felt insecure with him hanging out with Legacy everyday." Pooter revealed as he smacked on some chips.

"That's not any of your business." Carena, Jdot girlfriend said.

"Well it obviously is cause Jdot told us." Quise cut in.

"Well since my cousin won't say nun, my cousin don't want yo nigga, she wouldn't even be round him if the doctors didn't put his see inside of her." Channing cut in as she mugged Carena.

"I don't give a fuck, I don't even understand why their with each other everyday." She mugged Legacy who just twisted her lips to the side.

"Well... I'm sorry if I made you feel insecure when I'm around Ja'Antae, but we don't even talk to each other anymore, it's just a quick how's the baby doing and goodbye." Legacy explained to Carena.

"Oh, well y'all gone have to make room soon cause I'm getting pregnant." She smiled and Jdot immediately mugged her.

"I'm not having a baby with you, I only want one babymama and I got her." Jdot said making her look at him shocked.

"But I thought you wanted a baby with me." She said.

"Hell no, this was strictly a relationship with condoms and plan b's, no babies." He told her, while Legacy became uncomfortable in the room so she begin tip toeing up the stairs.

"And where is you going Ms.Breezy?" Pooter asked making her stop tip toeing up the first step.

"I don't know where that name came from but I don't like it, and I'm leaving to my room because this conversation is making me uncomfortable." Legacy explained.

"I'm actually enjoying this, Jdot and this hoe arguing." Spinz laughed as he watched Jdot mug Carena so hard she could die.

"I'm sick of this shit, it's either me or her." Carena said making everybody get quiet.

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