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Legacy Kind...

"You make me sick." Jr rolled his eyes at Pooter as everyone sat in the hospital.

"Jitt you starin at me, turn yo head." Pooter mugged.

"Don't have to." Jr rolled his eyes.

"Y'all argue every single day, y'all not tired?" Legacy asked while rolling her eyes.

"Mommy he just like bothering me, it just really icks me." Jr explained.

"I glanced at you, I didn't een say none to you." Pooter mugged.

"Okay we get it, Jr it's his eyes, it's okay for him to glance at you, and Pooter please don't stare at him before he have a fit." Legacy told them before both of the boys side eyed each other.

"Fine." Jr nodded his head.

Legacy mentally rolled her eyes feeling the baby kick her which had been happening all day and it was very painful.

"I don't think it's fair how I have to go to the hospital early, I don't suppose to give birth until 2 days." Legacy huffed.

"Which means you need ta be at da hospital early." Jdot told her.

"Y'all really just ick me." Legacy rolled her eyes before she felt something coming up making her grab her throw up bucket before throwing up.

"Get out." Legacy told everybody while rolling her eyes.

"You know we've seen you throw up worst den dis right?" Spinz asked her before Legacy sent a glare at him making her brothers, Gmk, Pooter, and Jr quickly walk out the hospital room.

"You can get out to." Legacy told Jdot who was peacefully watching vampire diaries.

"What da fuck I did?" Jdot asked confused.

"Nothing I want to be by myself." Legacy told Jdot before he rolled his eyes and walked out the room.

"Pregnancy life is not for me." Legacy scoffed before she got bored and decided she was gone call them back in the room.

"Mama we have food for you to eat because for the next 12 hours you cannot eat." The nurse told Legacy as she walked inside the room with a plate of food.

"Thank you." Legacy told the nurse before she walked out.

"I hate it here." Legacy huffed seeing the food wasn't what she thought it'll be.

"Ja'Antaeee." Legacy called before she waited for him to walk into the room.

"I'm ready to go home." Legacy frowned as Jdot walked in.

"You can't go home until you give birth." Jdot told her as she scooted over so he could lay with her.

"Well please tell your child to come on so I can leave out of this scary weird creepy place." Legacy rolled her eyes.

"Ion think we posed to rush da baby ta come." Jdot told her.

"This is sickening." Legacy scoffed as she grabbed her phone to find something to distract her.

"Oh and bae they gone give me some nasty ass food and then I can't eat for the next 12 hours, their trying to kill me." Legacy frowned as she showed him the food.

"Whatchu want me ta do?" Jdot asked Legacy confused.

"I don't know." Legacy shrugged her shoulders.

"Daddy." Jr called Jdot as he walked inside the room.

"Wassuh fat man." Jdot answered Jr as he picked him up.

"Please get your ugly brother before I swing on him and have him on one of these hospital rooms hooked up on machines." Jr told Jdot.

"What he did to you?" Jdot asked him as he tried hold back his laugh.

"The nigga was staring at me like he got a problem, he know I don't like him staring at me." Jr explained.

"So you gone punch him cause he was staring?" Jdot asked.

"Yea, he act like he be having a problem." Jr huffed as he scratched his head.

"Mommy you look beautiful, even though you're about to birth a human." Jr told Legacy making her smile.

"Thank you fat man." Legacy told him before she felt another kick from the baby.

"The baby is kicking again." Legacy chuckled as she lifted her shirt up so they could see the baby kick.

"Does it hurt you?" Jr asked Legacy.

"Sometimes it does, other times it's very uncomfortable." Legacy explained to him.

"So when is the baby coming?" Jr asked.

"I don't know honestly, but I'm so ready to give birth." Legacy answered.


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