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Legacy Kind...
3 weeks later...

"Mane im tired." Legacy sighed as she walked inside her and Jdot house with their suitcases.

"Bitch!" Jr yelled as he bit Jdot.

"Aye jitt keep yo teeth ta yoself." Jdot mugged him.

"I should call your mom and tell her we're back before she have a heart attack." Legacy told Jdot as she grabbed her calling Mama Winter.

"Hey baby, are y'all back from the honeymoon?" Mama Winter asked as soon as she answered the phone making Legacy chuckle.

"Yes ma'am we're back." Legacy answered.

"Oh thank God, can I come pick up Jr today?" Mama Winter asked.

"We have something to do?" Legacy asked Jdot before he shook his head no.

"Yes ma'am you can come pick him up." Legacy told her.

"Okay baby, open the door I'm pulling up." Mama Winter said before she hung the phone up while Legacy stood confused on how she was already here.

"Your mom is here." Legacy told Jdot.

"Didn't you just hang da phone up?" Jdot asked her.

"Yea and she was like open the door cause I'm pulling up, your momma fast." Legacy said as she opened the door.

"My baby." Mama Winter smiled instantly picking Jr  up.

"Hello to you to mother." Jdot rolled his eyes.

"Bye." Mama Winter waved as she walked out of the house going to her car to buckle Jr in his car seat.

"People have grand babies and forget bout dey children." Jdot rolled his eyes as he closed the house door.

"I'm going to take a shower and then take a nap, this trip drained me." Legacy yawned.

5 hours later...

Legacy woke up out of her sleep seeing she was laying onto Jdot with his arms wrapped around her while he slept peacefully.

Legacy then became cold a little bit making her snuggle into Jdot more to feel his body heat.

"What's wrong pretty girl?" Jdot asked her once he felt her move around a lot.

"Nothing I'm just cold." Legacy answered him before Jdot wrapped the cover around both of them so she could be warm.

"That's better?" Jdot asked Legacy before she nodded her head.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." Legacy informed Jdot.

"Whea?" Jdot asked her with his eyebrows raised.

"To get my nails done." Legacy answered.

"You a nail tech with yo own nail business and don't know how ta do yo own nails?" Jdot asked curiously.

"It's hard doing my own hard nails, I'm right handed so when I ever I try to do my right hand nails I have to use my left hand and that's hard." Legacy told him.


"I'm so hungry." Legacy huffed as she walked out of the nail salon spotting Jdot tented orange SRT making her get into his passenger seat.

"Hellur Breezy." Legacy leaned over and pecked Jdot lips.

"Wassuh pretty girl." Jdot spoke as he begin driving.

"Ouuuu what's this?" Legacy asked as she picked up a clear container that had red liquid in it with other stuff.

"It's a spicy bowl." Jdot told her before Legacy opened the container making the spicy smell instantly go into her nose.

"Ouuu lord, that smells spicy." Legacy face scrunched up as she closed the contained back and put it down before she continued looking around his car before she spotted some candy grapes and pineapples in a clear container.

"Can I have some?" Legacy asked him as she picked up the container before he shrugged his shoulders.

"Is it nasty?" Legacy asked him as she picked up a candied pineapple.

"Ion like it but I think you'll like, you got braces youn posed to be eating dat." Jdot told her before Legacy rolled her eyes and ate it anyways.

"It's good, I like it." Legacy nodded her head before she closed the container and begin looking for a napkin to wipe her hands making her open the arm rest to see if she see a napkin, instead she found a box of condoms making Legacy squint her eyes before side eyeing Jdot who was focused on driving.

"I'm finna flip the fuck out." Legacy mumbled to herself as she grabbed the condom box before throwing it at Jdot head.

"What da fuck is you doin?" Jdot asked her after the box hit him in his head.

"Who you fucking with a condom cause we don't use condoms when we have sex so what bitch is you fucking with?" Legacy asked him.

"I'm not fuckin nobody what da fuck is you talkin bout?" Jdot asked her before Legacy grabbed her phone.

"Ja'Antae don't fucking play with me, what bitch is you fucking? We don't use condoms so who the fuck is you fucking?" Legacy asked him before she grabbed his phone and unlocked it immediately going to his messages.

"Why you touchin my phone?" Jdot asked her before he snatched his phone from her.

Legacy kissed her teeth before taking a deep breath thinking should she swing on him or just leave him alone.

"I yank them fucking wicks out your fucking head I'm gone be wrong right?" Legacy asked.

"You not gone do shit, dem condoms not een mine, I'm holdin dem fa Gmk." Jdot said before Legacy grabbed her phone and called Gmk.

"Waddup fav?" Gmk answered the phone.

"Is Ja'Antae holding condoms for you cause if not I'm finna be going to jail for domestic abuse." Legacy said.

"Hell nawwww, I fuck my bitches raw, but aye if he cheatin on you we can go spin on da nigga." Gmk shrugged his shoulders before Jdot mugged.

"Thank you, I'll call you back." Legacy said before she hung the phone up.

"Bae on me dats not mine." Jdot said as he put his hands up.

"Yes the fuck it is, who are you fucking? Am I not doing what I do right? Im doing some wrong that you gotta go fuck another bitch to get that pleasure? Know what go marry the same bitch you fucking." Legacy scoffed as she begin sliding the ring off her finger before Jdot quickly grabbed her hand to stop her from taking the ring off.

"It's a prank, don't take it off, on Ralo I'm just playin." Jdot said while laughing before Legacy rolled her eyes.

"Stop fucking lying." Legacy squinted her eyes at him.

"I'm not, da camera right hea." Jdot told her as he grabbed the camera.

"So you YouTubing now?" Legacy asked.

"Might as well, yo ass not finna just be da only one pranking people in da house." Jdot shrugged his shoulders.


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