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Legacy Kind...
2 years later...
(Jdot did his time like a real nigga😬)

"Don't fuckin touch me nigga." Jr slapped Pooter across the face.

"Aye jitt I'm tryna buckle you up." Pooter mugged.

"Whea my mama?" Jr asked as he looked around for Legacy before she walked out of the house.

"Nigga you 3 years old, to much mouth." Pooter mugged Jr.

"Mommy." Jr called out to Legacy as she got in the car.

"Yes fat man?" Legacy asked.

"Get dis nigga." Jr rolled his eyes as Pooter jaw dropped.

"Jitt you wanna run my fade?" Pooter asked him.

"Leave my baby alone." Legacy popped Pooter arm as she begin driving.

"Mommy where is we going?" Jr asked Legacy.

"We're going to pick up your daddy and uncles, are you happy?" Legacy asked him.

"We going to see my daddy?" Jr got excited as he smiled.

"Yes, do you remember who daddy is?" Legacy asked him.

"Yes, he have wicks with gold teef, mommy do you think he'll like me?" Jr asked making Legacy frown.

"Of course he'll like you, he loves you." Legacy answered.

"What about my uncles? Are they mean like him?" He asked as he pointed at Pooter.

"Jitt Ian mean, you always tryna bully a nigga." Pooter mugged.

"Shut up jitt." Jr mugged.

"Are y'all gone argue this whole car ride?" Legacy asked.

"If he keep startin wit me we will." Pooter rolled his eyes making Legacy shake her head.

"We're here, act like y'all got some sense." Legacy told them as she parked at the jail gate.

"Don't touch me." Jr mugged Pooter as Legacy unbuckled him out of seat belt.

"Well den nigga get out my sister arms." Pooter mugged Jr back.

"She my mama." Jr rolled his eyes.

"Okay yall it's not that serious." Legacy stopped the fight.

"You disgust me." Pooter scoffed as he mugged Jr who flicked him off.

"I'm nervous." Legacy breathed in and out.

"Why? My daddy mean to you?" Jr asked making Legacy chuckle while shaking her head no.

"No, your daddy is the most sweetest person ever." Legacy chuckled.

"Like gay sweet?" Jr asked before Legacy shook her head no again.

"The gates opening, dat Nigga Dot lookin buff." Pooter smiled as he seen Dot, Spinz, and Whop all walk out the prison.

Jr became scared of meeting them as they walked closer while the gate was opening so he begin reaching for Pooter so he could hide while Pooter held.

Pooter picked him up not knowing why Jr all of a sudden wanted him but paid no mind.

As soon as the gate opened wide enough Legacy ran right into Jdot arms.

"I missed you." Legacy voice cracked as she begin crying into Jdot chest.

"I missed you too pretty girl." Jdot kissed her forehead.

"You look like you've been working out." Legacy wiped her tears as she felt Jdot muscles.

"I have been working out, you ain't grow no height." Jdot chuckled.

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