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Legacy Kind...

Legacy scrolled through her phone as she stood in the kitchen eating fruit snacks before looking up seeing Jdot and Jr walking downstairs both in nothing but boxers and socks.

"What the hell." Legacy shook her head as she noticed they walked the same, even looked the same when they wake up out their sleep.

"Why are you up?" Jr asked Legacy as he poked her leg.

"Why are you up?" Legacy asked Jr before Jr looked over at Jdot.

"I'm up because me and my daddy want chocolate milk." Jr answered as Jdot grabbed the milk and begin pouring it into their cups before putting chocolate syrup in it and mixing it up.

"Okay well goodbye, I'm going to bed." Legacy told him before Jr rolled his eyes as Legacy walked upstairs.

"Boy yo mama fine." Jdot shook his head he watched Legacy walk upstairs.

"Aye jitt don't be commenting on my mama." Jr mugged Jdot before Jdot begin laughing.

"Jitt she my wife." Jdot laughed.

"She my mama, she pushed me out." Jr mugged before grabbing his cup out of Jdot hand and walked upstairs to his room.

"He act like a grown ass man." Jdot laughed as he put the milk and chocolate milk up before walking upstairs seeing Jr was already knocked out in his bed snoring.

"Where's your child?" Legacy asked as Jdot walked into the room.

"He sleep, jitt act like a mixture of you and me, he be havin me surprised." Jdot chuckled as he laid down pulling Legacy to lay on him.

"He's used to act so much like you when he was 2 I would sit there and cry when he would go to sleep because I missed you." Legacy chuckled.

"I'm sorry fa doin some dumb shi causin you pain." Jdot apologized before Legacy frowned.

"I'm not going to say it's okay because it's not, but you shouldn't let anyone push your temper that far, no matter how much they talk you, just because they spoke on me doesn't mean they could have me, we're married after all, committed to each other like we promised." Legacy explained to him.

"I know Ian posed to let nobody push my temper dat far, nigga mentioned you and punched him." Jdot told Legacy.

"Don't punch nobody for me, it's not worth it." Legacy told him as Jdot pulled Legacy to sit on his lap.

"I gotta question." Jdot told her as he begin playing with her long red braids.

"What is it?" Legacy asked him.

"Befo somebody just tell me, not saying that you did, just asking, did you fuck wit somebody else while I was locked up?" Jdot asked her.

Legacy instantly shook her head no, "I couldn't." Legacy told him before Jdot raised his eyebrows.

"How you couldn't?" Jdot asked her.

"I couldn't bring myself to be with someone else that's not you, I couldn't look at someone else to think their cute without feeling sick to my stomach because the person wasn't you, sure I had my moment where you know I got in the mood but I don't feel right trusting someone else with my body knowing the person wasn't my husband, knowing you were my first everything and to make someone else my second just made me sick, so I cried myself to sleep every night imagining you were holding me while Jania cuddled me." Legacy explained to him before she felt a tear slip out of her eye.

Before Legacy got the chance to wipe her tears Jdot wiped them for her.

"I'm so sorry pretty girl, I never wanted to cause you dat kind of pain." Jdot told her as he continued wiping her tears.

"It's okay, I just don't want you to leave me again." Legacy told him.

"I'm not, I promise, pinky promise." Jdot held his pinky out for Legacy to wrap her pinky around his.

"Pinky promise." Legacy said as she wiped her tears.

"I'm so sorry." Jdot apologized again as he continued wiping her tears.

"I want you to tell me about things you feel like you've improved about yourself in the last 2 years." Jdot told her trying to find a subject to distract her from crying.

"I've improved on nails, I started doing hair a lot more, I'm not picky with food anymore, I don't think, Pooter made me try a lot of foods the next week after everything happened and I wasn't really eating because I didn't have the energy, I've definitely improved on my mom skills, being a teenage mom had me stressed." Legacy told him making Jdot chuckle.

"Like when he was 2 he started going to daycare, I was at my nail salon, I get a call Jr threw his hot grits on a boy because the boy wouldn't share his legos, I was so mad, then I started crying cause I didn't know how to discipline kids, so I let him slide with that, I left him in his play room for 3 minutes, I come back it's paint on the walls, the toddler stages is nothing to play with, he's still a toddler to and I heard terrible 3's are the worst." Legacy explained to Jdot.

"Oh and I got more tatts." Legacy told him as she showed him her hand that had a skeleton hand on it.

Her thigh had her birth year, an eye tattoo in the middle of her neck, and on her other thigh she had Jdot name tatted on it.

"The neck one didn't hurt you?" Jdot asked her as he rubbed the tattoo.

"It did but it was a way of healing so I went through the pain, the guys came in the tattoo shop with me like we were a football team and cheered me on so I wouldn't cry." Legacy chuckled.

"I'm proud of you." Jdot told her as he hugged her.

"Thank you." Legacy smiled before Jdot phone begin ringing making him answer it knowing it was his manager.

"Wassuh." Jdot answered.

"I can come in next week, not dis week I'm spending time wit my fam." Jdot told his manager.

"Alright coo." Jdot said before hanging the phone up.

"Mommy." Jr called out as he walked into the room.

"Yes baby?" Legacy asked as she got Jdot lap and picked Jr up.

"Can you call my uncle Kk, he forgot to bring me my popsicles." Jr told her making Legacy grab her phone before FaceTiming Gmk.

"Waddup neph, aye whea yo daddy at? I called dat nigga and he ain't answer." Gmk said as soon as he answered the phone.

"Well you can call my daddy phone again, I'm on my mommy phone and you not talking to my daddy on my mommy phone." Jr told him making Gmk roll his eyes.

"Whatcha lil bad ass want?" Gmk asked him.

"Whea my popsicles?" Jr asked him.

"In my car, I meant to drop dem off but I forgot." Gmk told him before Jr scoffed and hung the phone up on him.

"Here mommy, I'm going back to bed, your brothers ain't nothing." Jr told Jdot before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

"A little grown ass man." Legacy shook her head while chuckling.

"He remind of Noah Jr." Jdot laughed.

"I've been saying that, they act so much alike." Legacy laughed along with Jdot.


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