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Legacy Kind...

"What's wrong wit da menace today usually she's chirpy." Pooter asked Spinz like Legacy wasn't sitting right across from them.

"Ion know, ask her." Spinz said making Pooter look over at Legacy who was in her own world watching TikTok.

"Menace." Pooter called making her look up from her phone.

"What's wrong wit you?" He asked her.

"Nothing, why you ask?" She asked curiously.

"Cause you not smiling, being chirpy, rainbowishy, and most of all smiling." Pooter named.

"I don't feel like smiling today." Legacy answered before going back on her phone making Whop frown.

"Legacy you straight?" Whop asked her making her heart drop.

She hated when people asked if she was okay when she was sad cause then she was going to cry.

"I'm okay, stop asking please." Legacy rolled her eyes as she kept them on her phone.

"We-Stop asking like I'm a damn mental patient!" Legacy yelled cutting Spinz off before walking out of the living room.

"Did somebody say some to ha?" Pooter asked wondering if someone said something rude to hurt her feelings.

"We don't know, we left out the mix just like you." Spinz said before Jdot walked into the house with Jr in his arms.

"Sooooo... what's wrong with yo babymama?" Pooter asked as Jdot sat Jr in his baby rocker.

"Ion know, we got in a argument I guess you can say, but we ain't been talking since." Jdot shrugged his shoulders.

"Nigga go talk to her." Spinz said.

"I tried to lastnight, she closed the door in my face." Jdot shrugged his shoulders.

"We can't een help you cause Legacy never acted like dis." Whop shrugged his shoulders.

"Ha ass literally told me two days ago like a day after we argued she was gone shoot me." Jdot said making Pooter laugh.

"Legacy!" Spinz yelled before they heard feet stomping downstairs to be met with Legacy.

"How may I help you?" Legacy questioned before walking to Jr and begin playing with him.

"So wassup wit dis depressed Legacy?" Spinz asked her making her scoff.

"I'm not depressed, I'm just not giving off the energy I used to give to people except for my child." Legacy shrugged her shoulders.

"Soooo...I'm so many other words you being nonchalant with certain stuff, but your baby is your weak spot." Pooter said.

"I guess you can say dat gang." She answered him making them side eye each other at the gang part.

"Is you being nonchalant also changing your gender?" Whop asked.

"No, I'm still a female." She answered.

"So what about yo boyfriend?" Spinz asked making Legacy look at her ring before sighing.

"I don't know, and I don't want to talk about it to men, I have Channing if I wanted to speak about my relationship problems." She rolled her eyes.

"Soo, how you feel about relationships now that your in one?" Pooter asked her.

"Stop trying to act like my therapist or something, I'm not depressed, and if I was I wouldn't be speaking to y'all." Legacy rolled her eyes.

"Well we want to check on your mental health." Whop said making her huff in annoyance.

"My mental health is great, y'all heard about a situation and seen me not chirpy now yall overbearing, Noah and Regi y'all should knew y'all are overbearing cause yall did it years ago and look what happened those next 2 months, leave me alone please and thank you." She rolled her eyes.

"Well what happened those 2 months?" Pooter asked.

"Don't worry bout it." Spinz answered.

Legacy picked Jr up and walked upstairs to her room sitting down on the bed before Jdot walked in behind her.

"Legacy." Jdot called her name as he sat on the bed making Legacy look up from the baby.

"Yes?" She asked as she tried to keep eye contact with him but she couldn't so she looked away.

"I'm sorry." Jdot told her making her furrow her eyebrows.

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything." Legacy frowned.

"If I would've never snatched yo wig off we wouldn't be here." He told her making her twist her lips to the side.

"I'm sorry for singing the song knowing you were going to give a reaction." Legacy apologized.

"You skraight." He told her before it went silent.

"I didn't mean what I said about shooting you, I actually came into the kitchen to apologize that night but then I got mad." Legacy explained.

"I know you wasn't gone shoot me, I'm to fine fa dat." He tried to make her laughed and it worked cause a smile came onto her face.

"I missed them braces." He told her making her look up at him.

"I missed my boyfriend." Legacy smiled at him before Jr begin smiling and laughing making them laugh at him.

"Why you laughing fat man?" Legacy laughed as she held him.


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