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Chapter 79

Chrisy SMA POV
My life has been pretty good, despite the fact that my mom died when I was 5 and I barley have any memories of her.

To top that off my dad and the rest of my family told me I'm am the daughter of one of the most powerful creatures in the world. And I'm something called the turquoise tribrid. Whatever that means. They haven't really explained it.

Anyways, ever since I saw a picture of my mom I've Invisioned this life with her.

The most common, imagine is her walking down stairs to find me and a bunch of bowls of cereal.

"Wow, you must be hungry." Mom said walking into the kitchen. She gave me a kiss on my cheek and grabbed a box of cinnamon toast crunch.

"Oh, these aren't for eating. They're to get rid of extra so I can get..." I reached into the box and pulled out the prize. "this."

Mom chuckled. My dad had always talked about her laugh. I had never understood until I started in visioning her. Now I completely understood. Her laugh made all my troubles go away. At least for a little while.

Anyways my dad once told me that mom wrote every important detail of her life in a journal. I had read some of them. It had help feel more connected to her. Since then I started writing. That's how your reading this.

Everything I did was in an attempt to try and know her. All I had of her was vague memories. And all those did was make me wish I had a whole lot more time with her.

She gave up her immortality for me and Dad. That's what for her killed. That's why she's


I walked downstairs to see dad looking at a picture of mom. But he hide it the second he saw me.

"My sweet girl." Dad said. "What can I do for you?"

"I want to go to Beacon Hills." I said fast. I just wanted to get it out. Dad never took me back there. He said there's just nothing left for him. But I think it's because it's too hard for him to go back where she was everywhere.

"Chris, we talked about this." He said in vulnerable voice.

"No, you talked about this!" I said more harsh than I had wanted. "I want to go there, both of my grandpa's are there. So is Melissa, uncle Mason, uncle Derek, and Eli."

"Fine, I'll let you buy a ticket Cristy. But I'm not going." He said.

"Okay. You don't have to dad. I just want to go see our family. And besides Hope's coming too there."

"I'll buy you the ticket, under 2 conditions. You do school work while you're there, so you don't fall behind. And you call me at least once a day."

"Done." I smile big. "Love you dad." I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you too, Chris."

"I'm gonna go pack." I ran upstairs and grabbed my suitcase from the closet and started packing.

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