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Chapter 34

Allison had told me Stiles was possessed by the evil spirit. I knew my absence from Beacon Hills had to stop now. I had to go back. I had to help them.

When my plane landed I went to find Stiles. I knew if someone could reach him it would be Lydia. Then me.

I tracked him down to the school. I knew it wouldn't be that hard to find him. There was no school today.

He was in a teacher I had never mets classroom. He was making all the books fall of the teacher's shelves. He was asking about a women's knives.

"I know what they are. Physical representation of her tale." The evil spirit said rummaging through a book. He dropped it and started to walk towards the teacher. "However the hell that works."

"Maybe you'd like to do some reading on it." The teacher said.

"Oh, well, Stiles is a big book worm." I said leaning against a door frame. "But whoever the hell this is..." I looked down. "He's not Stiles."

"Bailey, I'm truly hurt." He put his hand over his chest.

"Oh, save it. You're not my Stiles. The man I fell for. The man I still have feelings for. But their not as strong as they once were." I got off the door frame and walk towards the teacher. "We haven't meet. I'm Bailey, Bailey Argent."

"Allison's sister. Your sister is very bright." He stuck out his hand which I gladly shook. "I'm Mr Yukimore."

"Kira's dad. She's told me about your daughter too." Kira was the new girl, Scott started dating. But it was fine now that Allison was dating Isaac. I know that she still has feelings for him. But I'm willing to let her figure that out by herself.

"Hello." The evil spirits waved his hands around trying to get our attention. "Still here. And have info for one of you and want info from the other."

"And which one of us is the lucky person to receive information from you." I said sarcastically.

"You." He smirked. "I have information on who I am."

"Why would I care about that?" I asked starting to get annoyed.

"Because we dated once upon a time."

I started to laugh. "I'm sorry. You really think I have such low standards that I would date you? A homicidal ancient spirt?"

"It's true, Pabbailey Freya Mikaelson." That name sounded so familiar. The first name would explain why my name is Bailey and it sounds like a Viking name. And in the one memory I have of my old life I can assume Freya is my sister who died.


"That's your full name. Pabbailey after your for your father's parents, Pablo and Balisly. Though your parents thought Pabbailey sounded better. They were delouisonal." He smirked walking closer to me. "And Freya for your sister who died of plage."

"How do you???" I started but he stopped me.

"You told me. While we were dating. Oh my love, we were great together. We can be again." He kept getting closer. It got to a point where I started taking steps back.

Alone Girl (Teen Wolf & TVDU) Book 1 of 2Where stories live. Discover now