Going Under

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Chapter 32

I was heading home after tracking down the Alpha pack, when I got a call from Alli. She told me dad had been taken. And that she needed me to meet her, Isaac, Deaton, Lydia, Scott, and Stiles at the animal clinic.

So I drove home to grab Alli a personal item of dad's then went to the clinic. When I got there Lydia and Deaton were pouring ice into 3 tubes.

"All right, what did you bring?" He asked Stiles, Scott and Alli.

"Um, I got my dad's badge." Stiles said brushing his finger on the badge in his hand. "Jennifer kind of crushed it in her hand, so u tried hammering it out a bit. Still doesn't look great." I felt so bad for him. His dad is all he has.

"Well, it doesn't have to look good if it has meaning." Deaton informed him.

I got off the door frame I was leaning on and tossed Alli the bullet that belonged to our dad.

"Is that an actual Silver bullet." Isaac asked as Allison looked down at it.

"My dad made it. It's kind of a ceremonial thing." Allison said not even looking up. "When one of us finishes learning all the skills to be a hunter before forging a silver bullet as a testament to the code."

I put my hand on her shoulder. I knew this was tearing her apart. But she thought she had to be strong.

"Which one of you will be going in?" Deaton asked.

"I will." Alli said before I could even say anything.

He nodded then looked over at Scott. "Scott?"

"My dad got my mom this watch when she was first hired at the hospital. She used to say it was the only thing in their marriage that actually worked." He opened his hand and their was a watch with brown straps in it.

"Okay, the three of you will get in. And Isaac, Lydia, and Bailey will hold you down, until essentially... well dead." Deaton explained.

"But it's not just someone to hold you under, it needs to be someone who can pull you back, someone that has a strong connection to you, a kind of emotional tether."

Me and Alli looked at each other. We had the kind of connection that was unbeatable. Then we looked at Lydia.

She came over to us. I knew that she also had a connection with Alli so maybe it would be better if I put Stiles under.

"Lydia you go with Stiles." Deaton told her.

My heart dropped. Of course. She needed to go with him. He was the boy who had a crush on her since forever. I was just his stupid ex.

They got ready then got in the tube, Me, Isaac, and Lydia all held them down. They all fought. But after a few minutes they stopped. They layed still. Deaton assured us everything was fine and they would soon wake up.


I was in the back room, secretly reading the Black Hole. I had to know more about my prophecy.

It didn't have any specifics on how I was gonna die. Not the day, not the person who will sacrifice me, or how it will happen.

I closed the book, when Deaton came in. "What were you reading?"

"Nothing." I said quickly.

"Bailey." He started to restock the room. "I know what you were reading. The Black Hole has a distinctive cover. So tell me why are you reading that prophecy book?"

I was hesitant. I didn't want anyone to know. But I knew I could trust Deaton. "Fine, I was reading it because I'm in it."

"What? For what?" He dropped the box he was holding.

"For my death. It doesn't say how, or why, or who. It just says it will happen by the end of the year."

He took a seat in the chair next to me. "Are you okay with that?"

"Am I okay with death? No. Am I okay know I will die saving them?" I looked over at Lydia and Isaac. They were happy. "Yes."

He looked down.

"And you can't tell them. I don't want to burden them."

"Okay." He was still looking down. I think he was trying to process it.

Honestly so was i. I didn't want to die. I still have so much to live for. But that will probably never happen. And I've lived a long life already. Even though I can't remember most of it.

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Alone Girl (Teen Wolf & TVDU) Book 1 of 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora