Creature of the Night

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Chapter 54
TW 5x1

I was at the hospital interning, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and Stiles for brief second before his lips were pressed on mine.

"Oh, sir my boyfriend wouldn't like this." I in a playful way.

"He doesn't have to know." Stiles played along.

"Oh, but sir, my boyfriends crazy over me. He would kill you." I laughed.

"It's worth it." Stiles kissed me and I just let him. "You coming to the school later after the thing?"

"Of course." I smiled as he walked away. I didn't let go of his hand until I had to. Then I just watched him a walk away.

I was just thinking about how lucky I was to have him back.


When I got to the school it was raining. But through the rain I saw Kira and Scott fight a man.

I rushed over to help them.

"Who are you?" Scott asked in a demanding way.

"A devoted fan or a creature of the night." I looked down. He was no vampire. He had claws. Vamps didn't have those.

"No your not." I said with a slight chuckle. "I'm a creature of the night. You're no vampire."

"Who are you?" He growled.

"Names Bailey. I'm your nightmare." I showed him my hybrid face and ripped into his neck draining him of blood. Then I throw him on the ground.

"Mikaelson." He said terrified. "Your life isn't fulfilled yet." He smirked. "Also, congratulations. You'll find out what I'm talking about later."

He ran off. And another guy just started clapping, I had no idea who he was. But when Scott pieced it together, he called the guy Theo. Theo was a wolf too.

Stiles and the others came out. Stiles hugged me and we just listened to Scott and his old friend Theo talk.

Then they went in and wrote their initials on shelves in the library. I stayed out with Liam.

When, they came back out, we all went out for dinner.

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