The Kanima's Identity

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Chapter 18

A few nights after the pool, Allison called. She told me to come help her and the rest of the group protect Lydia from Derek's pack.

When I got there, Derek and Boyd were out front. I was assuming Isaac and Erica went inside.

I knew Allison and the others could take care of themselves. So I just leaned against my car and waited.

"Aren't you gonna go in?" Derek asked.

"No, my sister and friends can take care of themselves." The door of the McCall house swang open. "Besides, they've already won."

Scott and Allison through Isaac and Erica out. I walked up to them. "Also, if I went in that fight would have been over the second I got there."

Derek let out a sigh. "I think im finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott. You're not an Omega. You're already an Alpha if your own pack."

Stiles looked at me. He put his arm around my waist.

"But you know you can't beat me." Derek said cocky.

"I know. But I can hold you off until the cops get here."

There were police sirens in the distance. Then hissing from the roof.

We all jumped off the porch to see it. It had just came out of a window. It roared at us and ran off.

Lydia came rushing out of the house. "Will somebody please tell me what the hell is going on?"

We all realized who the Kanima was. It was Jackson. He was only one who was bitten and isn't a wolf. It's Jackson.

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