Partner in Crime

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Chapter 9

For the past few days since the attack, the school has been closed. My mom and dad have been hovering over me and Allison. Especially me.

I told them I missed what attacked me. I didn't know if they would believe me if I told them the truth about what I saw in the gym that night.

Today was the first day back at school. Our dad and aunt Kate insisted on bringing me and Allison to school.

It still hurt to walk on my foot that the giant wolf scratched. But I think I can push though the day. I didn't want to have to caught up on school work.

When we pulled up at school me and Alli tried to get out as soon as the car stopped. But dad had the doors locked so we couldn't get out.

Allison sighed. "Dad, if you're going to insist on driving us to school, you at least have to let us out of the car."

He looked out the window at a deputy the school hired to kept the school safe. Then at a broken window that had caution tape on it.

His lips smacked then he titled his head slightly over. "Kate, what's your opinion on home schooling?"

"Hmm, well, you know, I'm more of a learning by doing kind of girl."

"What's your opinion on overprotective dads who lock their daughters up for their entire life, because of one tiny trauma?" I asked.

She looked at me and Allison, our dad, back at us, then back at dad. She leaned over to his side and unlocked the door.

"Thank you." We said to Kate.

"You're welcome." She smiled at us.

We both opened our doors and got out of the car and ran to the building.

"I thought he would never let us out." I said as we walk in the main doors.

"Yeah. He's way too over protective. But his heart is in the right place." Alli said.

"Yeah. Well I have to get to chemistry. So I'll talk to you later." I turned down another hallway.

While I was walking down that hall, I pasted the gym. A small piece of my was pulled into there. It was strong. I didn't know exactly what to do. So I just went in.

There was no class in there yet. I say the place that wolf pulled me down and scratch my leg. I saw the place Scott's eyes glowed and he had fangs and claws.

It was an image I couldn't get out of my head. I desperately wanted to. Because if I couldn't I would become obsessed with finding answers. I wanted a better life then that.


When I was in english, I was partnered up with Jackson for a planning assignment.

"How's the foot?" He asked referring to the back of my foot.

"Fine. It's a bitch to walk on though." I stated not looking up from my paper.

"Did you need stitches?"

"Yeah 10 of em."

"Ouff that sucks." He said. "So I have another question. When you went off with McCall, what'd you encounter to give you that?"

I looked slightly up. What'd he know? Did he know what Scott is? Did he know what that wolf is?

"Nothing. I got knocked out." I lied through my teeth. I didn't know what he knew. If he didn't know anything, I wasn't gonna tell him that.

Alone Girl (Teen Wolf & TVDU) Book 1 of 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat